Search results for "and the verdict is by david warner"

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Financial Responsibility for Children

[…]altogether. At one base when we were homeschooling, our three daughters babysat during the day, and they were in high demand. Our son mowed lawns and did other work for people so he had a source of income as well. In college each one held jobs which paid for the luxuries of college life, and in their last two years of college they helped with their rent and food costs with that income. The Financial Manager When our oldest was a sophomore in high school we decided to take a Big step. We delegated the management of the family finances […]

Waging Another War

[…]my spirit to see these things affecting the soldiers of my Forward Operating Base (FOB), fueled by the rampant availability of pornographic items. I decided to make a difference by starting a Bible study on sexual integrity for men. Every Man’s Battle, the men’s study book I chose to use, promotes Bible-based abstinence through God’s word: no pornography, adultery, sex outside of marriage, or masturbation.  The battle of sexual integrity is won only by achieving sexual purity. As defined in Every Man’s Battle, sexual purity is “when no sexual gratification comes from anyone or anything but your wife.”i God’s standard […]

God, are you with me?

[…]dark distant doorway. Witnesses, they were, to a breaking point. They mumbled among themselves—this is how rumors were born. And then life went on. It was time for mail call. Name after name was read. One by one, a fortunate Soldier would advance to collect the thoughts and prayers found in letters and packages sent from home—from a small town in Kansas or from the suburbs of Philadelphia. Fatigue was put aside and the seriousness of regiment was lifted for a moment. And then the last envelope was casually raised in the air. The Soldier’s name was called. His envelope […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]training battalion-the kind with 500 to 600 privates getting their first high-and-tight haircuts, and their introduction to the Army, sixty drill sergeants to give them that introduction, and a handful of officers and NCOs to support them. When I introduced myself to the drill sergeants, I included with my hobbies, family, and interests the fact that I am a Christian. I said I wanted them to know what shapes my values and behavior. I told them that, although I prayed that each of them would be a Christian because I believed that would be the best thing for them, that […]

Rescue on the High Seas

[…]the Port of Mombasa. Once safely in port, we spent the next few weeks in Mombasa waiting for the crisis to end. It came on Easter Sunday when Navy SEAL snipers effected the rescue of Captain Phillips. Our “Alabama Eighteen” made a loud scene when we heard the news — extremely happy for having a part in one of the best-coordinated rescues ever conducted at sea. Our voyage was a blessed one. I feel everyone knew that it could have turned out very differently. And as I reflect, I see that in those extraordinary circumstances the Lord prompted me to […]

Mortal Enemies

[…]next four years I was determined to improve upon my Pearl Harbor feat. I saw action in the Solomon Islands, Java, and the Indian Ocean. With the end of the war my military career was over, since the Japanese forces were disbanded. As I got off the train one day in Tokyo, I saw an American distributing literature. When I passed him he handed me a pamphlet entitled, I Was a Prisoner of Japan. A Powerful Testimony What I read was the fascinating episode that eventually changed my life. On that Sunday while I was in the air over Pearl […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]fit the venue (work meeting or home living rooms) the experience can become less personal and the motivation to bring in new participants diminishes.  If your group has more than twelve regular attendees each week, you should pray about dividing into two groups–if, when, and how. Knowing the importance of small, growing OCF groups to the lives of our military and their families should motivate us to overcome the temptation to let our OCF group become complacent.  The number of OCF groups at a civilian locale or a military installation is a strong indicator of the impact that military Christians […]

Two Greedy Institutions

[…]on making career decisions together with spouses. We want and need her input. a. She is the “helper suitable” that God gave us (Gen 2:18-25). b. She has insights we do not (especially regarding the needs of the children). 2. The process of the decision making is often as important as the outcome, especially including the importance of praying together. How can the officer show his love and the priority he gives his spouse and children when in a very demanding billet? Communicate, communicate, communicate! a. Keep her informed. b. Be involved in family decision making. c. Make time to […]

Why We Serve

[…]family, and so that we have something that we can share with God’s people in need. But what is the greatest need? Why do we serve our God as Joshua exhorted? We serve our God because of what Jesus did for us on the Cross. We are blessed to be able, through our lives in the military, to demonstrate the message of salvation to those who have not heard or received it. It was by God’s grace through faith that we were brought fully into His family and presence. Our love for Him motivates us to serve Him in our […]
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