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First Bible Studies

[…]the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF seeks to accomplish. This should help you as a leader by having others in the local fellowship “on board” with what you are seeking to do at your installation. Because of the above point, this study is a great introduction for your group to have a follow-on Pray, Discover, and Obey (also see the Pray, Discover and obey Leader’s guide). The obvious next step would be to schedule a “Pray and Obey” where you would draw aside for a “season” of prayer to ask […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]Each day in the OCF Home Office we have devotions and a time of prayer to honor the requests from OCF members and families living and serving around the world. This is our most important work of the day and we are committed to honor each request. Because our prayer ministry is so important and foundational to what we do in OCF, I have asked myself, how should we pray? There is not an easy answer simply because so many people are stressed, attacked, wounded, separated, or discouraged. My first inclination is to ask, “Is this from you Lord? Is […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]a belief that even in combat God was in control. He was a builder, not only in ministry for OCF but also physically. The month he died he had just finished supervising the construction of the second house he and Sarah built, in Charleston. The first he built in Spring Canyon practically with his own bare hands (except for specialties like electrical and plumbing etc.). His was a life of committed integrity. He was committed to his wife, Sarah, and their family, his friends, OCF, and most of all, his Lord and Savior. Our lives intertwined in many ways. Tom […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

by Colonel Larry and Bobbie Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword’ ” (Matthew 26:52). Jesus wielded His influence, not his power, to accomplish the prophecies concerning Him. Man’s natural inclination is to think: He who carries the biggest stick wins. Instead of condoning Peter’s protective gesture, Jesus healed the servant’s injury and told Peter to put away his weapon (John 18:10-11). Jesus could have responded to the arresting entourage with a show of His mighty power or through a […]

Part of an amazing lineage

[…]by his uncle and by his dad and mother. In late June, I attended Anchor Points, which is OCF’s executive leadership course dedicated to pouring into the lives of OCF’s future leaders. I met a family who has withstood five deployments in fifteen years of marriage. How have they done this? By living a life worthy of the call, staying on their knees, immersed in the Word, and surrounded by loving fellowship. Throughout their journey, their faithfulness has allowed them to withstand the hardships that come with a life in the Army, and the ability to shine Christ’s light to […]

The Wounded Healer

[…]twenty-five years in the Army before retiring in 1995 as a lieutenant colonel. After the death of OCF stalwart Dr. George Kuykendall, a close friend and mentor, Tom and his wife, Jean, responded to God’s call to “till the vineyard” at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, as OCF field staff reps. Passionately encouraging and equipping lay military families for godly service throughout the military society, Tom and Jean have three children and eleven […]

Two Greedy Institutions

[…]believe. Editors note:  The issues addressed in this article are very real for many, if not all, OCF families.  The approach to the issues outlined in the article was very productive.  OCF small groups might want to consider a similarly structured exchange at some […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…](See your chaplain’s bulletin board.) TIP: Before you head to your first assignment, call OCF at 1-800-424-1984 so you can contact an officer who is an OCF member where you are going. 2. Do not forsake ACCOUNTABILITY. You are known by the company you keep. Find a brother or sister in Christ and keep each other walking the talk. Go to your chaplain and ask where the Bible studies are being held. TIP: Seek out someone who will hold you accountable. 3. Decide now WHOM YOU WILL SERVE (Josh. 24:15). Will it be the Lord or yourself? Why are you […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

by OCF Home Office “All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that were ever built; all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life, Jesus of Nazareth.” (Dr. James Allan, ©1926)   What often comes across as merely Christmas card captions are there for the quick reading in our holiday mail: “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Or: “He came to pay a debt He didn’t owe because we owed a debt we couldn’t pay.” But […]
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