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OCF Groups and You

[…]group I can join?” Remember—you are OCF. Your level of involvement and leadership is the determining factor in the success of OCF where you are now. Here are some suggestions on how an OCF fellowship group might look in differing environments: Home Bible study—officers, enlisted, retirees, or civilians meeting in someone’s home, using DVD, inductive, or topical Bible studies. Deployed group—an ad hoc group who meets for prayer/Bible study, often ending when deployment ends. Lunchtime workplace—a mixed group of AD, reserve, guard and civilian contractors meeting at lunch for Bible study. Pair/Spiritual Battle Buddies—two people praying/studying the Bible together; great […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

[…]Christ’s light shine when you feel like you’re surrounded by darkness,” and instead trusting in Christ’s promise that, “the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say” (Luke 12:12). And just as submariners have unique opportunities to illuminate Jesus Christ to others in the ocean depths, opportunities abound as well once back on dry land. Up in the often-overcast Pacific Northwest, Naval Base Kitsap OCF is a single snapshot of all the other OCF small groups whose military, civilian and family member attendees balance their ever changing, demanding schedules and constant deployments by regularly meeting for […]
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A day in the life of OCF

[…]coffee brewing, Tom prepares for his week’s “best two hours”—the weekly discipleship training breakfast in Pioneer Chapel. Between swigs of hot coffee and lively banter about favorite football teams, he and others set up tables and chairs while breakfast burritos are cooked.    0600 “How great is our God…” sing fifty-eight men and women at the discipleship breakfast, placing the Lord at center stage. After their worship and praise, petitions are offered—for the deployed and their families, our nation’s leadership, and local events. OCF ministry advancement director Mike Tesdahl is on an extended trip through Texas, now at breakfast with […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]is a strong indicator of the impact that military Christians are having. Often participants in OCF groups who are eligible for membership never join OCF. No one ever invites them to do so. Make it easy. Hand them a Heartbeat of OCF brochure (available from the OCF home office), which contains an application form. Better yet, bring your laptop, go to the OCF website and click on the Join Now button. They can fill out the form online. Important: OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader should invite non-members to join OCF. Help them benefit from actual […]

OCF and Leadership

[…]is a leader. Are we communicating the right message in OCF? Are we focusing on process in training leaders, or are we focusing on vision? Is the question going into an installation Pray, Discover, and Obey, “How many Bible studies do we need?” or is it,”How are we going to build Christian leaders…families…fellowships at our installation?” The first is a process question, the second is a vision-a leadership-question. Ephesians 4:11-16 talks about the leadership model of the church. God gifted some individuals to be apostles, others prophets, evangelists, or pastor/teachers. That is leadership. To what purpose? “…To prepare God’s people […]

Leadership by Example

[…]you straightforwardly is that you must model moral excellence, on duty and off duty, in training and, most important, in combat, 24/7 as you cadets say, and to accept fully that responsibility as your daily duty. Of course, your soldiers will listen politely to what you have to say about what is right and what is wrong, but my advice is to say as little as necessary. For they will take their real cue as to your trustworthiness from your own actions, hour by hour, day by day, battle by battle. As Marshall stated, the responsibility of the officer truly […]

OCF at Garden Tomb

[…]Meryon, who have spoken many times at OCF’s conference center in White Sulphur Springs, PA, invite OCFers travelling to the Holy Land to contact them. The Meryons oversee the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. “Rosalind and I greatly want to greet OCFers and their churches and groups. We will endeavor to welcome every one of you to this pinnacle experience during your time in Israel.” The Meryons were on the British Naval Staff in Washington, DC, from 1985-88 and back again from1992-1995 at the NATO headquarters in Norfolk, VA. Their son, David, who was born in 1987 in Fairfax County Hospital, […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]God’s process of growing us up. I never cease to be amazed at His faithful provision and love pointing others His direction.  What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right now? The secularization of society has dramatically impacted the spiritual operating environment in the military. While it is popular to discuss and explore the “spiritual” du jour, the creeds and catechisms of the confessing Church are mocked and/or Christians are persecuted. OCF must be wise and discerning in its efforts to be faithful. It is a dynamic, socially networked world that we minister in, so communication must […]

OCF Council Elections Now Underway

[…]Yes or No for the proposed OCF Constitution change. At the spring council meeting in April, the Council passed the following motion to amend the Constitution: Motion: That the following amendment to the OCF Constitution be submitted to the membership for approval: “Replace the current OCF Statement of Participation with the following language (changes to current statement indicated by bold underline): ‘I am committed to the Purpose of OCF: to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society. As an expression of my commitment to the […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]easy to start an OCF group. You have already overcome the greatest hurdle we commonly encounter-finding someone who will take the initiative. We often say that all it takes to start an OCF group is one person who will say, “Hey! My house, Tuesday, 7 o’clock. Bring your Bible!” Many a successful OCF group has started with just those simple words. Here are a few things, besides your valuable initiative, to consider: Before the First Meeting 1. Find a wingman. It may be your spouse or another couple if you are thinking of a home Bible study. Find a like-minded […]

OCF in Space

by During a seven-month period in 2009-10, four — count ’em — four OCF members were in space, three of whom piloted consecutive Space Shuttle missions! In November 2009, CAPT Barry Wilmore, USN, flew Atlantis in an eleven-day mission where he and fellow crew members delivered critical spare parts to the International Space Station. And the ISS’s Expedition 22 Commander? OCF member COL Jeff Williams, USA, who was in space 167 days from September 2009 until the foillowing April. Endeavour‘s February 2010 mission, taking parts for an observation deck and a new room for the ISS, was piloted by Col […]

OCF/Valor ROTC Retreat

OCF/Valor ROTC Retreat at White Sulphur Springs. Join ROTC Units from leading universities as they come together to deepen their faith and Become a Leader God can use. Our speaker is Chaplain (LTC) Dave Bowlus, USA. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel as well a Panel of seasoned Senior Officers. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your […]
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