Search results for "Acts ch 5"

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Preparing for Active Duty

[…]at Maxwell AFB look like? And, What is the best way to link up with a military chapel/local church while progressing through Air Force assignments? I began my time with the cadets by asking them to describe their OCF experience at the Academy. What were the key elements of the ministry? Their responses included outstanding Christian role models, wonderful fellowship and worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a great first experience with OCF! Then I asked them the […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…](Amplified)). Respect your husbands (vs. 33). Your relationship with your children PSALM 127:3-5. Children are a special gift from God. A military professional knows arrows are weapons of war that must be given particular care. We have a special responsibility to care for and train our children. 3 JOHN 4. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth! ” John is speaking of spiritual children, but God’s Word continually uses family examples that should also be happening spiritually. Children who walk in the truth should bring us greater joy than a promotion, […]
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Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]there is no clear-cut biblically Christian position, and to assume that there is: Divides the church along lines for which we have no biblical mandate, Closes our minds to viewpoints on those issues which we ought to hear, and Dilutes our testimony to the world. What does Scripture tell us about human government? Prescriptively: (see Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 22:15-22, and Acts 5:29) Government is God ordained. Thus, anarchy is ruled out. Government rightly has a responsibility to reward good and punish evil, using force when necessary. Believers ought to obey the law, render respect to officials, and pay taxes. Government’s […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]when separated from one’s normal Christian “life-support” structure: Sunday School, Chapel/Church, a weekly Bible study, a weekly or daily accountability partner, and so on. I didn’t fully realize what a difference these events made in my personal walk with the Lord until I went nearly four months in Iraq without them. I had only occasional, encouraging phone calls to family and to my Christian brother, Jonathan Shine, a fellow commander and believer of like heart. I found that my individual walk with the Lord suffered. I saw that God truly made us to be relational creatures. Hence, one of the […]

The Chaplaincy

[…]and he is vectored to an Ethiopian government official ready to hear the words of salvation. In much the same way, as chaplains walk among the tents, eat in the chow halls, and ride in the convoys, the Lord vectors them to those whose hearts are prepared to hear and receive the eternal message of […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]thing is getting a group started so there is a safe place where you can encourage one another to acts of love, service and Christian maturity.  As commissioned officers and Christians in the Armed Forces of the USA, most every one of us can find a wingman to pray with about starting an OCF group.  Once you have a meeting day/time set up, you’re ready for the next step. If the group consists mostly of peers (age/rank/job location, etc.) or specific demographics (sex/marital status/retired, etc.), you should be well attuned to needs and preferences.  Check the OCF website home page […]

Ways to Give

[…]code or anything else you’re unsure of, just give me a call. Combined Federal Campaign #10531Many members and non-members give through CFC, which also has the advantage of taking the contribution out of your pay account. So the next time the CFC campaign rolls around, remember to fill out #10531 on your CFC pledge form. Electronic Bank DebitThis is popular with members, whose monthly contribution is taken out of their bank account electronically. I administer this personally, and target the fifth day of the month to debit the bank accounts of those who participate. It has all the advantages of […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]of a future mate. Will he or she have the same vision for ministry as you? After coming to know Christ, choosing a mate is the most important decision you will ever make. TIP: Trust God that He will give you the right mate. Just because you find a Christian doesn’t necessarily mean he/she will be like-minded or share the same vision for the Lord that you have (2 Cor. 6:14). 9. Watch your ENTERTAINMENT choices (Col. 3:2). The purpose of life is not to “get stuff and have fun.” It is rather to serve Christ. We need godly Christian […]
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