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Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]when they performed their duties; they were directed to conduct business in the fear of the Lord, faithfully and wholeheartedly; and they needed to be very careful what they did because the Lord would have no part in unrighteousness or partiality. The Lord demanded honor (integrity) from those who choose to serve as leaders. Superiors and subordinates must know that what is heard from the leader’s lips is true; what is done (seen and unseen) is for the organization’s good. Furthermore, honoring God in all our day-to-day dealings is critical to a successful life. This includes our family life, relationships, […]

Georgia – Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning)

[…]& Time: Meets every other Wednesday, 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Join us for an awesome time fellowshipping and growing in our faith! We host a potluck dinner and Bible Study. Active Duty, retired, kids welcome. Our group has single and married company and field grade officers and retirees. We also host active duty and families for 1-2 nights when traveling for graduations, […]
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Colorado – Rocky Mountain ROTC

[…]cadets and midshipmen in the OCF Ministry model to become servant leaders who integrate their faith and profession to take up the mantle of spiritual leadership within the military community. He also organizes an annual Rocky Mountain ROTC Retreat at Spring Canyon, OCF’s Retreat and Conference Center just west of Buena Vista, CO. He also seeks to find retired OCF members near universities in the region to catch the vision of OCF ROTC […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest“(Matthew 11:28). He is faithful and true to help us through this life’s many difficult struggles and put us at ease whenever we approach our final assignment. Coast Guard: Relocating to a new duty station…can be a trying experience. Jesus faithfully cares for and nurtures us daily, and will one day present us into God’s glorious presence “without fault and with great joy” (Jude 24-25). Army: Escort… [and] introduce the new arrival to chain of command. Our spiritual sponsor will one day escort us into heaven […]

Follow Me

[…]of Galilee. The Gospel of Matthew records this incident when Jesus called to Peter and his brother Andrew and said to them, “…’Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men…'” (Matthew 4:19 RSV). As a Christian officer in the military today, I need only look to Jesus for the example to follow. Jesus provides the premier lesson on leadership by focusing on three areas: serving others, doing the will of His Father, and forsaking the world’s view of leadership. Serve Others Serving others may sound like an odd way to lead. If we’re appointed as leaders, people are […]

Situational Awareness

[…]with information regarding your unique situation. My prayer is that this will expand your understanding and increase your effectiveness as military leaders, spouses, and ambassadors for Christ. Others may want to read along to increase their knowledge of this gap.The Gap Described Culturally you are a pivotal element in our society. By chance of birth you live in the gap between the modern and post-modern eras. The modern era existed from 1500 a.d. until about the time you were born. The industrial age reigned supreme. Truth was determined by the scientific method. Life consisted of laboratory-like certainties. Biblical laws were […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]encouraging phone calls to family and to my Christian brother, Jonathan Shine, a fellow commander and believer of like heart. I found that my individual walk with the Lord suffered. I saw that God truly made us to be relational creatures. Hence, one of the natural effects of time spent with other Christians (whether realized at the time or not) is an increased ability to withstand temptation and walk victoriously in the Christian life. Because a robust Christian support network is often not available on deployments, godly ambassadorship during these times requires intentional vision and endurance. There are also other […]

Virginia – USCG Base Portsmouth

[…]at the Wheelhouse. This is a combination of lunch, fellowship, and study. We’ll discuss how faith, service and life intersect. Free pizza provided! I’m the Pastor for Adult Discipleship and Outreach at Nansemond River Church in Suffolk, Virginia and a Chaplain in the Air Force […]

Florida – Pensacola

[…]you to our biweekly Bible study starting on October 10, 2023. We’re excited to connect, learn, and grow with you in faith at our cozy home in Pensacola! For the first two gatherings, we’ll have PDO (Pray, Discover, Obey) sessions to dive deeper into Scripture and strengthen our relationship with God. We’ll then meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Feel free to reach out to us for any questions or […]

Stretchmark Sorority

[…]raising children to know and love and walk with our Lord. We share with our mothers and grandmothers the experiences of nursing our children’s fevers, cheering their accomplishments, and constantly kneeling before our God in their behalf. Our Lord cares enough to give us this sense of family, tradition, and connectedness as we seek to walk with him and to be the godly mothers of our own generation, alive with the encouragement, consolation, praise, and laughter of one another. Yes, it is a wonderful sisterhood indeed! “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart from generation […]

2018 OCF/VALOR ROTC Retreat

[…]Join ROTC Units from leading eastern universities as they come together to deepen their faith and answer The Call of Jesus for Military Leaders. Our speaker is Col Darren Duke, USMC. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel and a Senior NCO Panel. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your Bible. COST: $95 Cadet/Midshipman, $176 Single adult, $310 Cadre couple (10% discount company […]

Impact Your Military Community!

