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Further insights from Mike and Angie Moyles

[…]us.” Here are some more insights shared by Mike and his wife, Angie, during their interview with COMMAND. Read the full story here. Questions for Angie Mike credits you for his return to faith and rebaptism. What did you say or do that convinced this man of science? It wasn’t really anything I said or did. He asked me out—four times!—and I simply wouldn’t date him because I knew he was not a committed Christian and didn’t go to church. After being invited to church by his boss, he made some clear changes, and I decided to give him a […]

Families should develop a support system

[podcast src=”″ height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective at accomplishing the mission. His leadership style was that of influence and not the use of “shock and awe.”  Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve to see the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality. Leading entails helping people see the bigger picture when […]

Part of an amazing lineage

[…]Jonathan Anthony Shine. Now, LTC Jonathan Shine, one week after the dedication, assumed battalion command at Fort Bliss. LTC Shine is constantly aware of his lineage. He continues to live up to the legacy of service and calling established by his uncle and by his dad and mother. In late June, I attended Anchor Points, which is OCF’s executive leadership course dedicated to pouring into the lives of OCF’s future leaders. I met a family who has withstood five deployments in fifteen years of marriage. How have they done this? By living a life worthy of the call, staying on […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]a few hours: the brochure, radio interview, OCF website changes, Facebook posts and the upcoming command magazine deadline. He commits the list to the Lord, asking for wisdom.  The sixteen wooded acres surrounding Shepherd’s Fold serves as training ground for USCGA’s Sandhurst Military Skills Competition squad. Camping outside as part of their training and “having a blast” while doing so, twenty camouflaged cadets on two teams are attacking each other’s strategic positions. When their bonfire accidentally scorches their cooking pans, by 0700 the Shepherd’s Fold kitchen will be invaded by the cadets to cook breakfast.   0400 Sometimes God wakes […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]Aeronautical Engineering, 1992; Naval War College, MS Strategic Studies, 2005. Present assignment: Commanding officer, Naval Aviation Schools Command. Ministry involvement: OCF member since 1981, 12 years OCF Council, Council committee chair; local leader Corpus Christi, TX, Newport, RI, Springfield, VT, Pensacola, FL; Bible study; Grace Community Church elder; met with flight school students. Personal testimony: In high school I was invited to youth group by a friend. Eventually I started going to church and at an evening service I saw “Thief in the Night.” It was that night that I became a disciple of Jesus. I believed all the Bible […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]and with great joy” (Jude 24-25). Army: Escort… [and] introduce the new arrival to chain of command. Our spiritual sponsor will one day escort us into heaven and introduce us to the Apostles, martyrs, and all Christians throughout history—and ultimately to Almighty God.   Bill served thirty years active duty as a Navy line officer and then as a chaplain at Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard commands, including combat. He led many to Christ and was with others PCSing to their ultimate homecoming. Now serving at a Florida retirement community chapel, Bill and his wife have two sons and […]

What you do and how you lead does matter

[…]the threshold, you now carry two commissions simultaneously: one conferred on you from our Commander in Chief and one from the King of kings.    You are now a Christian officer. Notice that “Christian” is in the adjectival position; your Christianity is preeminent and modifies, shapes everything else you do. As you launch out on your race, you can be comforted by some sage advice from the apostles.  Lead On! “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example…” (1 Timothy 4:12). Within a few weeks of arrival at your first training base or […]

Waging Another War

[…]on. Taking care of a soldier in marriage and family life should be foremost in a training plan and command philosophy. Giving them the tools, such as a Bible study like this, and establishing an environment to ensure their success is your responsibility as a leader. The military is a family–and for many of us, the only one we have from time-to-time. We must take care of each other to ensure victory on all fronts and remain family strong! A men’s study devoted to sexual integrity can provide your soldiers with the weapons and tactics to win and maintain strong […]

OCF Council Elections Now Underway

[…] Members qualified to vote will need their voting ID (your OCF member number–found on the COMMAND address label) and your voting password (your zip code). Members who cannot/prefer not to vote online may request a hard copy ballot from Susan Wallis at the OCF home office, 800-424-1984. Vote for as many as five candidates. Vote Yes or No for the proposed OCF Constitution change. At the spring council meeting in April, the Council passed the following motion to amend the Constitution: Motion: That the following amendment to the OCF Constitution be submitted to the membership for approval: “Replace the […]
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