Search results for "camp caleb"

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Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]migrant operations. A surprising phenomena was documented by an Austrian doctor in a Nazi death camp during World War II. Prisoners who used what little energy they had to serve others and to take care of others’ needs showed themselves to be physically and psychologically stronger than those who did not. In putting others’ needs before our own, we will stand out as different or peculiar. No doubt, a leader who understands all God’s creatures are worthy of respect will become the subject of much observation. Modeling servant leadership is one of the greatest testimonies one can give. Jesus goes […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]on your leadership role in imparting vision. The Vision of Caleb and Joshua NUMBERS 13:1-14:24. Caleb and Joshua had a different vision of Canaan than did the other ten spies. The basis for their vision included these very important factors: They were aware of the overall mission of the nation–to occupy the land God had given it. They were aware of the capability of the nation and of God. They trusted Him to fulfill His promise to give the land to Israel. They were men of integrity and faith. They did not test the wind of popular opinion and then […]
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Six Generations: 3

[…]perished when the enemy returned his fire. When word of the fight reached back to Cu Chi base camp, an incredible thing happened. The battalion scout platoon was just back from an operation for rest and recuperation. Their leader was a close friend of Jon and a West Point classmate and his soldiers knew of that strong bond and Jon’s reputation in the battalion. Without orders, they put on their combat gear, drew ammo and stood by to go in and retrieve Jon’s body. The battalion commander himself had to order them to stand down. A Special Reunion In May […]

Strong to the Finish

[…]and peace that only He can provide. Dan is the president of Encouragement FM, a former Christian camp director, and a past chair of the CCCA Board of Directors. This article first appeared in the March/April 2005 issue of InSite magazine. Used by […]
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