Search results for "study of the book of John"

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What Are You Reading?

by Col James R. Downey, USAFR (Ret.) When I was on the faculty of the Army War College one of my favorite questions to ask of visiting senior leaders, especially general officers, was “What are you reading right now?” That open-ended inquiry was usually quite telling as to how engaged those leaders were in their own continuing growth and professional development. Those who said they were too busy to read had let the tyranny of the urgent capture them. The ones who were engaged impressed me with the breadth and depth of what they were reading. Some even suggested that […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]maybe a “brown bag” study during the lunch hour will help. Most often, studying a book of the Bible works best. You can quickly learn (as a group) how to conduct an inductive study of one of the books of the Bible. Start with an easy one that is not too theologically challenging or too long-like one of the Gospels. Sometimes there is a topic of immediate interest that warrants searching the Scriptures to see what the Bible says. Here are some other potentially helpful resources. Once Established 1. Connect. Let the OCF Home Office (303-761-1984) know you have a […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]officer training program, and for those he recently commissioned who are serving in combat zones of the war on terrorism. An infantry platoon leader fighting in Iraq devotes his daily devotions to pray for the men in his platoon that they may have divine protection and be spared from injury or death. Both pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to the hearts of those they mentor and lead to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Common Ground Both of these leaders recognize that they are fighting both a physical foe and a spiritual enemy. As one officer […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]Father and the thousands of angels standing by for Jesus’ use. Instead, He identified Himself as the one they sought (John 18:5).  A good leader leads best with actions reflecting decisions arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective at accomplishing the mission. His leadership style was that of influence and not the use of “shock and awe.”  Faith and leadership are more appropriately modeled through keeping sight of how to achieve God’s purposes through godly influence, using […]

Making the ‘no greater love’ sacrifice

[…]of battle, those of valiant warriors risking their own safety and survival to come to the aid of their “battle buddies,” are at the very heart of Jesus’ proclamation that, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Four WWII chaplains, who had studied and served together, put into practice one February morning in 1943 what they preached. They gave their lives so others might live. The USAT Dorchester was a converted troop ship taking 902 souls from New York to war in Europe via Greenland. Anyone who’s ever been aboard a […]


[…]who stays true to the task ultimately helps others become better people. From a close reading of John 4 Jesus models leadership that bridges cultural divides and does not quit at signs of rejection. The Samaritan woman received salvation, a regenerated life, and a chance to point others to Jesus. There is much we can learn from this encounter! The leader keeps in the forefront why he is doing what he is called to do. Jesus responded to the woman’s initial rejection with a persistent offer. Not offended, nor hardened by rejection, the leader keeps to the task. The leader […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]expects us to be salt and light in the military commands to which He has assigned us. Ministry of the Line Officer A Christian line officer serves with his or her personnel daily in all kinds of situations. On field maneuvers, in hangar bays and electrical repair shops, on adventure training trips, in professional development classes and counseling sessions, in front-line combat, or in the day-to-day routines of office work — non-believers and Christians work together with the common goal of contributing to the security of our nation. The close relationships that grow out of these situations may offer opportunities […]

Why We Serve

[…](I Timothy 5:8). While Paul’s instruction at that time pertained to elderly members of the family, the application to your “immediate” or future family seems obvious. We work to provide for those whom God has directly entrusted to our care. But God has also entrusted to us a larger family. This responsibility also requires our service or work. In Ephesians 2:8 Paul said, “He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.” We are all doing something that is […]

Getting Intentional in Your Marriage

[…]fellowship in their home (1 Corinthians 16:19). As they opened their home and lives, the members of their small group fellowship would have likely seen in them how couples grow together spiritually and keep pace with each other for the sake of the gospel. As a spiritually smart couple in today’s military and society, what do you need to add or remove to be intentional about God’s priorities for you? Open the dialogue with your spouse and discuss what you believe is God’s purpose for your marriage. Get intentional in your […]

Christian Leadership for the Junior Officer

[…]unit, there are core elements you might want to think about before you arrive. You will need each of these, and I have listed them in increasing order of priority, from least to most important. Hard Work. The first element you will need to be successful is the ability to work hard. It is amazing how many officers, including some Christian officers, will not or cannot work the required hours. I remember the United States Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel who spoke to my then-new freshman class at The Citadel on this subject. He articulated the familiar “Look to your left […]

