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Time, Talent, Treasure: Academies

[…]and why He was important to my life, two OCFers thought enough of me to invite me to an OCF retreat at White Sulphur Springs. There Jim Wilson shared the good news of Jesus Christ and how I could know Him as my Savior and Lord. This retreat changed my life for eternity. Since then as a Christian, I have followed Jesus Christ and been involved with the OCF ministry.  Austin: OCF follows you out into the Army, unlike the other Christian clubs in a college.  It will be a connection we can help you make to BOLC (Basic Course) […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]it was not until high school that I realized the radically selfless life that Jesus calls us to. At that time, I began to truly seek the Lord, and since have been blessed with godly mentors who have taught me and encouraged me to follow the Lord with all my heart.  What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? OCF faces social and political pressure to keep military leaders from sharing their faith. Along with this issue is the rising view that diminishes the importance of chaplains in the military. We need godly officers to pray, […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]in this life and as we PCS into the next—will one day stand to welcome and greet us at death before the Commander in Chief of the universe and in the communion of saints. Today is the time to make sure Jesus is your spiritual sponsor for that coming day.   Marine Corps: As a sponsor…you provide initial important contact [and] first impression of our unit. Jesus provides the connection between God and us, “For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]above but created specially for singles, women, senior officers, or whatever salient demographic at that location. Since you are OCF, your group will be what you make it at your duty station. Determine the need and start working to fill it. OCF’s website has great resources for starting/leading groups and finding other OCF groups near you. Or contact the home office link-up program for assistance. Let the home office know if you do begin a group, and encourage others in your group to officially join OCF—not just participate in an OCF group—so they can enjoy the camaraderie and benefits of formal […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]they will be times of great transformation. What we become through the experience is what ultimately matters. I envy each of you who is about to enter the profession of arms as both leader and ambassador. Good luck and Godspeed. by Lieutenant General Bruce L. Fister, United States Air Force, Retired, OCF Executive Director from 2000 to 2010 Co-authored with Colonel R. Michael Tesdahl, USA, Retired, OCF Director of Operations   [i] Nouwen, Henri J.M., The Way of the Heart, New York: Random House Publishing, 2003, p. 2. [ii] Barnes, Rev. Paul, Senior Pastor, Grace Chapel, Englewood, Colorado, sermon May […]

Whose Arm Doth Reach

[…]clamo (“out of the depths I cry”), and I have fair certainty because He is my Father, that what is hidden will be made known in good time…and that our relationship will be continually made new. Heather is the daughter of CDR Angus McColl, USN (Ret.) and the late Denise McColl. Originally published by Excellent or Praiseworthy. Available in its entirety at […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]thereby gaining some measure of surprise and less likely to result in serious casualties. RAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT-TAT…the unmistakable sound of the infantry grunt’s best friend in battle-the M60 machine gun! Something must have happened to cause Nichols to fire off a burst of thirty rounds. No more discussions of options. It was now time for action. Jon called out to his men as he literally lurched toward the enemy’s flank, leading the rest of the platoon in this gutsy move. In pursuing the smaller enemy unit, however, they soon discovered they had run into that unit’s larger force, a huge enemy bunker […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]the privilege and honor to join the first gathering of members of Jon’s platoon since that fateful battle in 1970. Greg Yahn, Gene Hess, Joe Christopher, Jesse ‘Sal’ Salcedo, Rob Jackson, Steve Harlan and Ted Hooker were plain-talking heroes who gave their all and after Vietnam went about their lives as solid citizens, not asking anything from their country that asked so much of them. Several were severely wounded in ways that profoundly affected the rest of their lives. Joe Christopher suffered from a fragmentation wound to his back during the firefight and then serious injuries to much of his […]

Leadership and the Christian Officer

[…]as the best division in the European Theater during World War II. Later, he was Chief U.N. Negotiator at Panmunjom, Korea, and subsequently served as Commander-in-Chief of the Caribbean Command. General Harrison served as president of Officers’ Christian Fellowship from 1954 to 1972, and as president emeritus until his death in […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]to everyone, and listen to all ranks carefully. TIP: Improper language doesn’t cut it. What we say is what we are. Jesus talked about this in Matthew 12:34-37. Unless someone holds you accountable, you will pick up words you wish you hadn’t. 6. As a leader, PRAY DAILY, especially for wisdom (Phil. 4:6,7). Often we pray in a reactive sense instead of a preparatory sense. It doesn’t have to be formal or even done in private. Let God speak to you, cry out to Him, be honest, admit weakness, and plead for help (1 Thess. 5:17, Rom. 8:26). TIP: Set […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]of various contingencies. We put in place “triggers” that cause us to execute the operation at a certain time. We develop a medical evacuation plan in the event we take casualties; we plan for actions on contact, for vehicle breakdowns, for redundant communication methods, for follow-on objectives, and for a quick reaction force to bail us out if we encounter an enemy force greater than ourselves. My experiences during my Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) deployment demonstrated to me that I needed to invest a similar level of detail and passion in my execution of SPIRITUAL planning (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Make […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]worship, solid Bible study and prayer times, meaningful one-on-one discipleship, inspiring retreats at Spring Canyon, strong Christian relationships, great food, and Rocky Mountain High. Clearly, these cadets had a great first experience with OCF! Then I asked them the same two questions I ask each new class of students at Maxwell: 1) What would happen if every flight commander, every squadron commander, every wing commander were “on fire” for the Lord Jesus? What would your Air Force look like? 2) How are you going to make a Kingdom difference during your career? OCF can be a key to answering that […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]and fun, emotionally exhausting at times and yet refreshing, and it is a spiritual gift that you can share with your teen-and with the Lord. I encourage you to think about it. Make the trip. Do it for your child. Find the way. The following are excerpts from our trip. Day 00 Day 01 Day 02 Day 03 Day 04 Day 05 Day 06 Day 07 Arrive at Denver airport. Spring Canyon staff arrives; young, wholesome, very upbeat. Meet other father-son pairs. Load truck, drive 2+ hours to SC. Nice tents, gravel floors, lighting. Double bunks. One other father-son in […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

by MAJ Steven D. Russell, USA In his lengthy treatise On War Carl von Clausewitz stated that most of the subjects on the theory of war were half physical and half moral. “We might say the physical are almost no more than the wooden handle, whilst the moral are the noble metal, the real bright-polished weapon,” he wrote. While he concluded that the realm of the talents of the commander included virtue of the army and national feeling, he missed the chance to capture by historical example a general that embodied such moral force in action. George Washington was a […]
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