Search results for "Living life in the unbalance"

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A day in the life of OCF

[…]coffee brewing, Tom prepares for his week’s “best two hours”—the weekly discipleship training breakfast in Pioneer Chapel. Between swigs of hot coffee and lively banter about favorite football teams, he and others set up tables and chairs while breakfast burritos are cooked.    0600 “How great is our God…” sing fifty-eight men and women at the discipleship breakfast, placing the Lord at center stage. After their worship and praise, petitions are offered—for the deployed and their families, our nation’s leadership, and local events. OCF ministry advancement director Mike Tesdahl is on an extended trip through Texas, now at breakfast with […]

Finishing Strong, in Iraq and Life

[…]remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6). Whether a military mission or in life itself, who doesn’t want to finish strong? Like the Iraqis, we have choices to make to ensure we finish our race with strength and dignity. There are some practical concepts for us from this passage in Philippians that […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]of “maturity” form me into who “they” wanted me to become-a lifeless robot of some sort. Living a Life of Status and Popularity For years, this Clark Kent never took off his boring, brown business suit and thick glasses to show his true colors and strength. I just went through life doing what everyone else was doing, thinking it would take me somewhere. Now, I look back, and I long for that life of fun, of adventure, of true faith. I realize that in my attempt to recreate the “exciting life” that I had forgotten, I entered a life of […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]trips and vacations, Jon confronted me while they stood in formation ready to march to the dining hall for dinner. His simple question to me as I stood at a stiff position of attention, chin well to the rear, was, “Cadet Willey, would you like to participate in a Bible study in the company after duty hours?” Somewhat taken aback, but pleasantly relieved that there were other Christian believers within the Corps of Cadets, I muttered a quick, “Yes, sir!” That brief encounter changed my life. A relationship had begun that would last a lifetime and have a profound impact […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]four). In the military we understand this concept well. Some of the services call it “training the trainer.” You should be involved in reproducing new spiritual generations. As a senior leader, you must be selective in choosing those whom you mentor, both professionally and spiritually. If some of the persons you choose don’t respond by becoming more faithful and capable, you should move on to others. Leadership requires endurance 2 TIMOTHY 2:3. A soldier understands soldiering. It is a hard life at times, requiring sacrifice, hardship and perseverance. Who should understand soldiering for Christ Jesus better than someone like you, […]
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Six Generations: 3

[…]of several other cadets, and set me on a course of personal spiritual discipline and training. During my senior (Firstie) year at West Point, I asked two younger men in my battalion–Greg Schumacher and Jim Blackwell–if they wanted to join me in a year of intensive spiritual growth together. They both eagerly agreed. My desire was to share the disciplines of the Christian faith that I was taught from my parents, and then had learned from and seen so clearly in Jon Shine and the Christian faculty officers who had “adopted” me. I would now pass them on to Greg […]

Part of an amazing lineage

[…]who has withstood five deployments in fifteen years of marriage. How have they done this? By living a life worthy of the call, staying on their knees, immersed in the Word, and surrounded by loving fellowship. Throughout their journey, their faithfulness has allowed them to withstand the hardships that come with a life in the Army, and the ability to shine Christ’s light to others.  Another family came together through an interesting series of events. The spouse grew up in Liberia and as a teenager endured that nation’s civil war in which hundreds of thousands perished. She was able to […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]Pleasantville, N.Y. and a well-earned respite before the requisite military schools and training that would prepare him for a combat tour in Vietnam. 2nd Lieutenant Jon Shine, who had taken the oath of allegiance to support and defend the Constitution as a commissioned officer early that day, was now ready for the toughest challenges of his life. They would soon be upon him. Marriage and Preparation for Combat Jon married Gail while a student at the Infantry Officer’s Basic Course and they headed to Colorado for a short stint before he deployed to Vietnam. A good friend of Gail and […]

The Jungles of War

by LtCol Tom Hemingway USMC (Ret.) How well do you reflect the gospel in the pain-filled eyes of a frightened seven-year-old girl whose grandparents you just helped kill? This is not merely a rhetorical question. I had to rip the answer from myself one day in 1965 as I stared into those terrible eyes at a devastated village in Viet Nam. Moral dilemmas are by no means the private territory of men at war. However, wars do provide acute crises in moral and ethical decision-making. During two tours as an infantry officer in Viet Nam, as well as service in […]
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