Search results for "acts"

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Ways to Give

[…]Springs, or to one of the Field Staff. Subsequently, for many members the receipt letter acts as a regular reminder for their next contribution. Military Allotment SystemAs a former Financial Management Officer in the Marine Crops, I know the advantages of this option. First, its perfectly fine under today’s regulations. Second, the money is taken out of your pay account before your paycheck is produced, so you don’t really miss it. Third, to participate there are no extra costs to you or fees that need to be paid by OCF. Contact your local Administrative Office or Finance Office and ask […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]Don’t feed your face until you feed your soul. God’s Word will kindle a prayer response (Acts 17:11). 10. If all else fails, rest in the knowledge that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Think of all the times when He has carried you through a situation and you didn’t realize it until later. TIP: In faith you will learn to be certain of what you do not see. Trust Him. Rely on Him (Phil. 4:4, Heb. […]
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