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Double Portion

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, ‘Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?’ ‘Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,’ Elisha replied (2 Kings 2:9). Elisha’s request prompts me to ask myself: How far am I willing to go with God? Elijah’s successor was willing to go all the way and beyond. What can we glean from Elisha’s request for “a double portion” as it relates to Christian leadership? First, Elisha’s bold request reminds me that God always has a plan for the […]

For All Leaders

[…]from remarks originally presented to a group of Christian officers attending Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. William J. (Joe) Shirey, (Colonel, USAF, retired), was commissioned from the Air Force Academy in 1976. He was an F-16 Squadron Commander and served in various staff assignments in NATO, the Pentagon and Air Combat Command. He retired in 2001. He and his wife, Johanna, have four daughters: Sarah, Katie, Rebecca, Emily. They have been actively involved in OCF and other military ministries since entering the […]

Getting Intentional in Your Marriage

by Col Larry & Bobbie Simpson, USAF (Ret.) A close look at thriving Christian marriages reveals intentionality–a purposeful plan and pursuit of spiritual growth, revealing its depth in increasing relational service and contentment. At Puget Sound’s recent Climb On! Regional Training Conference for equipping OCF members, we challenged couples to resist going through the motions of marriage and lukewarm service to one another. Christian military marriages thrive when couples purposely: Open the dialogue box-and keep it open Seek to understand your wife or husband’s need, goal, or point of view Commit to caring for the other’s concerns Catch, pray for, […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]never wanting to hold things up necessarily, announced, “The chaplain isn’t here yet, so Colonel, you come on up and pray.” I did. Colonels obey command sergeants major if they are smart. Although we had never discussed it, he knew I would be comfortable praying because of the testimony of my life. In each of my assignments, I followed the same script of identifying myself as a Christian as part of my introduction. I also made it a habit to let my actions demonstrate my faith rather than preach with words. It was no secret that I was involved with […]

OCF and Leadership

[…]at White Sulphur Springs Conference Center during the Easter retreat are exercising leadership. A colonel who has been selected for promotion to brigadier general acting as the registrar for a LEAD! is exercising leadership. An area coordinator organizing the leaders of all Christian ministries at the installation is exercising leadership. Our chief means of encouraging and equipping officers for biblical leadership and effective ministry is-and will remain-the small group. I get really encouraged when I see the young officers leaving Pensacola eager to get involved in military ministry; when Christian officers deploy to Southwest Asia and want to immediately start […]

On The Rock

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). I think that deep down inside most of us generally have a sense of how to respond to adversity and challenging circumstances. So the question isn’t “What should I do?” but “How will I choose to respond?” Will you succumb to the demands of the event or will your response come from the foundation of your spiritual life? Jesus said that everyone who hears and acts on […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]An appreciation for and a commitment to the OCF vision, purpose, and mission. (Ephesians 4:11-13, Colossians 3:23, Acts 4:13) Air Force Academy “firsties” sometimes ask: “Why should I have to attend the Basic Course at Maxwell? It just  rehashes what I’ve spent four years learning.” Not true! You will build relationships that will last throughout your career, and for the last two weeks of the course, you will interact with NCOs from the Senior NCO Academy. Perhaps the right questions are: “Lord, what is it that You want to teach me while I’m at ASBC? Lord, to whom do You […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]Introduction We developed this booklet for officers who have reached the rank of lieutenant colonel, commander, or higher ranks. As a ministry that works specifically within the military, we realize that promotion to these ranks places you in a significant position of seniority within your service. This will place additional responsibilities on you and your family, responsibilities that will increase with continuing promotions. “Senior Officer” may seem an ambiguous term. We have chosen to define it starting at the rank of lieutenant colonel or commander because of the command opportunities and decision-making positions available to officers of such rank. We […]
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Project Help Afghanistan

[…]OCF member CH(CPT) Steve Satterfield in the October 2009 CONNECTED, at an outreach in Afghanistan. COL Teetsel contacted CH Satterfield and Operation Iraqi Children (OIC), which was established by Sinise, School supplies, clothes, shoes, etc., were sent to Afghanistan. SPC William Seo, an OCFer who started Project Help Afghanistan while deployed, was sent those supplies and he invited Sinise to be a part of the distribution. Pictures–with SPC Seo in a couple of them–from that November 2009 outreach, are shown as Sinise talks to Bonnie Hunt on her TV […]

