Search results for "change"

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Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]to which you have made commitments. When this occurs, you should attempt within the institution to change those rules. If you cannot do so, you may face the decision of whether to remove yourself from leadership, or perhaps even from the institution. In responding to such situations, you will be judged in two ways, on the basis of the facts and on the basis of perceptions. Even though a perception may be wrong, it appears as truth in the mind of the perceiver, until it is changed. A senior military officer clearly understands the professional implications of this principle. Give […]
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Service Separations

[…]separation helps. Discuss your anxieties with your husband. Let him know you expect to find him changed in some ways. Remind him that he will probably find changes in you as well, but stress the fact that you feel these changes have been for the better (let’s hope they have been!) and that you are trusting the Lord to make the adjustment as easy as possible. After all, who wants to remain static and stagnant all their lives! “But what if he disapproves of the way I’ve handled the money?” “What will he say when he finds out I couldn’t […]

Situational Awareness

[…]the actions and attitudes of thousands. Emotionally your career experience has seen unprecedented change. Your life has spanned the dependable pace of the Cold War, the revved up tempo of the 1990s peacekeeping and stability operations, and now the frenzy of the Global War on Terrorism. More than modernization, your byword is transformation. Each branch of service is undergoing major shifts in organization and culture. The impact of continuous change can leave service members and their families mentally adrift and stressed to the breaking point. You have great opportunities in this environment to provide the stability that only a relationship […]

Was it Failure or Success?

[…]a master plan. Failure is a part of living. As leaders, however, we have the ability to serve as change agents–and what agents for change we can be! Having been bounced around from shop to shop, a young NCO once said to me, “At some point, someone has got to give me a chance.” Christ gives us chance after chance to demonstrate faith in His ability to make our lives productive. Christian leaders not only have a chance to help others live productive lives, but we also get to show that we are more than “just another Joe.” We are […]

Families should develop a support system

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