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[…]by OCF’s conference center ministry by speaker Jim Wilson whose gospel message stirred Bryan at White Sulphur Springs, and Tom and Cheri at Spring Canyon, on their first vacation as a married couple. Cheri’s OCF legacy goes back to when her parents, CH(LTC) Russell and Lois Stroup, USA, hosted Dr. Bob Smith and C.N. Tokatloglou (Mr. Tok). Both men have participated in God’s kingdom work through OCF by leading and coordinating Bible studies wherever assigned during active duty, and holding varied OCF leadership positions. Tom’s OCF resume includes ROACT Council, and USMA and USAFA ministry teams with Cheri, while Bryan […]
[…]lieutenant proudly said to a chaplain, “LTC Vaughan just commissioned me.” The chaplain at the White Sulphur Springs-hosted event laughed, “LTC Vaughan commissioned me too-forty years ago.” Retreats, conference center ministry: so much of the life-changing transformation occurring through OCF for a lifetime sits squarely the acreage of its two conference centers, where the living water of Jesus Christ is continually poured into others’ lives. As with so many others over the years, both Jeff Silliman and Joe Orosz and their families drank deeply from the conference centers’ spiritual well of programs and events. Serving in many OCF capacities along […]
[…]years now, OCF’s conference center ministry—first at Spring Canyon in Colorado and later at White Sulphur Springs in Pennsylvania—has refreshed countless guests via activity-filled, Christ-extolling retreats and programs. The culmination of those things is a faith infusion, a reservoir of God’s truth meant to be spilled over into others. Reaching future generations for Christ in the ripe-for-harvest mission field of college ROTC is where Rob and Chandra Enos and Tim and Penny Wiseman have taken the fruit of their respective conference center ministry experiences in service. Rob and Chandra are at Virginia Tech while Tim and Penny are at East […]
[…]repose beneath the cold ambience of the fluorescent lights overhead. Dark gray blankets and crisp white sheets, tightly stretched and tucked, left a choke-hold on each bunk. Deep inside he could feel this same choke-hold. His crying words had jolted the perfection of military order. A few other Soldiers, in a confused curiosity, peaked into the room from a dark distant doorway. Witnesses, they were, to a breaking point. They mumbled among themselves—this is how rumors were born. And then life went on. It was time for mail call. Name after name was read. One by one, a fortunate Soldier […]
[…]and Kari Ann Hawthorne, Spring Canyon, and Clay and Marty Thomas/Paul and Dawn Robyn, White Sulphur Springs Finishing up nearly twenty-five years of successful ministry, Clay and Marty Thomas have hundreds of details to work through during the transition at White Sulphur Springs. Through the changing seasons of OCF Conference Center ministry, one thing never ceases: the living waters of Christ continually flow out of it and into the lives of hundreds of military service men and women and their families. For Kim and Kari Ann, and Paul and Dawn—all quenched by OCF’s conference center ministry—in many ways they’re coming […]
by OCF Council elections for the Class of 2016 are open 1 September through 29 September. Eligible OCF members are encouraged to vote in the election. Members qualified to vote will need their voting ID (your OCF membership number, found on the address label of your September COMMAND magazine) and voting password (your ZIP code). Vote for as many as five candidates. Members who cannot/prefer not to vote online can contact Susan Wallis at the OCF home office for a hard copy ballot: (800) 424-1984 or
[email protected]. Read more about each candidate below (listed in alphabetical order), or click here […]
[…]to the planetarium. We officially started dating one month after attending an OCF retreat at White Sulphur Springs, married fifteen months later, and were then both assigned to the same duty station upon our commissioning. But because of our conflicting schedules, during the first two years of our marriage we were together less than six months. Everything changed when my husband was given the opportunity to pursue his dream job. But I had no idea what I was in for. He would come home day after day, bruised and beaten up, utterly exhausted from the harsh training necessary for his […]
[…]green leaves take on the rusted glow of autumn. And lest risking a fashion faux pas–no more white purse or slacks past September 5, either! Oregon was the first state legalizing a holiday in honor of workers, doing so in 1887. Seven years later Congress followed suit nationally by declaring the first Monday of each September a legal holiday in observance of Labor Day. And under God’s gracious and merciful providence–and borne by our nation’s backbone, the American workforce–the United States achieved the greatest productivity and resultant highest standard of living the world has ever known. Which is all now […]
[…]Shine, USA, Ret & COL Don Snider, USA, Ret. It was Thursday of a very intense and exciting week at White Sulphur Springs where we had been focusing on the role of the Christian officer (or officer-Christian) in his or her profession. Through Paul’s letter to the believers at Colossae, God challenges us that “just as we received Christ Jesus as Lord,” we are called to “continue to live in him.” This means that if we are military officers, we are to continue to live in Christ in the role of military officer. But we also have other roles and […]
[…]Captain (British Army) Rosalind Meryon, who have spoken many times at OCF’s conference center in White Sulphur Springs, PA, invite OCFers travelling to the Holy Land to contact them. The Meryons oversee the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. “Rosalind and I greatly want to greet OCFers and their churches and groups. We will endeavor to welcome every one of you to this pinnacle experience during your time in Israel.” The Meryons were on the British Naval Staff in Washington, DC, from 1985-88 and back again from1992-1995 at the NATO headquarters in Norfolk, VA. Their son, David, who was born in 1987 […]
[…]around the campfire each night. The final day was just for fun and relaxation — if rafting down white water rapids can be called relaxing! The beauty was out-of-this-world, and the fresh water in our faces was invigorating. We got a great view of the Royal Gorge — from the bottom looking up. My RMH adventure was fun, exciting, and took place in stunningly beautiful scenery. But much more than that, it was a close-up encounter with God and a great time with fellow Christians. I met God on the mountaintop. Will you? There is room for you at one […]
[…]Europe conference is exercising leadership. Coast Guard cadets running the children’s program at White Sulphur Springs Conference Center during the Easter retreat are exercising leadership. A colonel who has been selected for promotion to brigadier general acting as the registrar for a LEAD! is exercising leadership. An area coordinator organizing the leaders of all Christian ministries at the installation is exercising leadership. Our chief means of encouraging and equipping officers for biblical leadership and effective ministry is-and will remain-the small group. I get really encouraged when I see the young officers leaving Pensacola eager to get involved in military ministry; […]
[…]to report and the room number. It was time. With shoes highly spit-shined, a starch-stiff pair of white cadet trousers under a full dress gray coat–brass buttons shined to perfection–and crossed white parade belt with brass plate in the center of his chest, I was ready for the worst, most scrutinizing inspection imaginable…a Special Inspection by a First Classman–my company commander! Knocking on the door, I could almost hear my knees knocking at the same time. I was nervous and sweating profusely against the high, stiff color of my parade jacket. What was about to happen? He guessed it couldn’t […]
[…]posts, his staff assignments included duty at the Naval Academy, in the military office at the White House and at Headquarters, Marine Corps. He retired after serving as the 31st commandant of the Marine Corps from 1995 to […]