Search results for "Home office staff"

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The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]invites them to do so. Make it easy. Hand them a Heartbeat of OCF brochure (available from the OCF home office), which contains an application form. Better yet, bring your laptop, go to the OCF website and click on the Join Now button. They can fill out the form online. Important: OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader should invite non-members to join OCF. Help them benefit from actual membership in OCF. Staying Connected–No Matter Where Let other OCFers arriving in your area know how to find you by having your group listed under the Find OCF […]

It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]to my desk, I saw a blank yellow sticky note on my computer monitor–shorthand between me and my office mates for “your wife called.” When I returned Heather’s call, her normally steady voice cracked as she said, “Come home.” Right away I knew she had received the medical results–I told her I loved her and I was on my way. As I bolted from the office, I caught my squadron commander’s attention. Thankfully, I had told him earlier that day about Heather and the doctor’s report that there was a slight chance that the cyst on Heather’s thyroid was cancerous. […]

Ways to Give

[…]are no extra costs to you or fees that need to be paid by OCF. Contact your local Administrative Office or Finance Office and ask them about this option. If you need a blanket allotment code or anything else you’re unsure of, just give me a call. Combined Federal Campaign #10531Many members and non-members give through CFC, which also has the advantage of taking the contribution out of your pay account. So the next time the CFC campaign rolls around, remember to fill out #10531 on your CFC pledge form. Electronic Bank DebitThis is popular with members, whose monthly contribution […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]great resources for starting/leading groups and finding other OCF groups near you. Or contact the home office link-up program for assistance. Let the home office know if you do begin a group, and encourage others in your group to officially join OCF—not just participate in an OCF group—so they can enjoy the camaraderie and benefits of formal membership. Enjoy the unique camaraderie we have through OCF—connecting in fellowship with other military members who love Jesus, to support, equip, and encourage each other in God’s Word.   Beth Dowty served as a personnel officer in the United States Air Force from 2000-2004. […]
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