Search results for "Leading women"

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I Only See Green

[…]skin, males or females, we only see a person in a uniform. We treat all fellow servicemen and women with the same respect, no matter color or sex. Jesus might have had a saying like this one, “I only see hearts.” Nothing on the outside of people seemed to matter to Him. Paul wrote, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28). Paul shows exactly what matters to Jesus; not what you are or where you are, but who you are and where you’re going. You’re […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]with OCF Specialty group—any of the models above but created specially for singles, women, senior officers, or whatever salient demographic at that location. Since you are OCF, your group will be what you make it at your duty station. Determine the need and start working to fill it. OCF’s website has great resources for starting/leading groups and finding other OCF groups near you. Or contact the home office link-up program for assistance. Let the home office know if you do begin a group, and encourage others in your group to officially join OCF—not just participate in an OCF group—so they can […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]time in the Lord…What I found really great about the whole conference was the prayer leading up to the conference. We asked the Lord if just one came and gave his life, all would be worth it. Well on Friday night the altar was open and we had about 25, including a nine-year-old who was moved and came by himself. On Saturday before the conference started, we had a soldier who was running the track at 0530 and the praise team had just finished setting up and started playing. This individual started asking the conference staff that was around what […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]and reputation grow, you will be selected for positions where you impact the organization by leading the leaders rather than the doers. An OCF installation-level ministry is like this as well, where your job is to encourage others through relationships of trust in an environment of grace. “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s…” Army Rangers talk about giving “100 percent and then some.” For you as an ambassador, this means wholeheartedly accomplishing every task in ways that glorify God and taking care of all service members and families in your care. People will respect you, gravitate to you and want to […]
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