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Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]every one of us when we die? Many are confused about the afterlife and have countless questions. Is there existence beyond the grave? Is there a heaven, hell, some other place or state of being? Or do we just cease to exist? We never think it will happen to us, but the reality is that each of us will someday receive our final PCS orders to stand before the Lord. Do you have a spiritual sponsor for that coming day? Jesus Christ offers to be your spiritual sponsor now to help you through all those military moves, every moment of […]

Follow Me

[…]did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). By the power of the Holy Spirit and through prayer, we too can have a humble heart and serve others, as Christ would have us do. Seek the Father’s Will The second part of Jesus’ leadership lesson was that he constantly sought to do His Father’s will. He continually sought secluded places in order to pray and to seek His Father’s will. Jesus was accountable to His Father and had to get one-on-one time with His Father to ensure that […]

Situational Awareness

[…]a.d. until about the time you were born. The industrial age reigned supreme. Truth was determined by the scientific method. Life consisted of laboratory-like certainties. Biblical laws were not always followed, but right and wrong were clearly defined. In commerce, tangible items like buildings and machinery were the valued commodities. Contrast this with the post-modern era generally coinciding with the information age. Portable assets such as information, expertise, and other intellectual capital became the more valued commodities. Everything is relative and nothing is certain. A popular conception says there are no absolutes. Situational ethics can override long-held rules of conduct. […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

by COL Al Shine, USA, Retired What is the relationship between Christians and politics? What are our duties as citizens, first of the Kingdom of God, and secondarily, but not unimportantly, as representatives of that Kingdom to and among the kingdoms of men? After studying Scripture, history, and current events, my conclusion is that God is neither Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. I believe that in most elections and issues of political policy there is no clear-cut biblically Christian position, and to assume that there is: Divides the church along lines for which we have no biblical mandate, Closes […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]of, and in accordance with, the general guidance of a distant Sovereign.   For Christians, this is the very essence of our life on earth. God is our Sovereign and our citizenship is in heaven, but we are commissioned to be His ambassadors and to carry His message of reconciliation to the world (2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Philippians 3:20, Matthew 28:18-20). One facet of godly ambassadorship and of message carrying is godly living. Living a God-honoring life is even more difficult when separated from one’s normal Christian “life-support” structure: Sunday School, Chapel/Church, a weekly Bible study, a weekly or daily accountability […]

Stretchmark Sorority

[…]dream of someday wearing a clean white blouse, which will still be free of stains by the time they get to wherever they’re going. Mothers could teach our world leaders some great negotiating skills from what they’ve learned in checkout lines; how do you refuse to buy candy, gum, and crayons and still keep the peace? I thought my mom was brilliant because she understood which way was left and which was right; how can you know that? And how could she pour all that “stuff” in a bowl and produce delicious cookies within the hour? Mothers solve the mystery […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]what we can’t do instead of celebrating what we can do in Jesus.”3 Focusing on doing this and not doing that and saying, “I believe this, that, and the other thing,” doesn’t sound very appealing to me. “Follow me!” sounds like an adventure-it sounds like life-the full life that Jesus came to provide! Living Life with God I want an adventure. I want a relationship with God the Creator and Jesus my Friend, not a formula of “Steps to Feeling Good about Yourself.” I don’t want to learn more about God; I want to know God and get so intimate […]

Wrestling with Depression

[…]of that victory comes, we are engaged in spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12). Our enemy, the devil, is the father of lies (John 8:44) who seeks to devour (1 Peter 5:8), and kill and destroy us (John 10:10). He wants us to believe we are easy prey for his schemes-that we are alone and isolated without worth, hope, or help. That spiritual battle is also within us, between our old and new natures. Our flesh always wants to be in charge, but as Christians with the Holy Spirit living within us, God gives us the power to overcome and win. Wearing […]

How Should a Christian Live?

[…]I am a philosophy major, and as you can assume, I love reading anything from C.S. Lewis and Sproul to Rand and Nietzsche. I am compelled to point out the flaws in the arguments that are presented, which makes me ask a lot of questions. Additionally, I am an Augustinian; I tend to binge on pleasure and then retreat to an almost monastic existence, but it is difficult for me to maintain either state for too long. I have been pegged by some as fickle and by others as just plain unbelievable and insincere. Consistency is a problem for me, […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]The event is called Petra Cafe and occurs monthly at Fort Stewart. Petra Cafe is sponsored by the chapel and is designed to reach the “unreachable” in our military community. Petra is Arabic for rock, which represents Jesus Christ. The concept is to bring in contemporary Christian bands to present the gospel to our service members (and their families) while free food and beverages are provided. Funded by the chapel, the event is free. It was one soldier’s idea. An OCF officer, a dozen military and family members, and a chaplain made it happen. Petra Cafe is reaching thousands in […]

Christian Leadership for the Junior Officer

[…]from least to most important. Hard Work. The first element you will need to be successful is the ability to work hard. It is amazing how many officers, including some Christian officers, will not or cannot work the required hours. I remember the United States Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel who spoke to my then-new freshman class at The Citadel on this subject. He articulated the familiar “Look to your left and right; one of you will not be here in a few short months…do you know why? …Because you are lazy!” And, laziness is not all about time spent on […]

Keep the End in Mind

[…]one day naming his son. Looking ahead motivates us to live, work, and plan while we wait–and it is the key to living in the present with energy and hope. When Larry and I had our pre-deployment talks, we focused on coming back together. We envisioned long walks, picnic lunches with the children, standing on the beach and holding hands as we marveled at God’s handiwork, silently and verbally thanking God for our reunion. This looking ahead perspective had its practical side, too. As we purposed to begin with the end in mind, we had to decide what that looked […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

by Rhiannon Kutzer The heartbeat of OCF is the small group fellowship, over 360 of them occurring throughout our nation and across the globe, including New Zealand, Korea and Norway. As they move throughout their careers, OCFers can utilize OCF’s link up system to look up and hook up with existing small groups. Whether they meet before/after duty, or during lunch, OCFers come together in Christ’s to support and encourage each through Bible study and prayer.   Navy submarine lieutenant Mark Treen believes God has given him a rare opportunity to be a missionary to those he lives, works and […]
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Preparing for Active Duty

[…]an Air Force career? What specifically does the OCF ministry at Maxwell AFB look like? And, What is the best way to link up with a military chapel/local church while progressing through Air Force assignments? I began my time with the cadets by asking them to describe their OCF experience at the Academy. What were the key elements of the ministry? Their responses included outstanding Christian role models, wonderful fellowship and worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a […]

It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]of Heather’s thyroid. The largest cyst was about the size of a flattened golf ball, deformed by the pressure it placed on her trachea. She recovered fast and was soon breathing easier. Two days later, she surprised the girls at AWANA when she showed up to listen to their Bible memory verses. The remedy protocol includes repeated radioactive iodine treatments. The first radiation treatment was completed just before the Air Force moved us last summer. Then after finding a new doctor in Kansas, the December images from the second radioactive treatment revealed the possibility that the cancer had spread to […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]Satan] wants to separate and weaken us. His tools are not limited, he can cause fear in the masses by the spiritual weakness of the leaders, or create division of those seeking self-glory on the battlefield, or killing for the thrill of it.” There is an “irregular threat” that our senior military leaders all talk about which exists in our physical world. We are engaged now in a global war against this form of terrorism. This is a new application of an ancient form of warfare devised by our adversaries to counter our greater conventional strength. Many of us will […]
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