Search results for "acts 13 bible study"

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First Bible Studies

[…]objectives meaningful to you. Discussion Format If you are unfamiliar with a discussion format Bible Study, you will see the nature–general approach and actual questions (with desired answers)–of such a study. Participants will see the type of Bible study most often used in OCF settings. So, if the participants are unfamiliar with this whole thing called “A Small Group Bible Study,” they get to participate in this “sampler” study. Application The application portion of this study will be both personal and organizational. By the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF […]

Leaving a legacy of faith

[…]his profession and availed himself for God’s use. His characteristics as a “devout man” (Acts 10: 2) and his acts of prayer and giving alms pleased the Lord and are commemorated by Him. What about you? How are you consistently availing yourself for Christ’s service?   Thoughts to Ponder:   How would you like to be remembered by God…by others? What matters most to you, man’s impression or God’s?  Are you responsive to the legitimate needs of others when approached for help (non-monetary matters)? How are you using your time, talent and treasures for Kingdom building? No faithful act is […]

Speak my language

[…]five basic love languages with which we communicate love: Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. When one discovers which expression speaks the most clearly to both oneself and one’s spouse, it’s far easier to keep love alive in the marriage. Otherwise, misunderstandings and resentment can easily grow. Now we know that Rob’s love language is Acts of Service, which means he feels most loved when I do things for him, whether that’s cooking, bringing him coffee, or keeping the house tidy. My love language is Quality Time, so spending time in activities or […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]Larry is already mentoring an officer and Bobbie is making an hour-long drive to lead a women’s Bible study. Mike Tesdahl is also on the road, heading for an OCF dinner at another installation.  In Colorado, General Warner has an appointment with the King of the Universe, seeking Him first before tackling today’s diverse itinerary: budgets, speaking engagements and an extended East Coast trip. Sixty miles to the south, with Bible, journal and coffee in hand, Steve Wade is “talking to God about those I minister to before I talk to them about the God I love.”  Back in Kansas, […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]of your authority. This could take the extreme, for example, of requiring subordinates to attend a Bible study. A more subtle behavior would be to act in such a way that your subordinates get the impression they must participate in chapel or OCF activities in order to gain your professional approval and a good efficiency (or effectiveness) report. Such a message can be sent without your awareness or intention. The other ditch, on the right, represents inactivity or silence about your faith. You fall into this ditch when you fail to integrate your faith and your professional duties in a […]
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Preparing for Active Duty

[…]study. If there is no OCF study, ask God if you should start one. A wealth of “user friendly” Bible study material is available on the OCF website.The point–stay connected with OCF. Don’t wait for someone to contact you. Be a leader who will make a Kingdom difference. Now, what can you expect from OCF at Maxwell? We see Maxwell as a spiritual “touchpoint.” Our ministry hope is reflected in this slogan: Touch people’s lives…Grow them deep…Commission them for service Active OCF Bible study groups exist at each of the professional military school here, and several evening Bible study groups […]
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