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Leadership by Example

[…]Commissioning Ceremony at the University of California, Los Angeles. His remarks follow. This is clearly a wartime moment, one of great poignancy for each of you and your families and dear friends gathered here. It is also perhaps one of great ambiguity since we do not really know how we, as a nation, are progressing in the Iraqi war, and yet recognize that you may well join it in just a matter of months. I am speaking of the ambiguity that normally exists within those uninitiated to the rigors, as well as the horrors, of war. It is an ambiguity […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]autumn years “…they will stay fresh and green” (Psalm 92:14), still bearing fruit. Such is the extravagant generosity of so many throughout all the years of OCF, faithfully doing God’s Kingdom work, exemplifying the heart of OCF for a Lifetime.    It all started with an invitation. And the ensuing ripple effect throughout the ages, from people affirming that original “come follow me” call from the Messiah, has helped build God’s eternal kingdom—His adopted family—one redeemed person at a time. The Granville Sharpe family invited Kit Vaughn to an OCU conference in Germany, where Dr. Bob Smith’s salvation message there […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: ROTC

[…]at their future duty assignments around the world,” said Rob. Tim, a full-time ECU employee, is the OCF and Valor area coordinator and also devotes off duty hours facilitating an Army and Air Force cadet Bible study. While Tim’s OCF involvement ramped up when he and Penny were stationed in Hawaii—he later served as Bible study leader, area coordinator and on Council—Penny also “grew up OCF.” She regularly visited the conference centers with parents Fred and Ilene Stubbs, who also hosted neighborhood Bible study groups throughout their military days, and in recent years, served at the conference centers. The same […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]see my need for Him as my Savior. I asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life at 13 years old.  What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? How OCF will continue to accomplish its mission in a military culture that has significantly changed since the concept of the ministry. Staying practical, relevant, and faithful in the development of Christian officers is a need that continues to exist. The traditional OCF ministry approach must be adaptable to continue assisting officers in successfully exercising biblical leadership in the challenging days ahead. Nominated by: LtCol Todd […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]no instant recipes, and there will be trials. Whether our trials cause us to reflect on a moral crisis or to regain our balance after a misstep, they will be times of great transformation. What we become through the experience is what ultimately matters. I envy each of you who is about to enter the profession of arms as both leader and ambassador. Good luck and Godspeed. by Lieutenant General Bruce L. Fister, United States Air Force, Retired, OCF Executive Director from 2000 to 2010 Co-authored with Colonel R. Michael Tesdahl, USA, Retired, OCF Director of Operations   [i] Nouwen, […]

Implicit Trust

[…]came to attention, saluted his imperial master and inquired, “Of what regiment, sir?” Charmed by the soldier’s complete faith and unquestioning confidence in his word, the Emperor responded, “Of my own guards,” and then, turning his mount, he rode away at a gallop. Immediately the soldier lay down his arms, left his compatriots and passed over among the officers of Napoleon’s immediate staff. “What do you want here?” one of them asked, haughtily. “I am a captain in the Emperor’s Guards,” was the response. “You, a captain! Who says you are a captain?” “He said it,” answered the soldier, pointing […]

The Jungles of War

[…]sure of my calling. Serving at Guantanamo Bay through the ominous days of the Cuban missile crisis brought no particular strain on me personally. We did our job; we returned home. Then came an assignment in 1965 as a battalion advisor with the Vietnamese Marine Corps (VNMC). The VNMC was an element of the “fire brigade” troops for the South Vietnamese government. They were well-trained, loyal and effective combat troops. Because of these factors they were moved into all four Corps areas, wherever the enemy was active, throughout the war. As soon as things cooled down, they were moved to […]

