Search results for "book of John"

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What Are You Reading?

[…]to me is the topic of leadership. I have an entire bookshelf devoted to the subject. Many of the books are dog-eared, highlighted, and well worn from frequent review. All have influenced my understanding and practice of the art and science of leadership. In more recent years I have become increasingly interested in the topic of Christian servant leadership. I believe there are at least three reasons why few servant leaders exist. First, most leaders do not spend sufficient time studying leadership — and many still subscribe to the concept of being born as a leader (or not). Second, servant […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]of power are not always effective at accomplishing the mission. His leadership style was that of influence and not the use of “shock and awe.”  Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve to see the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality. Leading entails helping people see the bigger picture when “it must happen this way.”   3 Points to Ponder How do you respond to inaccurate or injurious comments? Do you fire back […]


[…]who stays true to the task ultimately helps others become better people. From a close reading of John 4 Jesus models leadership that bridges cultural divides and does not quit at signs of rejection. The Samaritan woman received salvation, a regenerated life, and a chance to point others to Jesus. There is much we can learn from this encounter! The leader keeps in the forefront why he is doing what he is called to do. Jesus responded to the woman’s initial rejection with a persistent offer. Not offended, nor hardened by rejection, the leader keeps to the task. The leader […]

Six Generations: 1

[…] harder right” over the easier wrong. Attracting attention to himself to take the “heat” off of his fellow classmate was certainly a choice he made that was risky and much harder than choosing to remain silent–smug in his self-confidence and ability to memorize all required Plebe knowledge–and watch his classmate suffer at the hands of upperclassmen. Time and again, as a new cadet, as an upperclassman, as a new Army lieutenant, and as a combat platoon leader in Vietnam, Jon would choose the harder right–even during the last hours of his life. Love for God, love for his fellow […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]development classes and counseling sessions, in front-line combat, or in the day-to-day routines of office work — non-believers and Christians work together with the common goal of contributing to the security of our nation. The close relationships that grow out of these situations may offer opportunities for Christians to share spiritual truth. Many times they have been used by the Holy Spirit to draw people to Christ. Nonbelievers think of the chaplain as one who is “paid to talk about Christ.” They usually don’t perceive the Christian line officer as a “professional” Christian. For this reason, your testimony about God’s […]

Why We Serve

[…]to reach those who have yet to accept Him as Lord and Savior. As Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him (John […]
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