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Six Generations: 3

[…]and his soldiers knew of that strong bond and Jon’s reputation in the battalion. Without orders, they put on their combat gear, drew ammo and stood by to go in and retrieve Jon’s body. The battalion commander himself had to order them to stand down. A Special Reunion In May of 2002, I had the privilege and honor to join the first gathering of members of Jon’s platoon since that fateful battle in 1970. Greg Yahn, Gene Hess, Joe Christopher, Jesse ‘Sal’ Salcedo, Rob Jackson, Steve Harlan and Ted Hooker were plain-talking heroes who gave their all and after Vietnam […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]sustain them in the perilous times ahead. The day after assuming command, he issued the following order: The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army which forbid profane cursing, swearing and drunkenness. And in like manner, he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense. Within two weeks he issued orders for his soldiers and officers to observe the national […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]be that focused on in Romans 13:1-7 which I would summarize as providing a modicum of justice and order in societies of sinful men. Further, conspicuous by its absence in Scripture, is clear support for a particular form of government. What strikes me is that these matters which seem so very important to us seem not so to God. God knows the human heart, and though not unconcerned with the structures we set up to govern and interact with each other, He is far more concerned with our relationship to Him and the work of His Church. Knowing our limitations, […]

Speak my language

[…]of Faith and Courage from the Home Front, and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition.    Order your copy today! The 5 Love Languages Military Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts By Gary Chapman with Jocelyn Green / Moody Publishing The 5 Love Languages profile will help you and your partner identify your love languages so you can put the principles to work for you immediately. Guided by input from dozens of military couples in all stages of their careers, authors Gary Chapman and former military wife Jocelyn Green offer you an unparalleled tool for your marriage with The […]

Staying Up Late

[…]me to call and tell them a bedtime story, so I made sure to stay up a little later than usual in order to call back home and tell them one. Sue put her cell phone on speaker in the middle of the room so the girls could hear the story. And I had a lot of fun telling it. Hannah has often told me that whenever I do that, “It’s like you are right here telling it!” But I have to admit, it also made me a little homesick, and I couldn’t fall right to sleep. I decided to […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]distributed spiritual gifts to a variety of believers. We need one another’s gifts in order to live properly as the Body of Christ. How wonderful and uplifting it is when Christians focus on their oneness in Christ and strive to get along with one another (Psalm 133:1). When Christians are eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3), the chapel offers opportunities for exciting Christian ministries in growth and outreach. In such a congregation, few are concerned about the denominational background of the others. Their focus (praise God) is on the Lord Jesus Christ and on being His […]

TTP – Vision and Leadership

[…]and our loved ones for the mission requirements we may face. Our business affairs must be in order, our families informed and prepared, and our accounts set straight so that we can focus our energies on putting forth our best effort-anytime, anywhere, on a moment’s notice. Together, we can provide exceptional service and support to all customer agencies to ensure mission success for our unit, our customers, and our nation. We will do this by focusing on training and readiness, all with our basis of performance and behaviors coming from the core values of “Integrity First,” “Service Before Self,” and […]


[…]of the freshly chopped onions were blinding her with tears, and she had so much more yet to do in order to have everything ready and sizzling hot at the same time. In desperation she came in to the dining room, only to find her sister by the feet of this Great Teacher, seated and drinking in every word and absolutely dead to the world. So, assuming the air of a foreman (epistates–for it says epistasa, which means “having stood over”), she said to Him, “Lord, doesn’t it concern you at all that my sister has left me to do […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” To survive in this battle, our prayer orders become just as important as our operations orders. Major General Ellis W. Williamson, the commander of the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Vietnam noted, “Combat is a horrible experience. No commander that is close to it could ever enjoy it. However, all is not on the negative side. A man who has faced death, faced his God and lived properly with his fellow soldiers comes out of combat experience a better man.” The platoon leader mentioned earlier who prayed for his men each day […]

What is Required of Me?

[…] These are people with the capacity to question, challenge, and reinvent institutions in order to keep them relevant to changing times-including recruiting and evangelizing. I am currently reading a book in which the author identifies four kinds of Christians that caused him to recoil from the faith: “In-your-face” Christians-inopportune, uninvited “drive-by shoutings” “Greeting card” Christians-shallow, simple-minded clichés “Holier-than-thou” Christians-smug, self-righteous, better than others “Cosmetic” Christians-skin-deep faith, no change in behavior, attitudes He then defines a fifth: the Christians who had the biggest impact on him and were a factor in his journey to know the Lord were the “Costly […]

What’s Your Altitude

[…]encounters with people? Are you quick to judge others and place yourself above them in the pecking order? If the answer is “yes” to any of these, your altitude is too high resulting in an attitude that is too high. Pride, placing ourselves first, is an indicator that we are too high on ourselves. Recently, we’ve been extremely challenged by several assignment gyrations. Things we thought we were going to do have opened and then closed. I’ve struggled with anger, disappointment, and frustration. These feelings identify that my altitude is way too high. It forces me to remind myself that […]
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