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Implicit Trust

[…]had become a captain, so the Word of God provides the sinner who believes and trusts in the Lord Jesus the assurance that he or she has become a child of God, has passed from darkness into His marvelous light, from death to life everlasting. Romans 10:9 (KJV) presents the Gospel succinctly: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Years ago, returning by train from Baltimore to my duty station in Philadelphia, the spirit of God led me […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]flight commander, every squadron commander, every wing commander were “on fire” for the Lord Jesus? What would your Air Force look like? 2) How are you going to make a Kingdom difference during your career? OCF can be a key to answering that question. Upon commissioning from an Academy, ROTC or Officer Training School, check the leader list on the OCF website and link up with the OCF leader at your new duty station. If there is no OCF leader shown at the base to which you are being assigned, the home office can provide a list of OCF members […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]and telephone calls would often startle us, we faithfully trusted in our all-sufficient Lord Jesus. Because Darren was stationed at a small patrol base in the mountains, he could only call or email us every few weeks. Not knowing what might happen, and not wanting to think about the worst, we looked to God for comfort. We clung to Him even more as we learned that Darren was leading nightly patrols and experiencing frequent contact with enemy forces. Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers, and […]

Why We Serve

[…]is the greatest need? Why do we serve our God as Joshua exhorted? We serve our God because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We are blessed to be able, through our lives in the military, to demonstrate the message of salvation to those who have not heard or received it. It was by God’s grace through faith that we were brought fully into His family and presence. Our love for Him motivates us to serve Him in our military, to serve and work for our families, and to serve and work to enable the message of […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]reach the “unreachable” in our military community. Petra is Arabic for rock, which represents Jesus Christ. The concept is to bring in contemporary Christian bands to present the gospel to our service members (and their families) while free food and beverages are provided. Funded by the chapel, the event is free. It was one soldier’s idea. An OCF officer, a dozen military and family members, and a chaplain made it happen. Petra Cafe is reaching thousands in our military community at the Presidio of Monterey, Fort Stewart and soon Maxwell AFB. Over 2,000 attended the first eleven cafes at Fort […]

Interview with Chaplain Beach

[…]our strict accountability in such matters. How can chaplains and laypersons work together to exalt Jesus Christ in our military society? A comprehensive description of roles and relationships in military ministry requires a thorough study of the New Testament. Here are some possible actions. Build a friendship and maintain contact with the chaplain regardless of differences in theology. Pray for and with one another when you can. Find positive ways to express and discuss your differences. Make OCF or personal ministries part of the Command Religious Program by staff procedures that show you are acting openly in accord with military […]

Mortal Enemies

[…]forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” At that moment I seemed to meet Jesus for the first time. I understood the meaning of His death as a substitute for my wickedness and so in prayer, I requested Him to forgive my sins and change me from a bitter, disillusioned ex-pilot into a well-balanced Christian with purpose in living. On that day I became a new person. My complete view on life was changed by the Christ I had always hated and ignored before. Soon friends and family learned of my decision to be a follower […]

Service Separations

[…]thing they overwhelmingly emphasized as being invaluable–aside from their own personal walk with Jesus Christ–was Christian fellowship. Again and again they said, “I couldn’t have made it without my Christian friends and their fellowship.” I wholeheartedly agree. The importance of this cannot be overstated. I don’t think it’s enough just to attend a local church or chapel. You need the close intimate fellowship that only comes from a small group. It may be a prayer and fellowship group from church or chapel, such as your local chapter of Protestant Women of the Chapel (contact your chaplain’s office for PWOC information). […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]congregations contain military people who need to know more of a personal walk with the Lord Jesus. Some have never made a faith commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Others have never clarified and developed their faith so as to grow into mature disciples. In combat many will be open to the chaplains’ ministry who would otherwise be uninterested. In overseas duty stations a number of young men and women who are far from home will show up at chapel services. Military personnel are often referred to chaplains by the chain of command for counseling. Because of these […]

The Role of Faith

[…]but of faith, even a small and flickering faith, in the greatness of God’s love and mercy in Jesus Christ.”4 Each morning, whether you’re separated from a family member or not, you may find it helpful to begin the day looking to God for guidance and strength for the day. The military lifestyle gives you unique opportunities to experience the peace and grace of God during hard times. Chaplain Stan Beach said, “When my situation can’t be changed, I can work at learning and implementing productive responses that will honor the Lord.”5 Denise McColl said, “A good friend once told […]

The Role of the Chaplain

[…]evangelistic techniques. Different denominations employ different ways tof sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. If your chaplains are doing things differently than you assume should be done, look deeper into their operation with an open mind. You may learn something from the Lord that you didn’t know. You should not assume that you will be assigned a Christian chaplain. The U.S. Constitution provides for the free exercise of religion — and not just the Christian religion. So you may have a chaplain who is not of a Christian faith group, and you have no warrant to complain if that is […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]Men must usually be assigned to this task. Russell assured me that his confidence was in Jesus to whom also he looked for the strength and courage necessary to undergo the many dangerous assignments which were to be his. I heard later that Russell was the means of leading at least three of his buddies to the Lord. He was killed in the Gothic Linc in North Italy, and as a result of his last moments, when he exhibited great heroism and Christian faith, two men accepted Jesus as Saviour. I was glad for the witness in that blacked-out house, […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]tasks provide a sense of His loving presence. Look at the rainbow God made! and Did you know that Jesus loves you even more than you love this little puppy? are natural ways to incorporate a youngster’s understanding of the Lord we serve. Daily (or nightly) prayers on the most simple level help children to begin to learn a conversation of faith. Yes, there were times when I thought perhaps the voices were correct. Yes, there were times when I thought kissing the cold glass picture in the frame was a pretty stupid thing to do. I had more than […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]science department on our campus. Depravity–and the bully syndrome–will be with us until Jesus comes back. Hence the warrior spirit must be righteously nurtured. There is a necessary place for it in a liberal arts program. A thousand years after David faced the giant at Elah, the greater son of David demonstrated the warrior spirit when he climbed a piece of high ground called calvary and faced off with the champion of evil, the bully of all bullies. Warrior that He is, our Christ stood between us and all that would destroy us, deliberately taking the full fury, and shedding […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]on post, he sought me out. He said, “Sir, I want you to know that I am a Christian. I accepted Jesus because of what you said to us on your first day in the battalion and how you backed it up with your life.” He and I had never had a discussion about spiritual matters. We had a young chaplain in the battalion who did a wonderful job of ministry to soldiers. As a member of the staff, he attended our weekly meetings, and he asked if he could open them with prayer. I first asked the others who […]

Three Words

[…]as I loved my Lord and did not want to bring dishonor to His name. In this, as in all other areas, Jesus must be Lord. And as He is Lord, there will be integrity in your life. “Jesus is Lord” will affect your attitude toward your career. Your mission from the Army–and even more from our Lord–is not to reach some particular rank, but to serve your nation and lead and serve your soldiers. Knowing that we are called to this by our Lord frees us from the unreachable drive for personal success, to follow instead the call and […]
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