Search results for "prayer"

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The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]members of the congregation need your spiritual vision, commitment, experience, involvement, and prayers. Join them and contribute to the Christian ministry in your command. Together you will mature in Christ (Ephesians 4:16). Chapel congregations contain military people who need to know more of a personal walk with the Lord Jesus. Some have never made a faith commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Others have never clarified and developed their faith so as to grow into mature disciples. In combat many will be open to the chaplains’ ministry who would otherwise be uninterested. In overseas duty stations a number […]

The Role of Faith

[…]wholly and unreservedly to God and leave them in his hands, transforming our anxiety for them into prayers on their behalf” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Tegel Prison, Berlin, Christmas Eve, 1944).1 The emptiness you feel when your spouse is gone can become a reminder to pray. Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor and Swiss psychiatrist, maintains that one can face any crisis if the person grasps some meaning or purpose in it.2 Many couples find meaning or purpose during times of separation by thinking more deeply about their spiritual lives, individually and on the family level. Being separated from the ones they love may […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]As a member of the staff, he attended our weekly meetings, and he asked if he could open them with prayer. I first asked the others who attended if any would be offended. After all, this was an official mandatory meeting. No one objected, so I told the chaplain that he could do that. The one time that I prayed publicly while I commanded that battalion was on Thanksgiving Day. Our battalion cadre traditionally gathered with their families in the classroom before crossing the street to the dining facility together for the big meal. Traditionally the chaplain prayed with the […]

Three Words

[…]be, what you will be.” Duty, honor, country. These are indeed words to live by. It is my hope, prayer, and expectation that they will mark your character throughout your life. But on this very special occasion of your spiritual commissioning, I would like to suggest to you three other words which should affect the direction and quality of your lives: Jesus is Lord. For Christians, these three words–even more than duty, honor, country–dictate what we should be, what we can be and–by God’s grace and our persistence–what we will be. “Jesus is Lord” will be reflected in the integrity […]
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