Leadership Excellence

[…]the motives and expectations of their subordinates. Service members are generally distinguished by their deep conviction and sense of duty, and by their confidence in the integrity of the organizations to which they belong. The best units are united by shared beliefs, common values, and a resilient faith in one another, in the unit, in their leader, and in God. Faith is the powerful phenomenon that has sustained warriors throughout the ages. In order to succeed, a leader must capitalize on that faith, in all its manifestations, including his subordinates’ faith in their leader’s moral fitness. Leadership is, at heart, […]

Three Words

[…]rank, but to serve your nation and lead and serve your soldiers. Knowing that we are called to this by our Lord frees us from the unreachable drive for personal success, to follow instead the call and example of our Lord’s in true service. “Jesus is Lord” will be a source of great strength and guidance in combat. Knowing that Jesus is Lord in your life will give you confidence to handle the weight of combat command and the courage to face death. This does not mean that you may not be killed. Jesus was Lord as much in my […]

Operation Iraqi Freedom

[…]day I looked down at the rich greens of the valley between two major rivers. There were the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that I’d learned about in church and school my whole life. If tradition has it right, I might even have been able to see the Garden of Eden from there, if only I had known where it was. We dropped more leaflets than bombs, especially before OIF started officially, and I wondered how much difference it would make if we dropped Bibles or tracts instead of political leaflets. Not everyone knew that we actually flew over Iraq before […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]exchanged for bubble baths and storybooks, we all got together and prayed for us and for Daddy. And then each of the girls would kiss goodnight the picture of their uniformed dad. So many nights I fell exhausted into bed. Sometimes I cried myself to sleep for want of a partner to help me raise these little ones. I refused to entertain the thought of his not coming back. There was always that chance, but I prayed for the strength for each day, and each day brought enough to be concerned about. I did get discouraged with the voices that […]

Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]Guard’s second core value is respect. We as Christians are called to be “need meet-ers.” This is the crux of being a servant leader. If we can put aside our own personal agenda and our own needs, we are much more likely to see others’ needs more clearly and have the time and energy to meet them. Respect, or sensitivity, toward the needs of subordinates, peers and superiors will help a leader better prioritize tasks and guide one in unselfish (or more just) decision making. One becomes “disinterested” in short term personal gain when they sense the value of their […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]Washington shape the virtue of the army? Early on, he carried strong faith into his public life. This is evident from the following entries in his prayer journal: Let my heart, therefore, gracious God, be so affected with the glory and majesty of (Thine honor) that I may not do my own works, but wait on Thee, and discharge those weighty duties which thou requirest of me. . .Thou gavest thy Son to die for me; and hast given me assurance of salvation, upon my repentance and sincere endeavor to conform my life to His holy precepts and example. These […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]every one of us when we die? Many are confused about the afterlife and have countless questions. Is there existence beyond the grave? Is there a heaven, hell, some other place or state of being? Or do we just cease to exist? We never think it will happen to us, but the reality is that each of us will someday receive our final PCS orders to stand before the Lord. Do you have a spiritual sponsor for that coming day? Jesus Christ offers to be your spiritual sponsor now to help you through all those military moves, every moment of […]

Follow Me

[…]did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). By the power of the Holy Spirit and through prayer, we too can have a humble heart and serve others, as Christ would have us do. Seek the Father’s Will The second part of Jesus’ leadership lesson was that he constantly sought to do His Father’s will. He continually sought secluded places in order to pray and to seek His Father’s will. Jesus was accountable to His Father and had to get one-on-one time with His Father to ensure that […]

Situational Awareness

[…]a.d. until about the time you were born. The industrial age reigned supreme. Truth was determined by the scientific method. Life consisted of laboratory-like certainties. Biblical laws were not always followed, but right and wrong were clearly defined. In commerce, tangible items like buildings and machinery were the valued commodities. Contrast this with the post-modern era generally coinciding with the information age. Portable assets such as information, expertise, and other intellectual capital became the more valued commodities. Everything is relative and nothing is certain. A popular conception says there are no absolutes. Situational ethics can override long-held rules of conduct. […]
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