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Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]four). In the military we understand this concept well. Some of the services call it “training the trainer.” You should be involved in reproducing new spiritual generations. As a senior leader, you must be selective in choosing those whom you mentor, both professionally and spiritually. If some of the persons you choose don’t respond by becoming more faithful and capable, you should move on to others. Leadership requires endurance 2 TIMOTHY 2:3. A soldier understands soldiering. It is a hard life at times, requiring sacrifice, hardship and perseverance. Who should understand soldiering for Christ Jesus better than someone like you, […]
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The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]of situations. On field maneuvers, in hangar bays and electrical repair shops, on adventure training trips, in professional development classes and counseling sessions, in front-line combat, or in the day-to-day routines of office work — non-believers and Christians work together with the common goal of contributing to the security of our nation. The close relationships that grow out of these situations may offer opportunities for Christians to share spiritual truth. Many times they have been used by the Holy Spirit to draw people to Christ. Nonbelievers think of the chaplain as one who is “paid to talk about Christ.” They […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

[…]God has given him a rare opportunity to be a missionary to those he lives, works and eats with in the ocean depths, an environment where the difficulties crew members face are more acute. The challenge, he says, is “letting Christ’s light shine when you feel like you’re surrounded by darkness,” and instead trusting in Christ’s promise that, “the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say” (Luke 12:12). And just as submariners have unique opportunities to illuminate Jesus Christ to others in the ocean depths, opportunities abound as well once back on dry land. Up […]
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Service Separations

[…]fellowship. If they don’t, your own life and attitude can be a testimony to them of the sustaining power of God. One wife, when asked what was the hardest thing about separations, replied, “The physical work!” If you have one of those marvelous help-out-around-the-house husbands, the extra responsibilities when he is gone can be considerable. If the budget can possibly stand it, this might be the time to hire some help, possibly on a once a week basis. You might offer to cut back in some other areas to make it possible. During one tour we were able to manage […]

Families should develop a support system

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Time, Talent, Treasure: Academies

[…]Bryan served on OCF Council, and along with Ward Graham and Eric Robyn on several Regional Training Conferences. Ministry in the highly charged academy life world involves scores of activities, including Bible studies, mentoring and discipling, and retreats, mission trips and mission trips. Abundant portions of fellowship, food and fun freely flow through the ministry settings of USNA’s Maranatha Mansion and USMA’s Fellowship House. Tom Austin, Bryan Burt, and their USAFA and USCGA counterparts’ collective ministry efforts rely heavily on their faithful teams of volunteers to make ministry happens. Such “force multipliers,” as Tom calls them, are also long serving, […]

Three Words

by COL Alexander Shine, USA (Ret.) It was 12 May 1962. I was sitting in the mess hall where General Douglas MacArthur was to receive the Thayer Award. We knew we were in the presence of history. We were seeing and hearing one of the greatest soldiers of all time in what was his last visit to the alma mater he loved. You have most likely heard or read the speech, or at least this part of it: “Duty, honor, country. These three hallowed words reverently dictate what you ought to be, what you can be, what you will be.” […]

Winter Sports Retreat #2

[…]we will unpack how this requires men and women serving today to be competent in who they are in the Lord and where He’s called them to serve; how to serve with physical, moral and spiritual courage; and how to be committed not only to their Lord, but also their Nation, through perseverance and wisdom. SPEAKER | BRIGADIER GENERAL DAVID WARNER, USAF (RET.), Executive Director of Officers’ Christian […]
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