Search results for "book of john"

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Six Generations: 3

[…]there…I remember him standing in front of everybody in the TOC and giving us the Scripture of John 15:5, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.’ Now I remember this because at that time I was searching the Gospel to find out who this God was. I gave my life to Christ and recognized Jesus as my Lord and Savior 20 July 1996…that Scripture has stayed with me until this day. “There was something different about this man, different from […]

Unity of Command

[…]found all of them in the Bible. Later I applied them to Christian living. The military definition of Unity of Command (UOC) is: “For every objective, one person is responsible for war-fighting decisions.” 1 Our military has a Commander-In-Chief (CINC), the President of the United States. As CINC, he is ultimately responsible for war-fighting decisions. However, he does not personally make all war-fighting decisions. He delegates decision-making down through the chain of command; this is called centralized control with de-centralized execution. The theory is that there is control at the top but freedom down the line at each echelon for […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]and capabilities that your position and rank afford the body of Christ! Develop the role of professional and spiritual teacher and encourager that is intentional, not merely passive or convenient. Understand the national impact you will have as a senior officer, to make that impact positive both professionally and spiritually, and to integrate (not compartmentalize) professional leadership with the spiritual leadership commensurate with your position and spiritual maturity. In summary, we want to help you strengthen the meshing of your faith with your professional attitudes and actions so that you may reflect the character of God. Your senior position will […]
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