Search results for "camp caleb"

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North Carolina – Camp Lejeune

[…]and small families to our home for a meal and/or an overnight stay. Our home has easy access to Camp Lejeune. It has a single guestroom with a queen bed and other rooms if an air mattress meets the need. We have two dogs, a fenced yard, kayaks, and a fitness […]

North Carolina – Camp Lejeune

Local Leaders: Capt Vinnie and Mrs. Tara Curley, USMC Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Phone: (912) 441-1233 Day & Time: Fridays at 1800. Dinner provided – meals on rotation from hosts and regular attenders of the study. Families are welcome – those with children from ages six months to teens typically […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]He is here. I will not forget this moment with my son. Brian and I stay after and help put out the camp fire. Many trips to the stream to fetch the water. Camp fire smells good, even going out. So many stars in the sky. Slept on a rock. I know better than that. Brian took up most of the tent. He claims I snore! Chilly morning, but not cold. Break camp, much laughter. Drove into town, had a hot breakfast at this mom-n-pop breakfast place, and we get a discount. We fill up most of one end of […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]on your leadership role in imparting vision. The Vision of Caleb and Joshua NUMBERS 13:1-14:24. Caleb and Joshua had a different vision of Canaan than did the other ten spies. The basis for their vision included these very important factors: They were aware of the overall mission of the nation–to occupy the land God had given it. They were aware of the capability of the nation and of God. They trusted Him to fulfill His promise to give the land to Israel. They were men of integrity and faith. They did not test the wind of popular opinion and then […]
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Mortal Enemies

[…]air over Pearl Harbor, an American soldier named Jacob DeShazer had been on K.P. duty in an Army camp in California. When the radio announced the demolition of Pearl Harbor he shouted, “Jap, just wait and see what we’ll do to you!” One month later he volunteered for a secret mission with the Jimmy Doolittle Squadron—a surprise raid on Tokyo from the carrier Hornet. On April 18, 1942, DeShazer was one of the bombardiers filled with elation at getting his own revenge. After the bombing raid, they flew on towards China but ran out of fuel and were forced to […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]over twenty-two years Greg and Lucy Lane have served OCF on Council, in small groups at Fort Campbell, and in ROTC ministry. Greg’s leather Bible and Diet Coke stand in stark contrast to the Austin Peay State University cadets’ iPhone-accessed Bibles and neon power drinks. But together they are examining what the Bible says about leading wisely and handling temptation.    1800 The heartbeat of OCF—small group fellowships—are in full swing across the continental U.S. Deep in the heart of Texas, they’re enjoying the praise night underway at Fort Hood, an aspect of Aaron and Joyce Zook’s OCF ministry also […]
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