Search results for "Acts Chap 10"

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Leaving a legacy of faith

[…]Cornelius to intervene in the life of Peter the Apostle and to deliver the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10:34-48). Cornelius’ devout life and reverence for God influenced his entire household and left an enduring spiritual legacy for generations.  Conscientious leaders strive to establish a positive legacy, and when it is time to move on, they usually pass the function or office on in better condition than they received it. Cornelius was obviously a faithful soldier. He gave time and attention to the spiritual dimension of his life and for that his spiritual acts of prayer and good deeds were […]

Speak my language

[…]love is kind.” But what feels very kind to one person may not even be noticed by another. Dr. Chapman, a pastor, author and marriage counselor, has identified five basic love languages with which we communicate love: Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. When one discovers which expression speaks the most clearly to both oneself and one’s spouse, it’s far easier to keep love alive in the marriage. Otherwise, misunderstandings and resentment can easily grow. Now we know that Rob’s love language is Acts of Service, which means he feels most loved when […]

Getting Intentional in Your Marriage

[…]and ask for forgiveness. Think the best of your spouse’s motives and intentions. In the Book of Acts, we are introduced to a married couple that moved in tandem, seamlessly serving others with humility and excellence-Priscilla and Aquila. “When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately” (Acts 18:26). They worshipped, studied, encouraged others, and even taught together. How exciting that on any given day God could use them individually or together for His purposes. In essence, this couple hosted an OCF fellowship in their home (1 […]

Leadership and the Christian Officer

[…]the best results. They know that God has a specific purpose and plan for their lives (Eph. 2:10) and that promotions come from God, regardless of any human actions connected therewith (Ps. 75:6-7). The Christian can rest assured that God oversees life and career (Matt. 10:28-31; Rom. 8:28; Phil. 4:19; 1 Thess. 5:18). The Christian therefore need not worry about a particular assignment or promotion, nor, practically, should one fret or worry in general. The Christian’s first duty is to glorify God. If we accept this duty, we will be single-minded and able to concentrate on the work to be […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]world, we can draw the same analogy-our defense-in-depth measures include fellowship, which acts as our perimeter defense, surrounding us with brothers and sisters to hold up our hands and protect us from outside evil influences.  Prayer acts as spiritual anti-virus protection, culling out evil thoughts and evoking the Holy Spirit to keep the “hard drive” of our inner man unpolluted.  And by feasting on the Word, we password-protect our heart and mind with Scripture, locking and protecting our thoughts. As you continue to serve our nation, know that OCF was tailor-made to come alongside and provide you with the defense-in-depth […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]are often referred to chaplains by the chain of command for counseling. Because of these facts, chaplains need godly men and women to help them reach out to military people with the good news of God’s love and holiness. Like those the Apostle Paul encountered in synagogues (Acts 9:20, 13:5) and in places of prayer (Acts 16:16), these people may be open to the loving witness you offer concerning the grace and truth that can be found only in Jesus Christ. That may be why God drew them to your chapel! The chapel ministry offers you an open door to […]

Truth and the Christian Leader

[…]heard this, he fell down and died. And great fear seized all who heard what had happened” (Acts 5:5). A close reading of Acts 5:1-11, the account of Ananias and Sapphira’s deceit, should lead one to conclude that truth is the essential thing. In this perplexing story–which takes place as the early church was forming–maintaining a standard of truth and honesty proved to be the bedrock for the church and our Christian faith. Those endowed with leadership responsibility needed to set and safeguard ethical standards. Many are shocked at the decisive, harsh response to the couple’s duplicity. Yet neither Peter […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]to Almighty God.   Bill served thirty years active duty as a Navy line officer and then as a chaplain at Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard commands, including combat. He led many to Christ and was with others PCSing to their ultimate homecoming. Now serving at a Florida retirement community chapel, Bill and his wife have two sons and five […]

I Only See Green

[…]of this. In the military we’re spoiled by being able to worship with all races in our local post chapels. Too often when we look off the post in the local community we don’t see the same thing. We need to show the world how wonderful and color blind the grace of God really is. Racism is not a new problem; it has been in the world as long as there have been races. Within the faith, though, there was a time when racism vanished. “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]gesture, Jesus healed the servant’s injury and told Peter to put away his weapon (John 18:10-11). Jesus could have responded to the arresting entourage with a show of His mighty power or through a simple appeal to his Father and the thousands of angels standing by for Jesus’ use. Instead, He identified Himself as the one they sought (John 18:5).  A good leader leads best with actions reflecting decisions arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective at […]

