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Six Generations: 3

[…] searching the Gospel to find out who this God was. I gave my life to Christ and recognized Jesus as my Lord and Savior 20 July 1996…that Scripture has stayed with me until this day. “There was something different about this man, different from other chaplains I had met previously in the battalion. At the time I didn’t know what it was, but later realized that he had a light that shined. There was something in this man’s life that I wanted, too. He was compassionate and very friendly, always had time for others and what was best is […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]stoned as the Church’s first martyr, he “looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:55). Jesus’ promise to His distressed disciples the night before He was crucified is rock solid to us as well 2,000 years later, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you […]


[…]The Samaritan woman received salvation, a regenerated life, and a chance to point others to Jesus. There is much we can learn from this encounter! The leader keeps in the forefront why he is doing what he is called to do. Jesus responded to the woman’s initial rejection with a persistent offer. Not offended, nor hardened by rejection, the leader keeps to the task. The leader removes barriers for the good of the one in need. Jesus gave the woman the opportunity to confess her past mistakes. He did so without assigning condemnation or judgment. The leader’s satisfaction comes in […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]it was holy, and I realized it even then. I had just been saying the name of Jesus out loud, over and over as I worked on Roberts, and I hear Jon say, ‘Doc, I’ve been hit in the head but I’m OK. Just throw me some bandages and I’ll stop the bleeding until you finish with Roberts and get back.’ That’s very close to verbatim. Over the years I’ve told the story many time and I always include how remarkably composed he was… It wasn’t until I met you, Barry, that I understood how he could be so calm, […]

For All Leaders

[…]by the things of this world as described in 1 John 5:16 above. Satan is subtle in his attacks. Proverbs warns that, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). It’s difficult to be proud when you are spending lots of time on your knees in humility before God. Let people see the joy you have in Jesus Christ. There will be times when you will feel tired and discouraged. However, unlike happiness, our joy does not come from circumstances, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to, “Rejoice in the Lord always…” (Phil. 4:4). […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]Christians in the congregation and brought in a chaplain who wanted to reach the military for Jesus. It was not long before the congregation grew to over 100. From these, God raised up a ten-member praise band to lead worship, a full-fledged choir, and an array of relevant ministries to reach the lost in our community. One outreach that came out of this small revival was Petra Cafe. The chapel is strategically located on base and is the spiritual center for outreach to those with whom we work and serve. There is no better way to make an impact upon […]

Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]addition to building confidence and commitment to purpose. Christians have an incredible leader in Jesus Christ. We can be fully confident that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion. In other words, He will lead us in the way we are to go. King Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path “(3:5-6). Trust God by acknowledging Him for who He is and following Him. The key to […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]I had neglected these men. I talked to them that evening about what it meant to me to believe in Jesus Christ; how He was my Saviour and could be theirs if they would open their hearts to Him. When I finished what I had to say, I went back to writing. Several of the men sat there and did not write any more. Some went over and lay down on their blankets on the floor. A month passed and some of these men joined our Bible study, and shortly thereafter, I was transferred to a Heavy Weapons company. One […]

I Only See Green

[…]“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28). Paul shows exactly what matters to Jesus; not what you are or where you are, but who you are and where you’re going. You’re probably saying to yourself that it sure seems that whites get promoted faster and that minorities have a better chance at scholarships. Well, as my wife says, you can’t battle racism with more racism. The Bible repeatedly says that Christ is the head of the church and we are the body. When I picture […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective at accomplishing the mission. His leadership style was that of influence and not the use of “shock and awe.”  Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve to see the mission through. Simply acting or reacting is not necessarily an effective leadership quality. Leading entails helping people see the bigger picture […]
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