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It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]pilot contrasted Heather with his coworker who was in a remarkably similar situation. The only notable difference was the people who were praying for Heather. While his coworker suffered complications, Heather sailed through the treatment. I’m convinced the specific prayers of those who chose to pray alongside us made the difference. And yet this story is not complete unless I consider the alternative. God is not bound to say yes. He holds the length of Heather’s days in His hand. At any moment, He could take her into eternity. Should this fear be realized, God is still the same faithful […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]did for his son Absalom, we will see him again. We’re also left with profound gratitude for his life. A life well lived that will continue to be a “guidon” for those who knew him, or even knew about him. I thank God I was privileged to meet him in that bookstore so many years ago and am able to follow his example through life.   Editor’s note: Tom Hemingway, a servant of the Lord, died suddenly in August of 2000. This article, on the fifth anniversary of his death, is a remembrance by a good […]

Operation Iraqi Freedom

[…]There were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that I’d learned about in church and school my whole life. If tradition has it right, I might even have been able to see the Garden of Eden from there, if only I had known where it was. We dropped more leaflets than bombs, especially before OIF started officially, and I wondered how much difference it would make if we dropped Bibles or tracts instead of political leaflets. Not everyone knew that we actually flew over Iraq before OIF started (as we have been doing for the last twelve years), or that the […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]criteria. But in selecting leaders for our secular society they ought to be a factor we consider, but not the only factor. Finally, let us consider how politics can relate to evangelism. A person comes to our church, chapel, or OCF small group because he is curious, has been invited by a friend, or is in some way seeking God. Politically he would be considered liberal. He is attracted by the fellowship, and the truths of the Scripture start to impact him. But in the informal discussions–or in the sermon or Bible study–he hears the direct or implied message that […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]doesn’t sound very appealing to me. “Follow me!” sounds like an adventure-it sounds like life-the full life that Jesus came to provide! Living Life with God I want an adventure. I want a relationship with God the Creator and Jesus my Friend, not a formula of “Steps to Feeling Good about Yourself.” I don’t want to learn more about God; I want to know God and get so intimate with Him that I actually think of Him as the caring Father He truly is. I want to trust God at His Word like a child trusts his daddy and not […]

Two Greedy Institutions

[…]live what we believe. Editors note:  The issues addressed in this article are very real for many, if not all, OCF families.  The approach to the issues outlined in the article was very productive.  OCF small groups might want to consider a similarly structured exchange at some […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]and profession is in finding a practical and workable response to Paul’s exhortation: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”(Romans 12:2). Ambassadorship 201 Influence other leaders; healthy relationships and shared experiences. As your leadership experience and reputation grow, you will be selected for positions where you impact the organization by leading the leaders rather than the doers. An OCF installation-level ministry is like this as well, where your job is to encourage others through relationships of trust in an environment of grace. “Give to Caesar what is […]

Staying Up Late

[…]away, it’s much harder to fall asleep. As a result, I wake up often or it takes me a while to drift off. Recently I’ve found that if I go out for a late night walk, it calms me down enough that I can get some needed rest. Being in a combat zone makes it hard to shut down your brain. There is always the chance of an attack, either direct or indirect, and if I let my mind wander, it could give me insomnia. Last night was one of those nights. It started out great. My daughters had been […]

Leadership Q&A

[…]struggle will help you overcome these. For me, this faithful partner has been, and remains, my wife, Rebecca. She is my confidant, advisor, friend, and accountability partner in the fight. I could not have made it without her. Q: What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were a newly commissioned officer? A: We are serving in a culture increasingly unwelcoming to Christians, more than I ever would have dreamed when I was commissioned. Our model as to how to stand up under this pressure is Daniel, who lived in a hostile pagan society (Daniel […]

Rescue on the High Seas

[…]be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:7-9). The very next day those words became my sustenance as the Bainbridge received a frantic distress call from the Maersk Alabama crew. When our XO told me that I would be the OIC of the group of eighteen sailors that would embark the Maersk Alabama I was honored, since I was a new ensign with minimal experience in Navy life. Once the Bainbridge had located […]