Question Authority

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said: ‘Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.'” (Job 38:1-3). From my experience, most leaders don’t care to have their decisions challenged. This is particularly true, I believe, when the pace is fast and compliance must be immediate. In our leaders’ devotion this morning, someone commented, “There are some things you are not supposed to understand.” This was certainly the case with Job. For all of […]

Reality Check

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit’ says the Lord almighty” (Zechariah 4:6). As leaders, in our zeal to do and accomplish, how closely do we follow God’s divine guidance? Yes, we should have passion for our work, and we should strive to do things in community with others, but does our agenda cloud our thinking? The desire of the children of Israel, returning home after seventy years of exile, was to see the temple rebuilt. As far as Israel was concerned, restoration of the temple was job one-a goal which […]

Reignited Service

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:7 ESV) What is your synonym for fear? Is it trepidation, apprehension, alarm, or dread? Whatever your definition, that is the side of 2 Timothy 1:7 you need to address. My synonym for fear is anxious. I think I fear little, but I admit that I can get anxious about a thing or two. As recently as yesterday, I became anxious over an issue. Then I read 2 Timothy 1:1-14 for a full appreciation of Paul’s […]


by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work'” (John 4:34). What happens when the Christian leader stays true to the task and maintains focus despite signs of indifference or rejection? He finds satisfaction in a job well done and his efforts benefit those he is called to serve. The courageous leader who stays true to the task ultimately helps others become better people. From a close reading of John 4 Jesus models leadership that bridges cultural divides and does not quit at signs […]

Six Generations: 1

by COL Barry Willey, USA (Ret.) > PDF Version “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2 “Choosing the Harder Right” When I learned back in October of 1970 of the tragic death in battle of my friend and spiritual mentor at West Point, Jon Shine, and thought of the powerful and eternal impact he had on my life, and that of so many others, I committed then to telling his amazing story to others. His selfless lifestyle and […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]married Gail while a student at the Infantry Officer’s Basic Course and they headed to Colorado for a short stint before he deployed to Vietnam. A good friend of Gail and Jon and former Executive Secretary of the Officer’s Christian Fellowship (OCF), Paul Pettijohn remembers some quality time with the two of them while they vacationed at the OCF’s Colorado retreat center, Spring Canyon, located a couple of hours from Fort Carson. “I vividly remember going to their chalet to talk with them about getting ready to be apart and to prepare for his going into harm’s way. Jon was […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]and reprinted by permission of Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA, Englewood, Colorado. Authored by Colonel Barry Willey, USA (Ret.). All rights reserved.” Copyright Information 2004 Colonel Barry Willey, USA (Ret.), by special arrangement with Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA. No portion of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way–electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other–except for brief quotations in printed review, without prior permission of the publisher. Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

by COL Al Shine, USA, Retired What is the relationship between Christians and politics? What are our duties as citizens, first of the Kingdom of God, and secondarily, but not unimportantly, as representatives of that Kingdom to and among the kingdoms of men? After studying Scripture, history, and current events, my conclusion is that God is neither Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative. I believe that in most elections and issues of political policy there is no clear-cut biblically Christian position, and to assume that there is: Divides the church along lines for which we have no biblical mandate, Closes […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

by COL Rich Goldsmith, USA It is really pretty easy to start an OCF group. You have already overcome the greatest hurdle we commonly encounter-finding someone who will take the initiative. We often say that all it takes to start an OCF group is one person who will say, “Hey! My house, Tuesday, 7 o’clock. Bring your Bible!” Many a successful OCF group has started with just those simple words. Here are a few things, besides your valuable initiative, to consider: Before the First Meeting 1. Find a wingman. It may be your spouse or another couple if you are […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]with others. Important: To improve from there, OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader collect feedback by using the feedback form available on the OCF website. Growing OCF Groups Caution: if the group gets too large to comfortably fit the venue (work meeting or home living rooms) the experience can become less personal and the motivation to bring in new participants diminishes.  If your group has more than twelve regular attendees each week, you should pray about dividing into two groups–if, when, and how. Knowing the importance of small, growing OCF groups to the lives of our […]

The Role of the Chaplain

by CH(Lt Col) David Bena, USAF What should you expect from your chaplains? The role of the chaplain is to meet spiritual needs. The chaplain should lead worship, counsel, teach troops, care pastorally for all, encourage ethical conduct, honor the dead, nurture the wounded, and give hope to the weary. But how’s that role fleshed out? I think you should expect a godly person who: Is honest and ethical Really cares about the people in the unit, willing to face opposition in order to make their lot more livable. Will die with you and will not run away. Will pray […]