[…]you want to conduct outreaches that impact your unit, you need the chapel. Location and command “sponsorship” are the vital links. The chapel is not only strategically located where the troops are but also carries with it the authority of the command. The chapel is the spiritual center for unit-wide outreach. Lost Opportunities Officers make a decisive impact upon their units. The chapel is the only church body that is a part of the unit. Since it is part of the command, officers can enthusiastically support events that it conducts. Another noteworthy dynamic occurs when an officer attends chapel. Usually […]

OCF/Valor ROTC Retreat

[…]Sulphur Springs. Join ROTC Units from leading universities as they come together to deepen their faith and Become a Leader God can use. Our speaker is Chaplain (LTC) Dave Bowlus, USA. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel as well a Panel of seasoned Senior Officers. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your […]

Unity of Command

[…]for individual commanders to make decisions. This builds trust up and down the chain of command and produces freedom and flexibility throughout all of the force structures. Let’s apply this spiritually by looking at the Trinity and the Body of Christ. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus stated that all authority was given to Him. He also said in the Gospels that He always obeyed the Father–doing nothing on His own account. In the next step down the chain of command, Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit, who would guide His followers in all truth. He would not speak on […]

Keep the End in Mind

[…]back together. We envisioned long walks, picnic lunches with the children, standing on the beach and holding hands as we marveled at God’s handiwork, silently and verbally thanking God for our reunion. This looking ahead perspective had its practical side, too. As we purposed to begin with the end in mind, we had to decide what that looked like in pre-deployment, mid-deployment, and post-deployment. This minimized the emotion of departure and separation for both of us. It exposed the frightening unknown. Practically, looking ahead meant several things. Preparing for Deployment First, we would keep life as normal as possible. Attending […]

It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]early afternoon and things were going my way. I had knocked out a couple work-related errands and was returning to the office. As I walked to my desk, I saw a blank yellow sticky note on my computer monitor–shorthand between me and my office mates for “your wife called.” When I returned Heather’s call, her normally steady voice cracked as she said, “Come home.” Right away I knew she had received the medical results–I told her I loved her and I was on my way. As I bolted from the office, I caught my squadron commander’s attention. Thankfully, I had […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]clear–we operate in an environment of spiritual terrorism. As military leaders we must recognize and commit ourselves to train and lead our personnel in both operational environments–the physical domain of direct action, and the domain of unconventional spiritual warfare. True Strength While physical training strengthens our bodies, and battle drills build the muscle memory to act automatically under duress–we often overlook the “moral, ethical, and spiritual strength” required for combat. As Christian leaders we must comprehend Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]we pray?” is that we pray for the strength to obey the Lord’s will, to fulfill His purposes, and to bring honor and glory to His holy name. Yes I want victory in the GWOT, safe keeping for those fighting this war, families reunited, the sick healed, peace for those who grieve, and relationships reconciled. But as I pray for those things, I pray first and foremost that the purposes of God be fulfilled and that glory be brought to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. For through God’s purposes and glory, we will be bound to the One who […]

From Mid to Married to Mom

[…]Your love and peace to shine right throughThe dark times when I’m feeling lonely,Missing my husband and wishing that only; While he’s gone that time would fly,And when he’s home that it’d creep by.I look to You Lord, set me free,From all my worries enslaving me. For I know and trust that Your plan is best,You’re my fortress, my stronghold, and in You I rest.I thank You Lord for blessing me with suchA wonderful husband who loves me so much! It’s for him I bring these requests before You,And for him I pray, his strength be renewed.Though my flesh and […]

How does the Lord see you?

[…]great love, “Here I am. Send me!” Seek those who are lost and hurting, and be the heart and hands of Jesus for someone who’s ready to receive Him. Editor’s note: With this article, General Warner begins a series exploring our relationships with God and others. Only when we begin to understand God’s immense love and sacrifice for us, can we love and serve Him and others with all our hearts. In future articles, General Warner will delve into how other people see you, how you see others, and how you can apply your God-given calling to your daily life […]

Whose Arm Doth Reach

[…]sea,” diving off the deck and swimming with dolphins. The water, as I knew it then, was all glee and shimmer and launching off of his shoulders in the deep end. It was not until later that I began to appreciate the grisly possibilities associated with his seafaring deployments. At a navy base chapel we attended when I was in fourth grade, I learned to sing the lines of this hymn… Lord God, our power evermore Whose arm doth reach the ocean floor Dive with our men beneath the sea Traverse the depths protectively Lord, hear us when we pray […]

Ice Cream in Iraq

[…]everywhere isn’t it? The best way to make the bad guys go away is for the good guys to make a stand and say, “We don’t want any more bad guys here so you need to just go away!” Wow! That sure was a lot of questions! I hope everyone got their questions answered and I did not leave anyone out. I also hope you will write to me again in the future. You can either write to me again as a class or you can send me a letter from home. Be sure to ask your parents first, though! […]
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