Wrestling with Depression

[…]your mind. But it is something someone around you might be facing today. Everyone’s story is different, but the pain can be very similar. For me, even though I was adopted as an infant and raised by wonderful parents, the rejection and abandonment of my birth parents still hurts. My thoughts are, I’m afraid that who I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to do will not be good enough. And the most important people in my life will reject me and my efforts, leaving me all alone with no hope. Even after his great victory over the 450 […]

Whose Arm Doth Reach

[…]knack for good communication, even from long distances and depths, I have found it to be a rare gift. It is noteworthy that this man who was absent for almost half of my childhood, has remained one of my closest friends in adulthood. Predictably, my father has not always been a perfect communicator. There were times where the “honeymoon” period after his homecoming was followed by an abrupt adjustment for everyone. After being in the highly regulated world of a deployment, he could not fathom why the recycling wasn’t sorted properly, why everything wasn’t ship-shape. My mother jokingly referred to […]

We Honor Them

[…]for the homecoming), no cameras, and no outside viewers allowed. It is a brief and small, but most dignified gesture to honor the fallen. The men and women at Dover are impressive, and they carry a large burden on their spirits for the nation, as they see this all too often. When I get back to the office I’ll write down, as I have for past missions, the names of those I welcomed home on a small card and place it in my notebook. I don’t want to lose their memory, nor do I want to forget the honor I […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

[…]this young child who is willing to do what is right.” Make it easy for him to talk to you again, but do not continue. Do no say, “Oh, yes, you have sinned!” and then name some. With children, wait for God’s conviction. If the answer is yes, continue. He may even give a personal illustration of some sin he has done recently or one that has bothered him. Tell him what God says about sin: We’ve all sinned (“There is not one righteous, not even one,” Romans 3:10). And because of that sin, we can’t get to God (“For […]

What Are You Reading?

[…]requires deep humility and the intentional suppression of ego and pride. This is particularly difficult for senior leaders who are afforded significant privileges, deference, and accolades–especially in our results-driven culture. I believe it would be well worth your time to grab at least a few of the following recommended books and study them carefully. You will certainly see things in them that you already know, but I suspect you will find a new perspective, informed by Scripture, and modeled in Jesus’ life that will allow you to grow as a Christian leader. In doing this, I trust you will be […]

The View from the Top

[…]from the bottom looking up. My RMH adventure was fun, exciting, and took place in stunningly beautiful scenery. But much more than that, it was a close-up encounter with God and a great time with fellow Christians. I met God on the mountaintop. Will you? There is room for you at one of the RMH weeks this summer — including the first-ever RMH for couples! Find more information about dates, programs, and scholarships or tap into the RMH blog — and make plans to meet God on the mountaintop this […]

What’s Your Altitude

[…]anything. Any good thing I receive I get by grace.” We belong to God and depend upon Him. If life seems unfair say, “What more can a bond-servant expect?” Last month I had the unique opportunity to sit in the cockpit of a C130 as it took off and flew out of Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. When the plane was making its climb over the mountains, I heard a female voice say, “Altitude. Altitude.” Pilots know that this is a warning they are starting to get too close to the ground. When the voice warns them, they respond accordingly. […]

Home Front Holidays

[…]and executed holiday does not automatically make it a happy one. Do your best to make it special, but don’t think that doing more will make it better. If you are a home front spouse this year, decide what is most important to you and just do your best. 3. Determine in advance to keep a positive outlook. Many well-intentioned souls (often including our own families) become especially “sorry for you” during the holidays. It is okay to publicly acknowledge that you would rather have your deployed loved one home, but it is also okay to truly enjoy the season. […]

Keep the End in Mind

[…]who begin with the end in mind, who determine to thrive–not simply survive–during deployments. But what if the spouse returns physically or emotionally injured? What if either spouse was unfaithful during the separation? What if the heart of one or the other grew tired and cold from going it alone? What if numerous “life events” occurred, which have created a wall between the two? Unexpected troubles of life happen in all marriages! Reintegration will look remarkably different for those with such challenges, but resources are available, and God is near. Don’t quit when your best intentions and plans don’t work […]