Fervent Desire for Peace

[…]of other faithful Christians who battled and bled on both sides. Monday, May 1, 1865 News of the surrender of General Johnston and his army–and also all the posts in his department, comprising the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida… Soon again with the blessing of our Heavenly Father we will be at home among friends, our swords beaten into plough shares and our spears into pruning hooks, never, I trust, to learn war again. Thank God for peace; may it be lasting and righteous, the evil cause of it being entirely blotted out. Alley’s devout hopes were common to the soldiers of his […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]from OCF members and families living and serving around the world. This is our most important work of the day and we are committed to honor each request. Because our prayer ministry is so important and foundational to what we do in OCF, I have asked myself, how should we pray? There is not an easy answer simply because so many people are stressed, attacked, wounded, separated, or discouraged. My first inclination is to ask, “Is this from you Lord? Is it fair? Why? and, Would you lift the burdens from the shoulders of my friends who are hurting?” My […]

Letter to My Sergeant

[…]in the book of Judges (sin, suffering, seeking, salvation), but hopefully you noticed the witness of the Christians in your chain of command. We didn’t put you in a box. Rather, we encouraged and supported you and your family. We treated you with respect, since in America, you are innocent until found guilty. Your battery commander, who wasn’t required to attend the trial, was there all week. You need to know — it took a toll on him too. You asked your First Sergeant, Sergeant Major, and me to be character witnesses. Did you notice how we responded? Despite the […]

Operation Iraqi Freedom

[…]Sultan Air Base, where I was living. Shortly after we arrived, someone questioned why this part of the world never seemed to calm down from all these wars and skirmishes. I don’t know how to describe the feeling we had that there was a spiritual element to what we were doing. I did a double take when I looked at the maps in the back of my Bible and recognized cities we were flying over–Ur is now An Nasariyah; Dur-Kurigalzu became Sippar which became Baghdad; Tekrit is Tikrit; Babylon is near Al Musayyib, just north of Karbala. And I was […]

Professional Excellence (Durfey)

[…]those who serve. Those most effective in that role are those who put others’ interests ahead of their own and put their trust in the Lord. By doing so, they exemplify the service’s core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to duty, and become true servant leaders. The Coast Guard core values cited above are simple yet godly. Honor and high integrity should be considered synonymous. Integrity is a critical ingredient in any leader. The dictionary defines integrity as soundness or completeness. Christian leaders know they can only be complete in Christ; they must keep their eyes on Him whom […]

Speak my language

[…]marriage as any couple could be. Compatibility testing: check. Premarital mentoring: done. Stack of books on Christian marriage: read. Somehow, however, The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman was not on the list. We wish it had been. Though we never questioned each other’s faithfulness, between the separations and daily high-stress of Rob’s new position, we had a much harder time both showing and feeling love. The fact that I co-authored The 5 Love Languages Military Edition book with Dr. Chapman doesn’t mean I’ve always known how to express love effectively. Here are two things Rob and I wish […]

The Chaplaincy

[…]can rarely say, “Chaplain, you just don’t know what I’m going through.” Credibility is one of the cornerstones for the effective ministry of a chaplain. Once credibility is established, ministry doors open wide. Ministering incarnationally earns us the right to be heard. By God’s grace we model Jesus–and through doing this we have the blessed opportunity to tell them about the God who died for them. I think of our work much like the ministry of Phillip in the book of Acts. He was called to leave the comfort zone of fruitful ministry in Samaria. The Angel of the Lord […]

Through A Glass Darkly

[…]Laura was almost three and Beki was then nine month old. Other mothers had shared with me some of the pitfalls they’d been through. Their advice was to prepare for the fact that our baby wouldn’t even know her daddy when he returned. She’s just too young to remember, they warned. Don’t expect too much, another said. It’ll take time, but they’ll start all over again. With that advice, I purposed in my heart to be different. I would do all I could to give my girls a sense of having a father, even if he wasn’t with them for […]

What is Required of Me?

[…]is required of a man or woman who is called to enter fully into the turmoil and agony of the times and speak a word of hope?”[i] Ambassadorship 101 Become a person of influence; establish your credentials. Begin immediately to seek out leadership positions among your peers and subordinates in your workplace and neighborhood. You are a Christian with a Christian set of values, virtues, and obligations. You are called to live out your faith in a glorifying and obedient way. God’s Word outlines for us a personal morality in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, and […]
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