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Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]the noble metal, the real bright-polished weapon,” he wrote. While he concluded that the realm of the talents of the commander included virtue of the army and national feeling, he missed the chance to capture by historical example a general that embodied such moral force in action. George Washington was a great commander because he acted upon his personal moral convictions, which resulted in his entire Army being victorious against an opposing force that, by all accounts, should have beaten them. Much has been written about Washington the hero, Washington the commander, and Washington the President. Unfortunately, historians have often […]

Man of the In-Between

[…]said it best, “We were soldiers once–and young.” We were soldiers for a lot of reasons. One of them was the “bully syndrome.” Many years ago, as a young boy in a cozy little neighborhood in central Washington state, I learned a valuable lesson. Our neighborhood bully, Jimmy C., would never stop throwing dirt clods and using strong-arm tactics to terrorize smaller children. Yes, we complained. In fact, we begged. But time after time “negotiation” failed. Nothing seemed to work. Until one day one of us gathered the courage to stand up to him. Lying flat on his back Jimmy […]

Making the ‘no greater love’ sacrifice

[…]of battle, those of valiant warriors risking their own safety and survival to come to the aid of their “battle buddies,” are at the very heart of Jesus’ proclamation that, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Four WWII chaplains, who had studied and served together, put into practice one February morning in 1943 what they preached. They gave their lives so others might live. The USAT Dorchester was a converted troop ship taking 902 souls from New York to war in Europe via Greenland. Anyone who’s ever been aboard a […]

Operation Iraqi Freedom

[…]Sultan Air Base, where I was living. Shortly after we arrived, someone questioned why this part of the world never seemed to calm down from all these wars and skirmishes. I don’t know how to describe the feeling we had that there was a spiritual element to what we were doing. I did a double take when I looked at the maps in the back of my Bible and recognized cities we were flying over–Ur is now An Nasariyah; Dur-Kurigalzu became Sippar which became Baghdad; Tekrit is Tikrit; Babylon is near Al Musayyib, just north of Karbala. And I was […]

Service Separations

[…]have been a few problems. The washing machine got stuck on the rinse cycle for six hours, one of the children had to have his tonsils out, and the family cat had seven kittens. But a kindly neighbor straightened out the washing machine. Junior is recovering nicely, and she found a home for all but three of the kittens. Otherwise everything is just fine! What explains the difference between these two experiences? Does Wendy love her husband more than Sally loves hers? Is Sally luckier? Or could it be that there is a basic difference in their attitudes? Separations are […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]+ the birds outside. Slept well. Cleanup, shower is great! Brian moves slowly in the morning. Most of the dads are moving before their sons. Go figure. Biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Camp volunteers are wonderful. Dozens of hummingbirds outside the lodge at the feeders. First activity is volleyball. Brian is pretty good. I didn’t realize he played that well. Much fun and laughter. Grilled cheese sandwiches and more for lunch, delicious. Team building activities after lunch. We form two even groups. Competition! Very similar to field leadership reaction course (FLRC). Connect multiple picnic tables with 2X4s, cross your team […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]seven decades the living waters of Jesus Christ have flowed forth, from the heart of the ministry of Officers’ Christian Fellowship—innumerable men and women making a kingdom difference by living, loving and working with others throughout the military society. No “day in the life of” is typical—Bible studies, small group fellowships, supporting the chaplaincy and so many other ministry endeavors, the kingdom work of our limitless Lord. How it all gets done is the continual flow of the Holy Spirit working through hard-working men and women, those OCF members who are the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out in […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]term. We have chosen to define it starting at the rank of lieutenant colonel or commander because of the command opportunities and decision-making positions available to officers of such rank. We expect your new experiences will be similar to all those who have gone before you. The increased expectations placed upon you will be manifested in more independent decision making and in broader and deeper organizational or command responsibilities. The issues you will identify and address will be increasingly complex and difficult. The environment in which you work will become increasingly ambiguous, and you will have a greater opportunity and […]
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Six Generations: 2

[…]group usually met once during the week, in the evening, down in the basement of the cadet barracks where the quiet atmosphere supported a discrete study of the Bible. Participants, including members of the company other than Plebes, had to obviously be willing to sacrifice a portion of their evening that would have otherwise be devoted to studying for the next day’s academics. As it turned out that year, not one of our group suffered adversely in academics. On one occasion, we were unable to meet due to scheduling conflicts. Jon wrote a personal note to the members apologizing. His […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]a single candle. We had a hard day’s battle to take that town, and were very glad to find in one of the buildings a room that could be blacked out enough to allow us to light a candle and catch up on our long overdue letters to home. Two of the men were new to combat and they were especially eager to write their reactions to the thick of the fight — their first combat experience. As each of us sat there, busy with thoughts and pens, distant antiaircraft fire was heard. We became alert and listened. The new […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]his men and acting on their behalf, perished when the enemy returned his fire. When word of the fight reached back to Cu Chi base camp, an incredible thing happened. The battalion scout platoon was just back from an operation for rest and recuperation. Their leader was a close friend of Jon and a West Point classmate and his soldiers knew of that strong bond and Jon’s reputation in the battalion. Without orders, they put on their combat gear, drew ammo and stood by to go in and retrieve Jon’s body. The battalion commander himself had to order them to […]

Staying Up Late

[…]in order to call back home and tell them one. Sue put her cell phone on speaker in the middle of the room so the girls could hear the story. And I had a lot of fun telling it. Hannah has often told me that whenever I do that, “It’s like you are right here telling it!” But I have to admit, it also made me a little homesick, and I couldn’t fall right to sleep. I decided to go for a walk around the forward operating base (FOB). At several locations along the wall, we have guard towers that […]

