Search results for "God's Characters"

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Service Separations

by Beverley Moritz Bane or Blessing — The Choice Is Yours So you and your husband have a separation coming up! And you’re anxious. you’ve heard all the horror stories about the things that go wrong when your husband leaves. Well, I’m not about to tell you that everything is going to be just great! There will be problems to solve and adjustments to be made, but it doesn’t have to be all bad either. I’ve found separations to be something you simply go through, or something you grow through. The choice is yours. I’d like you to meet a […]

Test Me!

by Maj Dean A. Millard, USMC (Ret.) God through the prophet Malachi told the Old Testament Jews that they were robbing God. The people said, “How are we robbing God?” They were told that they were robbing God in their tithes and offerings. Rather than giving to God what they were supposed to, they were keeping it for themselves. God then said an amazing thing. He said, “Test Me!” All my life I’ve been told to never be so presumptuous as to put God to the test. Yet, in the case of finances, God says, “Test Me!” And the Lord […]

The Role of Faith

by Carol Vandesteeg Many people feel emptiness or gaps in their lives when their families are separated or are in uncertain circumstances. That empty feeling can be turned into something positive. “. . . Times of separation are not a total loss, nor are they completely unprofitable for our companionship. . . In spite of all the difficulties they bring, they can be a wonderful means of strengthening and deepening fellowship. . . We must commit our loved ones wholly and unreservedly to God and leave them in his hands, transforming our anxiety for them into prayers on their behalf” […]

A day in the life of OCF

by OCF Communications For seven decades the living waters of Jesus Christ have flowed forth, from the heart of the ministry of Officers’ Christian Fellowship—innumerable men and women making a kingdom difference by living, loving and working with others throughout the military society. No “day in the life of” is typical—Bible studies, small group fellowships, supporting the chaplaincy and so many other ministry endeavors, the kingdom work of our limitless Lord. How it all gets done is the continual flow of the Holy Spirit working through hard-working men and women, those OCF members who are the hands and feet of […]

Child Evangelism

by Jim and Janet Weidmann with Kurt Bruner Some Things to Consider 1. God is more concerned about your child’s eternal destiny and happiness than you are. “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise… He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 2. Pray specifically that God will give you insights and wisdom in dealing with each child on his or her maturity level. 3. Don’t use terms like “take Jesus into your heart,” “dying and going to hell,” and “accepting Christ as your personal Savior.” Children […]

Implicit Trust

by LTC Joseph F. Howell, USAR (Ret.) SUB: The Key to Triumph From French military tradition emerges the story of how the Emperor Napoleon was on horseback, reviewing his troops one day when, in the course of issuing an order, he inadvertently dropped the reins. The reins fell on the stud’s neck and the spirited animal, taking fright, bolted off at a gallop, the Emperor clinging desperately to the saddle and momentarily in peril of being dashed to the ground. A private in the ranks, alert to his Emperor’s plight and perceiving that the horse and rider were proceeding in […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

by Jim and Janet Weidmann with Kurt Bruner Some things to Consider 1. God is more concerned about your child’s eternal destiny and happiness than you are. “The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise… He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 2. Pray specifically that God will give you insights and wisdom in dealing with each child on his or her maturity level. 3. Don’t use terms like “take Jesus into your heart,” “dying and going to hell,” and “accepting Christ as your personal Savior.” Children […]
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