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For All Leaders

[…]evident to all over time. Expect persecution. Jesus warns of this possibility in Matthew 5:11-12; “‘Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.'” Seek accountability from a peer. You’ll need to seek this kind of relationship. No one will come up to you and ask if they can hold you accountable! If at all possible, try to select someone who sees you daily […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]preparing to host a Central Texas-wide Christian Men’s Conference. They had planned it for 11 months and briefed the concept to the Garrison Commander, receiving his approval to proceed. When I re-established contact in April of 2002, John and his group had just completed the conference, whose guest speakers included author Stu Weber and pro-football great, Hershel Walker. His note to me: “…we just had a wonderful, blessed time in the Lord…What I found really great about the whole conference was the prayer leading up to the conference. We asked the Lord if just one came and gave his life, […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]Bryan and Sherri coordinate their schedules so one parent is usually home when the kids are.    1100 Having received his “marching orders” during his quiet time with God, the Simpsons’ home office is up and running planning the next Spiritually Smart Family retreat, OCF’s family outreach to the military society. Before heading off to an OCF workplace luncheon, Larry reads a thank-you note from a soldier’s spouse considering divorce, “…I still struggle, but now want to grow old with the man I married.”   1200 The key word for the lunch hour is work—as in work out at the […]
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