Ways to Give

[…]to the Home Office in Englewood, to Spring Canyon or White Sulphur Springs, or to one of the Field Staff. Subsequently, for many members the receipt letter acts as a regular reminder for their next contribution. Military Allotment SystemAs a former Financial Management Officer in the Marine Crops, I know the advantages of this option. First, its perfectly fine under today’s regulations. Second, the money is taken out of your pay account before your paycheck is produced, so you don’t really miss it. Third, to participate there are no extra costs to you or fees that need to be paid […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]of righteousness, feet fitted with readiness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Examine these components and I believe you can see these weapons as fellowship, prayer, and the Word. I remember a different kind of warfare from my active duty days–cyber-war, in which we would initially defend against by employing “defense-in-depth.”  This defense-in-depth consisted of a firewall, providing a perimeter of defense to keep out the bad guys, and anti-virus software patrolling within the perimeter to ensure nothing had slipped through to do damage, steal information, or render you useless. The last line of […]

Rescue on the High Seas

[…]my own, the USS Bainbridge (DDG-96). While the events of that month have quietly drifted out of the general public’s view, they remain as fresh to me today as the day I stepped onto the Maersk Alabama as a member of its newly organized security detachment. I had been serving as the gunnery officer on the Bainbridge, responsible for maintenance and operation of the ship’s guns. Already deployed for two months off the coast of Somalia, we were now in the slack period that inevitably comes after the initial thrill of heading overseas. The long, uneventful watches were catching up […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]expects us to be salt and light in the military commands to which He has assigned us. Ministry of the Line Officer A Christian line officer serves with his or her personnel daily in all kinds of situations. On field maneuvers, in hangar bays and electrical repair shops, on adventure training trips, in professional development classes and counseling sessions, in front-line combat, or in the day-to-day routines of office work — non-believers and Christians work together with the common goal of contributing to the security of our nation. The close relationships that grow out of these situations may offer opportunities […]

The Wounded Healer

[…]suffering is simply the effect of living in a fallen world where evil can strike anyone. Yet none of the aspects of suffering limit God’s capacity to use pain in a redeeming fashion. Isaiah’s prophesy about the greatest Suffering Servant declares, “By His wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Jesus’ wounds and suffering are the venue through which we have been redeemed. Believers can rejoice because through our own lives, God uses the mystery of pain and suffering through which His eternal work shines brightly. After David came face-to-face with his scarred, miserable nature and repented, he penned marvelous words […]

God, are you with me?

[…]neatly organized rows of bunks and lockers sat in silent repose beneath the cold ambience of the fluorescent lights overhead. Dark gray blankets and crisp white sheets, tightly stretched and tucked, left a choke-hold on each bunk. Deep inside he could feel this same choke-hold. His crying words had jolted the perfection of military order. A few other Soldiers, in a confused curiosity, peaked into the room from a dark distant doorway. Witnesses, they were, to a breaking point. They mumbled among themselves—this is how rumors were born. And then life went on. It was time for mail call. Name […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]as he did his clothes. It determined his leadership style as a family man, Marine and minister of the Gospel. We would do well to understand his style, and as God gives us grace, emulate it. I first met Second Lieutenant Tom Hemingway, USMC, in the OCF bookstore in the fall of 1961. Located just outside Gate Three at the Naval Academy, the place was a haven for Middies trapped for the year and choosing between “books, walks, sports” or “sports, walks and books,” with an occasional movie thrown in on Saturday night. It was late November and I was […]

My Early Christmas Gift

[…]Thanksgiving, his father’s absence left a void, robbing him of reliving favorite moments of the past with his Dad:  tossing the football in the backyard; pulling on the wishbone; and snuggling together as they watched and slept through a Cowboy’s game.  With Christmas just a few weeks away, he found it a struggle to get excited. After an eternity the bell rings unleashing him into a sunny afternoon.  Making a beeline to the playground, he imagines a familiar voice calling out his name.  Ignoring it he stays on course for his favorite swing.  The voice is louder and closer, and […]

Six Generations: 1

[…] 2 Timothy 2:2 “Choosing the Harder Right” When I learned back in October of 1970 of the tragic death in battle of my friend and spiritual mentor at West Point, Jon Shine, and thought of the powerful and eternal impact he had on my life, and that of so many others, I committed then to telling his amazing story to others. His selfless lifestyle and his courage–at West Point, in the Army and in combat in Vietnam–have inspired me and many others whom he contacted during his life to live for Christ. As I have shared my Christian testimony […]

Speak my language

[…]how to love each other effectively! And when one spouse makes it a priority, the vast majority of the time the other spouse will follow suit. Jocelyn is an award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction whose titles include Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives, Stories of Faith and Courage from the Home Front, and The 5 Love Languages Military Edition.    Order your copy today! The 5 Love Languages Military Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts By Gary Chapman with Jocelyn Green / Moody Publishing The 5 Love Languages profile will help you and your partner identify […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

[…]even many non-Christians can tolerate a cute little baby in a manger, it’s when Jesus gets out of his crude crib and grows up that the deaf ear becomes turned. It’s not that He just merely talks about hot-button things: our sin, mankind’s need for a savior, that heaven and hell exist. But He also requires a personal response—from every one of us-to the gift of eternal salvation He extends. A gift that only He could purchase—with His blood at the Cross of Calvary. Now that cooing infant lying in the manger has gone from preaching to meddling. But what to do about Him? Nearly two […]

Families should develop a support system

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Bonus episode: What are you doing this summer?

[podcast src=”″ height=”90″ width=”100%” placement=”bottom” […]
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