Search results for "born again"

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Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore” (Isaiah 2:3-4). Today the world finds itself in the midst of a global war against terrorism. The enemy’s cowardly forces avoid facing an armed adversary, preferring to wage war on the defenseless. And once again, we are vividly reminded of a lasting truth. Only when our Lord returns to usher us into the fullness of His Kingdom, will we be free to lay aside–for all time–the weapons with which we now defend peace. In the […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]I could almost hear my knees knocking at the same time. I was nervous and sweating profusely against the high, stiff color of my parade jacket. What was about to happen? He guessed it couldn’t be any worse than what he had just finished going through the past eleven months. The door opened and there stood Cadet First Classman Jonathan Cameron Shine, five gold stripes on his full dress coat, his red officer’s sash neatly tied around his waist and his gleaming saber ready at his left side. “Come in Cadet Willey. I’m sure you are wondering why I called […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]We, of course, would wake up and gladly listen and talk, pray with him, say good-bye, and pray again. As time went on we had fewer restless nights as we learned to lay even more of our parents’ burden at God’s feet. Darren’s homecoming was filled with a joy beyond description, a peace that passes understanding, and the pride that only a parent can feel. We were excited to see him, hug him, and hear of his experience–and how he, too, had placed his faith in God. And it was only with a small twinge of disappointment, but also enormous […]
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