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Six Generations: 3

[…]and all those with a similar warrior spirit, as men and women “in whose breasts the dove-like Spirit has found an abiding place, and whose hearts are ‘sentineled’ by the peace of God…these are they who bear themselves as heroes in the fight.” (F.B Meyer, David, London, 1953, Preface and p. 34) The path we tread as we move toward that prize of God’s high calling–our reigning with Him eternally–is well lit by the courage and character of a young Army lieutenant, whose calm, peaceful voice…bright, engaging smile…and rock-solid faith in Jesus Christ remain fixed in our memories and encourage […]

Service Separations

[…]thing they overwhelmingly emphasized as being invaluable–aside from their own personal walk with Jesus Christ–was Christian fellowship. Again and again they said, “I couldn’t have made it without my Christian friends and their fellowship.” I wholeheartedly agree. The importance of this cannot be overstated. I don’t think it’s enough just to attend a local church or chapel. You need the close intimate fellowship that only comes from a small group. It may be a prayer and fellowship group from church or chapel, such as your local chapter of Protestant Women of the Chapel (contact your chaplain’s office for PWOC information). […]

The Role of the Chaplain

[…]doing what the U.S. government has commissioned them to do. The chaplains, however, do not have to lead or participate in these worship services of non-Christians. If you are a commander, do not assign your chaplains to lead worship in situations incompatible with their faith perspectives. Finally, you should not expect your chaplains to always agree with you. They have been taught to let you know when they discern something is wrong. If you shoot the messenger, you will likely find a shortage of messengers in the future. At the same time, you should expect your chaplains to voice their […]

With the Love of a Clanging Cymbal

[…]Gandhi, a leader of India who championed nonviolent civil disobedience, is quoted as saying, “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians.” His problem with the Christian faith isn’t Jesus Christ—it is us. I proved Gandhi right that afternoon with my troubled friend. My friend described his attempts to save the marriage by going to counseling after the affairs. But his wife had no interest in working on their marriage. Her adultery took them to the doorstep of divorce, and she was ready to take the next step. As he finished the story, I commented that he was […]

I Only See Green

[…]“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28). Paul shows exactly what matters to Jesus; not what you are or where you are, but who you are and where you’re going. You’re probably saying to yourself that it sure seems that whites get promoted faster and that minorities have a better chance at scholarships. Well, as my wife says, you can’t battle racism with more racism. The Bible repeatedly says that Christ is the head of the church and we are the body. When I picture […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]to serve. One of Jon’s extracurricular activities during his senior year would be taking a lead role in the spiritual development of several Plebe cadets within his company, while also providing spiritual leadership and encouragement to his classmates and fellow Christian believers throughout the Corps of Cadets. Jon met Captain Paul Stanley at Fort Benning, Georgia during his senior trip and Paul encouraged him to take such a key spiritual leadership role within the Corps of Cadets. Paul Stanley would soon be stationed by the Army at West Point as an Admissions Officer and became a spiritual mentor to Jon […]

Situational Awareness

[…]ranks. Where you previously led collections of soldiers, sailors, airmen, or marines you now lead other leaders. Once you dealt with personalities and individual abilities; now you deal with plans, policies, and resources for large organizations. You are in a strategic position. By virtue of your rank and position subordinates look to you to set the standard. The example you portray as a Christian leader has the ability to directly affect the personal conduct and eternal future of hundreds. Those hundreds may eventually impact countless numbers. You may be in a position to advise senior leaders on matters of importance. […]

Three Looks

[…]reflective tool as you navigate from one complex context to another is to read or review classics like Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders, The Effective Executive by Peter F. Drucker and The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes & Posner. Look Around If possible, interview the incumbent leader. Get as much information as possible, using questions like these: What have you enjoyed about this role? What (or who) has been particularly challenging? Who are the key “go to” people for information or to simply “git’er done” ? Who will expect what from me, and how often? Who are the influencers? What […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]by for Jesus’ use. Instead, He identified Himself as the one they sought (John 18:5).  A good leader leads best with actions reflecting decisions arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective at accomplishing the mission. His leadership style was that of influence and not the use of “shock and awe.”  Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes through godly influence, using softer tones, quieter approaches and direct resolve […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

[…]you are sorry for your sins and that you are willing to have Him change your way of living. Ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. The Officers’ Christian Fellowship statement of faith serves as a simple, yet eternally profound prayer to use: Inasmuch as I am a sinner and deserve the wrath of God, and since Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and has been bodily resurrected, according to the Scriptures, I have accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior and am saved by His grace alone. Seek out other believers and a Bible-based church to help you grow in your […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]dynamic occurs when an officer attends chapel. Usually it is not long before a number of that leader’s troops also attend. However, if that same leader attends a local church, few soldiers usually follow. The Chapel Challenge The challenge is to dedicate your prayers, time, and gifts to build your local chapel into something that makes a difference for the kingdom. Instead of complaining that the chapel does not have the programs or outreaches that you and your family want/need, do something about it. Sit down with the chaplain. You will be surprised by the results. My family used to […]

Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]in addition to building confidence and commitment to purpose. Christians have an incredible leader in Jesus Christ. We can be fully confident that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion. In other words, He will lead us in the way we are to go. King Solomon wrote in the book of Proverbs: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path “(3:5-6). Trust God by acknowledging Him for who He is and following Him. The key […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: Academies

[…]leaders, guided by their experienced officer mentors who advise, assist, and teach them as they lead their peers. At USNA, said Bryan, “the midshipmen leadership team is formed around battalion teams that work together to pray for and seek opportunities to serve their fellow midshipmen within Bancroft Hall.” And the impact is formidable, for as Tom observes of the USMA cadet leaders, “The first classers greatly influence their peers as servant leaders, and help others come to Christ or grow in their faith.” Each person comprising the ministry teams, “brings a different personality and faith story to the table.  As […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]of the Holy Spirit throughout ministry efforts is mirrored by the constant action of members and leaders alike. OCF executive director, Brig Gen David Warner, USAF (Ret.), other home office directors, and field staff are often on the road visiting OCF members and friends for God’s kingdom purposes.  Larry and Bobbie Simpson, Puget Sound/Family Outreach, and Aaron and Joyce Zook, Fort Hood and South Texas. Nearly a half-million combined on-base personnel, two OCF couples, one awesome God. That is the OCF Centers of Mass ministry of the Simpsons and the Zooks. Aaron and Joyce’s 0700 hour finds them seeking the […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]to needs and preferences.  Check the OCF website home page for Small Group Resources and click on Leading Small Groups for an article with excellent advice by Jon Harris. Topics include prayer, Bible study, relationships and preparation to lead.  A downloadable PDF and other related articles are also available. If your OCF group is effectively meeting the participants’ needs, you will see the evidence of growing affection for each other and in their desire to share the experience with others. Important: To improve from there, OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader collect feedback by using the […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: ROTC

[…]and what ministry activities are already in progress in your area. Then pray about how you might lead, join, follow, or stay out of the way, paying particular attention to areas you may be well disposed to go into. Be deliberate, intentional, prayerful and patient.  College ministry has ebbs and flows, and it is easy to get discouraged, especially if you are a nose counter.   Enos: It’s so worth it to see how God can use your faithfulness as you give of your time, energy and resources to make His name known—even with late nights (and the grocery bills)!  […]
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