Making the ‘no greater love’ sacrifice

[…]“no greater love” sacrifice as this brave quartet. — Ben, a Navy veteran, ministers as a chaplain to chaplains for Adopt-A-Chaplain. He also authored two books, God I’ve Got A Problem and The Shaping of A Man of […]

On The Rock

[…]response come from the foundation of your spiritual life? Jesus said that everyone who hears and acts on His words is wise. That wise one will be the person all eyes turn to in the midst of tragedy and need. When I was a child, we played a game called Follow the Leader. As an adult, it is not a game. The world is watching, and those in our sphere of influence will follow our lead. The strength of our building materials will be revealed by how our life of faith is lived out when the rains fall and the […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]choirs and praise bands. Whatever ministry the Lord has for you, become a part of our OCF/base chapel team. Our vision of a spiritually transformed military is the chaplain’s vision, too, and your leadership and skills will be a great help to them. Chaplains don’t have elders. They don’t have deacons. They often don’t have worship leaders. Your willingness to employ your talents are needed. Prayer is the key. Ask the Lord what He would have you […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]properly on the battlefield. You also have these needs, which include the following: PSALM 119:105. You need light–the ability to “see.” 1 PETER 1.23-25, 2:2. You need food–energy to perform. EPHESIANS 6:10-17. You need protection and weapons. EPHESIANS 5:19 and 6:18,19. You need to communicate–up, down, and laterally. CONTINUE EACH DAY to read God’s Word and to commit your circumstances to Him in prayer. If you have never established this practice, you will need it all the more to maintain His perspective on your situation. If you are a new Christian, and you have not had the opportunity to develop […]
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Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]tell us about human government? Prescriptively: (see Romans 13:1-7, Matthew 22:15-22, and Acts 5:29) Government is God ordained. Thus, anarchy is ruled out. Government rightly has a responsibility to reward good and punish evil, using force when necessary. Believers ought to obey the law, render respect to officials, and pay taxes. Government’s rightful authority is always subordinate to the authority of God, and in situations of clear conflict between the two “we must obey God rather than men.” This is about all I find prescriptive or direct in Scripture about the role of government. There are several roles implied by […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]I decided to make the following spiritual assumptions for my Bosnia deployment: There will be: No Chapel. No OCF or weekly Bible study. No other Christians in my immediate proximity. I will have: A high OPTEMPO. A non-regular work schedule. Limited time alone for personal devotions. More temptations than normal. A primitive support structure-spiritually and logistically. Less (or irregular) sleep/food than normal. Less exercise time than normal. Less time for hobbies/diversions. These assumptions then became the contingencies, just as in a military operation, for which I sought God’s guidance on how best to prepare. I asked God how I could […]

The Chaplaincy

[…]one word–incarnational. It is ministry Jesus’ way. Just as Jesus came to earth in human form, chaplains are warrior priests who leave their homes and come to the military in soldier form. Deployed chaplains share in the same sufferings as their troops. They experience the same lacks. They miss the same birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. In a combat zone soldiers can rarely say, “Chaplain, you just don’t know what I’m going through.” Credibility is one of the cornerstones for the effective ministry of a chaplain. Once credibility is established, ministry doors open wide. Ministering incarnationally earns us the right to […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]thing is getting a group started so there is a safe place where you can encourage one another to acts of love, service and Christian maturity.  As commissioned officers and Christians in the Armed Forces of the USA, most every one of us can find a wingman to pray with about starting an OCF group.  Once you have a meeting day/time set up, you’re ready for the next step. If the group consists mostly of peers (age/rank/job location, etc.) or specific demographics (sex/marital status/retired, etc.), you should be well attuned to needs and preferences.  Check the OCF website home page […]

Ways to Give

[…]code or anything else you’re unsure of, just give me a call. Combined Federal Campaign #10531Many members and non-members give through CFC, which also has the advantage of taking the contribution out of your pay account. So the next time the CFC campaign rolls around, remember to fill out #10531 on your CFC pledge form. Electronic Bank DebitThis is popular with members, whose monthly contribution is taken out of their bank account electronically. I administer this personally, and target the fifth day of the month to debit the bank accounts of those who participate. It has all the advantages of […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]Don’t feed your face until you feed your soul. God’s Word will kindle a prayer response (Acts 17:11). 10. If all else fails, rest in the knowledge that GOD IS FAITHFUL. Think of all the times when He has carried you through a situation and you didn’t realize it until later. TIP: In faith you will learn to be certain of what you do not see. Trust Him. Rely on Him (Phil. 4:4, Heb. […]
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