Search results for "personal devotional life"

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Three Words

[…]a blessing for my young wife to hear that from one who had simply observed the difference in my life–a difference that was the result of my imperfect, but sincere determination that Jesus would be the Lord of my life. I was faithful to Sandra because I loved her and did not want to hurt her, as much as I loved my Lord and did not want to bring dishonor to His name. In this, as in all other areas, Jesus must be Lord. And as He is Lord, there will be integrity in your life. “Jesus is Lord” will […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]facet of godly ambassadorship and of message carrying is godly living. Living a God-honoring life is even more difficult when separated from one’s normal Christian “life-support” structure: Sunday School, Chapel/Church, a weekly Bible study, a weekly or daily accountability partner, and so on. I didn’t fully realize what a difference these events made in my personal walk with the Lord until I went nearly four months in Iraq without them. I had only occasional, encouraging phone calls to family and to my Christian brother, Jonathan Shine, a fellow commander and believer of like heart. I found that my individual walk […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]close but he was gone home and in the Savior’s presence, as we labored on.” From Jon’s life story, we now know of his propensity to sacrificial living and action when others are involved. He constantly chose the harder, more risky, more dangerous “right” rather than the much easier “wrong” when confronted with such dilemmas. We have seen that he moved–yes, bolted–into action, without any hesitation, toward the enemy that was engaging and threatening his small band of soldiers, 75 yards from his platoon position. He could have tried to call in artillery and jets to bomb the enemy force […]
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