The View from the Top

[…]summer I participated for the first time in Rocky Mountain High (RMH) at Spring Canyon in Colorado. What a rush! Since I’m not in my twenties anymore, I was a little bit anxious about my physical abilities. And while climbing a 14,000-foot peak is physically challenging and quite a workout, I was delighted to discover it wasn’t that tough. The guides’ encouragement was more than enough to keep me motivated. On day one we tackled the vertical wall climb, mine field, and low rope exercises — both with and without blindfolds. In addition to being great fun, they helped us […]

Three Looks

[…]followers to lead—stepping into the shoes of our now-deployed supervisor, Bible study leader, or colleague. As Christian officers desiring to exercise biblical leadership—faced with constant flux and in the process of growing in our capacity to lead—how can we best prepare for our next leadership role? I offer you three “looks.” Look Back Taking a reflective pit stop is critical, especially at our Indy 500 pace. “Experience is the best teacher” is a common, but incorrect, adage. Leadership experts now attest that evaluated experience is the best teacher. Here are a few questions to consider before you move to from […]

Three Words

[…]lives in Carlisle, PA, where he and his wife, Sandra, are active in OCF and the U.S. Army War College chapel. He has been active in OCF since coming to Christ as a West Point Plebe in 1960. Address by Colonel Alexander Shine, United States Army, Retired, at the USMA OCF spiritual commissioning ceremony, USMA, 29 May 2005. Adapted from the August 2006 COMMAND magazine […]

Truth and the Christian Leader

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “When Ananias heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened” (Acts 5:5). A close reading of Acts 5:1-11, the account of Ananias and Sapphira’s deceit, should lead one to conclude that truth is the essential thing. In this perplexing story–which takes place as the early church was forming–maintaining a standard of truth and honesty proved to be the bedrock for the church and our Christian faith. Those endowed with leadership responsibility needed to set and safeguard ethical standards. Many are shocked at the decisive, harsh […]

TTP – Character

[…]“Character makes trust possible. And trust makes leadership possible” (p. 47). Similarly, J. Collins in his best-selling book Good to Great, points out one unexpected finding regarding leadership, “Whether someone is the ‘right person’ has more to do with character traits and innate capabilities than with specific knowledge, background, or skills” (p. 64). All leaders have strengths and weaknesses. However, a leader can overcome these weaknesses if he or she possesses strong character. The reverse is not usually true. Integrity is the foundation of our character; those around us must see it in both our personal and professional walk. In […]

Undivided Heart

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.” Psalm 86:11 As a leader, are you ever hesitant or uncertain about how to respond to situations? Are you inclined to give a knee-jerk reaction or are your responses more often guided by the Lord’s true wisdom? Do you experience compassion-level fluctuations, that is, sometimes your actions reflect spiritual wisdom and at other times seem void of anything resembling those guided by the Holy Spirit? At the heart of these […]

Unity of Command

[…]military principles of war apply to Christian living? When I learned these principles in Air War College, I found all of them in the Bible. Later I applied them to Christian living. The military definition of Unity of Command (UOC) is: “For every objective, one person is responsible for war-fighting decisions.” 1 Our military has a Commander-In-Chief (CINC), the President of the United States. As CINC, he is ultimately responsible for war-fighting decisions. However, he does not personally make all war-fighting decisions. He delegates decision-making down through the chain of command; this is called centralized control with de-centralized execution. The […]

Was it Failure or Success?

by Col Larry Simpson, USAF (Ret.) “Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.'” (Luke 5:5). To me, Luke 5:5 is a curious object lesson. On the one hand, Peter, a skilled fisherman, could have been insulted that Jesus asked him to demonstrate once more what he had repeatedly failed at throughout the night. On the other hand, Jesus allowed him the opportunity to demonstrate faith and trust. One might ask: Did Simon really fail, or was his unproductive fishing tied to Christ’s master plan […]

What Are You Reading?

by Col James R. Downey, USAFR (Ret.) When I was on the faculty of the Army War College one of my favorite questions to ask of visiting senior leaders, especially general officers, was “What are you reading right now?” That open-ended inquiry was usually quite telling as to how engaged those leaders were in their own continuing growth and professional development. Those who said they were too busy to read had let the tyranny of the urgent capture them. The ones who were engaged impressed me with the breadth and depth of what they were reading. Some even suggested that […]
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