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Implicit Trust

[…]rode away at a gallop. Immediately the soldier lay down his arms, left his compatriots and passed over among the officers of Napoleon’s immediate staff. “What do you want here?” one of them asked, haughtily. “I am a captain in the Emperor’s Guards,” was the response. “You, a captain! Who says you are a captain?” “He said it,” answered the soldier, pointing in the direction of the Emperor riding in the distance, and immediately he was accepted by the officers as one of them. This was simple faith and trust on the part of the soldier. He believed his Emperor’s […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]prayed often together, went out on ‘basketball evangelism’ after the football season was over. We memorized many passages of Scripture together and spent hours and hours in studying the Word and praying over it. We grew so very close. I am the godfather of his only child, a son he never knew. Joe was killed in a car accident four years after his graduation while getting his Masters Degree in Michigan. Joe had a broad testimony, but according to his wife, Gigi, I was the only one he ever invested his life into so intently and intentionally. My life was […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]living water of Jesus Christ is continually poured into others’ lives. As with so many others over the years, both Jeff Silliman and Joe Orosz and their families drank deeply from the conference centers’ spiritual well of programs and events. Serving in many OCF capacities along the way, both are co-labors with other committee members on OCF’s Growing and Building capital campaign-each member generously giving of time, talents and treasure towards more of God’s kingdom building opportunities being available to more people. Joe’s task with the design and construction projects helped OCF identify the project requirements and select a design […]

Mortal Enemies

[…]As I got off the train one day in Tokyo, I saw an American distributing literature. When I passed him he handed me a pamphlet entitled, I Was a Prisoner of Japan. A Powerful Testimony What I read was the fascinating episode that eventually changed my life. On that Sunday while I was in the air over Pearl Harbor, an American soldier named Jacob DeShazer had been on K.P. duty in an Army camp in California. When the radio announced the demolition of Pearl Harbor he shouted, “Jap, just wait and see what we’ll do to you!” One month later […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]to say, I went back to writing. Several of the men sat there and did not write any more. Some went over and lay down on their blankets on the floor. A month passed and some of these men joined our Bible study, and shortly thereafter, I was transferred to a Heavy Weapons company. One Sunday after chapel service out in the field I started to walk back to my billet when I realized that someone was walking on my left. I looked around and found a boy by the name of Russell, who said he wanted to talk to […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]them in bed, but we kept on with the prayers and kisses. Were they too young? I wondered. Months passed and Beki was growing. While dainty Laura had begun walking at nine months, chunky Beki was now fifteen months old and a hefty armload–and she still wasn’t walking. We did pre-school, Moms and Tots swimming lessons, teething, and all sorts of pediatric ailments, along with picnics, Disney movies, and hopeless attempts at arriving at Sunday School intact, on time, and all of us not in tears! Finally the day came for Dad to return. I could hardly contain my excitement. […]

Service Separations

[…]no intentional snub intended toward him. The boys were acting out of habit, and a habit built up over several months couldn’t be broken overnight without a few reminders. When Jerry came back from a year’s tour the boys were older and more conscious of the need to make Daddy feel truly welcome. Our four year old son, Kyle, having noticed my husband’s very military hair cut, said, “You sure got funny hair, Daddy!” Then, having somehow sensed that this wasn’t quite the thing to say, and having also noticed my husband’s somewhat receding hairline, he tried to make amends. […]

OCF Council Elections Now Underway

[…]the proposed OCF Constitution change. At the spring council meeting in April, the Council passed the following motion to amend the Constitution: Motion: That the following amendment to the OCF Constitution be submitted to the membership for approval: “Replace the current OCF Statement of Participation with the following language (changes to current statement indicated by bold underline): ‘I am committed to the Purpose of OCF: to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society. As an expression of my commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

[…]manger has gone from preaching to meddling. But what to do about Him? Nearly two millennia have passed since His brief life on Earth, and all the attempts to silence Him or His message of salvation have failed—and always will. As the late Dr. S.M. Lockridge said in his renowned “He’s My King” sermon: “I’m trying to tell you, the heavens cannot contain Him, let alone a man explain Him. You can’t get Him out of your mind. You can’t get Him off of your hands. You can’t outlive Him, and you can’t live without Him. Well, the Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out […]

Operation Iraqi Freedom

[…]Base behind that stormy Monday night. Praise God for the safety He has provided to so many of us over the last several months. And continue to pray for the Iraqi people and the soldiers still over there. There is a long and unconventional road still ahead of them. Pray especially for the spread of the gospel now that the doors are open, and that the doors would stay open for a long time as that country is rebuilt. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers over the last several months.   Captain Donna Kohout, USAF, is stationed at Misawa […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]worship, complete with native dress and dance. USNA midshipmen-led Bible studies are drawing over fifty attendees, and cover a wide range of topics including Christian living, discipleship—and the “Bad Girls of the Bible” women’s study.  Fort Campbell OCF’s pre-Bible study conversation over dessert is heavy on training exercises and upcoming deployments. Two regular attenders are on deployment, while another will deploy soon; a fourth soldier is now home, recovering from combat wounds. Prayer time ensues, especially for traveling mercies and the three babies due over the next few months.   1900 Marriage counseling is another aspect of several OCF field […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]it was holy, and I realized it even then. I had just been saying the name of Jesus out loud, over and over as I worked on Roberts, and I hear Jon say, ‘Doc, I’ve been hit in the head but I’m OK. Just throw me some bandages and I’ll stop the bleeding until you finish with Roberts and get back.’ That’s very close to verbatim. Over the years I’ve told the story many time and I always include how remarkably composed he was… It wasn’t until I met you, Barry, that I understood how he could be so calm, […]
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