The Chaplain’s Role

[…]me as the chaplain. Yes, I go on as many patrols as is safe for my men, and I share the Word, but I cannot meet the spiritual needs of all the patrols that proceed out our gates. I must equip my soldiers with the weapons to fight the spiritual enemy, then I must trust that they will learn through small group Bible studies as the Spirit leads. Pointing Soldiers to Christ I want my soldiers to learn to turn to Christ not to me. This is His ministry not mine. My goal is to utilize every avenue and resource […]

The Space Between

[…]between us and those in command and on staff. Individual counseling sessions with warriors is another way the Lord allows people to grow closer to those they love, and to Jesus. In the future, prayerfully, I will be a Family Life Chaplain (licensed Marriage and Family Therapist), then I will be able to have more impact on individuals and families, as I am able to spend more time with them working on their challenges. I will continue to offer hope, as I “nurture the living, care for the wounded, and honor the dead, for God and Country” (the Army Chaplain […]

First Bible Studies

[…]participants. At times, specific words are desired, especially if they can be found in the text; if not, the leader should settle for the correct idea and only supply the specific word if you plan to build upon that word later. It will probably take two or three meetings to study this passage with the group. The study does not have specific break points, but you might try to keep the major sections together. In this Bible study, do not think that you have to stick with the script. The script is there to help those who need it as […]

Child Evangelism

[…]this young child who is willing to do what is right.” Make it easy for him to talk to you again, but do not continue. Do no say, “Oh, yes, you have sinned!” and then name some. With children, wait for God’s conviction. If the answer is yes, continue. He may even give a personal illustration of some sin he has done recently or one that has bothered him. Tell him what God says about sin: We’ve all sinned (“There is not one righteous, not even one,” Romans 3:10). And because of that sin, we can’t get to God (“For […]

Ice Cream in Iraq

[…]without a rest. Almost all machine guns are very heavy. It’s a lot of fun to shoot a machine gun but it’s not much fun to carry one! 5. Have you ever driven a tank? Yes, I have driven a tank. It was a long time ago, though, and I do not drive them here in Iraq. I had lots of fun when I was driving a tank. It’s way better than making plans like I’m doing now! 6. Is it hot or cold there?It’s both hot and cold here. Iraq is just one big desert. You probably think a […]


[…]can’t allow striving to become the center of our lives. I am finally satisfied with where I am, not worrying about the next step in my career. God knows where you are and when — or if — you will move on to the next step. He is in control. Steve Mansdoerfer retired as a major in the Air Force Reserve in 2006. Currently, he is Finance Specialist, EDMC Greenhouse Team. He has been married to his wife, Luanne, for twenty years, and they have raised two sons, Dave and […]

Christian Leadership for the Junior Officer

[…]once you will be pressured to make a quick decision. Be aware that most decisions you make are not life-or-death. In other words, whenever possible, take a little bit of time before making important decisions. The Bible is full of leaders such as Nebuchadnezzar and Herod who later regretted making hasty, bad decisions. At the same time, don’t labor over minor decisions. Be assertive. But do not allow yourself to be pressured. Ask questions until you are satisfied and confident of your choice. Sharing Your Faith. This is a sensitive area. Once you have earned the respect of your leaders, […]

For All Leaders

[…]when you’ve blown it. Proverbs 27:17 tells us, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” If you’re serious about being at your best, this is a must. Don’t hesitate to seek counsel. Even though you are the commander, you don’t have all the answers and should not be shy about seeking sound advice. “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure” (Prov. 11:14). Incidentally, in case you are a little shy in this area, most people consider it a compliment when you ask their advice. Seek balance in being “salt and light” in […]

How Should a Christian Live?

[…]I am an Augustinian; I tend to binge on pleasure and then retreat to an almost monastic existence, but it is difficult for me to maintain either state for too long. I have been pegged by some as fickle and by others as just plain unbelievable and insincere. Consistency is a problem for me, as is staying focused. I love the Lord with all of my heart, and want to give my life to Him in whatever way He might ask of me. I am not sure why I am telling you this but I thought that I should. I […]
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