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Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]that end by using the senior positions and the spiritual gifts God provided to him. In November 1991, two Russian military officers attended an American OCF / CMF conference in Germany. They had been Christians for only a few years. They stated: “We believe that Jesus Christ can change our nation. Pray with us that it will happen.” An Army officer serving as an infantry brigade executive officer wrote from Saudi Arabia about the ways God was working in his division. He recalled his initial prayers when he had received orders to the division in the states: “I had asked […]
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Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]right arm while shattering his left foot. Fifteen major surgeries and countless minor ones later, John has gone from “being unable to walk and even care for myself to going hiking and climbing in Colorado.” “John has pushed himself through pain and agony that I have never experienced, “said Joe. “Seeing him do things such as rappelling, rock climbing and backpacking during this time of his healing motivated me to give up sniveling and to persevere.” For Jeff Silliman, the personal joy of sharing with his mother “the impact of OCF’s ministry on our lives and also meet Mr. Tok” […]

Unity of Command

[…]church as having subordinate units too. Some Christians may want to identify with Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Wesley, T.D. Jakes, Rick Warren, or others. Those subordinate leaders should never get the fierce loyalty and following that belongs only to Jesus Christ. Therefore, their adherents should always see unity in the church as a primary goal over their own distinctiveness. Jesus prayed that we would all be one (John 17:21). One critical way believers live in unity is to pray for our leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-2 the apostle Paul exhorts us to pray for those in authority over us. […]

For All Leaders

[…]and to let their lights “shine before men” (Matt. 5:13-16). However, John cautions us in 1 John 2:15 to, “…not love the world or the things in the world.” John goes on to describe more specifically those things he is referring to. “…the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life” (1 John 2:16 NASB). Avoid these areas; but don’t isolate yourself so that you are no earthly good. Those under your command need to see your light. Don’t get trapped in the office. We lead people, not things. Do what is right […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]Washington, D.C., during the Promise Keepers’ “Stand in the Gap” rally in October of 1997. It was a logistically challenging time to fund, transport, feed, and house a group of thirteen soldiers, but through some amazing answers to their prayers, it all worked out and they experienced a life-changing time together. Timothy concluded his testimony this way: “We made it back to Germany and, returning to our community, began to share with others our adventure in Christ, including those brothers of ours who had remained behind to accomplish other missions. I knew then, however, that our fellowship–not just those who […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]acknowledges not realizing “just how hard this moment would be.”    2200 OCF team leaders John and Eva Haddick’s volunteer ministry for OCF is a “God-given mission” going back to “what Christ did” for them through the legacy of OCF’s biblical foundations. OCF’s small group gatherings are key to their lives, and the JBLM one they now attend is a varied mix: second lieutenants, a retired Air Force general, medical professionals, and Rangers. John is at a chapel service that is just wrapping up, as part of a joint OCF-Valor ministry to the Army ROTC cadets attending Warrior Forge for […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]to have faith like a child.6 I’m going to be a Superman for Christ.     1 John 3:16, John 20:29 2 John 10:10 3 Michael Yaconelli, Dangerous Wonder: The Adventure of Childlike Faith, (Colorado Springs: NavPress, 2003), 58 4 2 Timothy 2:13 5 1 John 4:16 6 Mathew 18:4   Jim Freeze is a First Class Cadet at the United States Military Academy (USMA ’05) and the Cadet-In-Charge of OCF at West Point this year. He wrote this devotion to all of OCF at the beginning of the school year to encourage his fellow cadets to fall in love […]

Follow Me

[…]Andrew and said to them, “…’Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men…'” (Matthew 4:19 RSV). As a Christian officer in the military today, I need only look to Jesus for the example to follow. Jesus provides the premier lesson on leadership by focusing on three areas: serving others, doing the will of His Father, and forsaking the world’s view of leadership. Serve Others Serving others may sound like an odd way to lead. If we’re appointed as leaders, people are supposed to obey our orders and follow us. Servant leadership is not new to this age, but […]

Wrestling with Depression

[…]than my ancestors”(1 Kings 19:4). Admiral Jeremy Boorda, Chief Naval Officer, killed himself in 1996 because of the erroneous accusation that he was wearing two medals he was unauthorized to wear. Elijah and Admiral Boorda were two great men motivated to end their lives because of shame. We inherited shame and fear from Adam and Eve, hiding from God and each other since that painful day when Adam chose to disobey God (Genesis 3:6-10). But through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, we are reconciled to God (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) and the war has been won through Jesus. But until the […]

Leadership Moments: Are You Leading?

[…]protective gesture, Jesus healed the servant’s injury and told Peter to put away his weapon (John 18:10-11). Jesus could have responded to the arresting entourage with a show of His mighty power or through a simple appeal to his Father and the thousands of angels standing by for Jesus’ use. Instead, He identified Himself as the one they sought (John 18:5).  A good leader leads best with actions reflecting decisions arrived at through calm, calculated, inspired thought rather than reckless displays of power. Jesus command to Peter reveals that leaders who use overwhelming displays of power are not always effective […]

Making the ‘no greater love’ sacrifice

[…]WWII chaplains, who had studied and served together, put into practice one February morning in 1943 what they preached. They gave their lives so others might live. The USAT Dorchester was a converted troop ship taking 902 souls from New York to war in Europe via Greenland. Anyone who’s ever been aboard a troop ship as a passenger, with troops huddled in every nook and cranny of the ship, knows it’s not a Princess Cruises excursion! The sights and smells of huddled humanity aren’t soon forgotten. One day out of Greenland, a torpedo struck the side of the ship, killing […]


[…]food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work'” (John 4:34). What happens when the Christian leader stays true to the task and maintains focus despite signs of indifference or rejection? He finds satisfaction in a job well done and his efforts benefit those he is called to serve. The courageous leader who stays true to the task ultimately helps others become better people. From a close reading of John 4 Jesus models leadership that bridges cultural divides and does not quit at signs of rejection. The Samaritan woman received salvation, […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]was an All-American quarterback for the Army football team during its heyday in 1958 and 1959. It was tops in the nation and Joe was tops on the team. He was also at the top of his class academically. He took Paul Stanley under his wing and invested nine months of his life in Paul. As Paul explained it in a letter to me: “(He) modeled (a life of Christ), we prayed often together, went out on ‘basketball evangelism’ after the football season was over. We memorized many passages of Scripture together and spent hours and hours in studying the […]

The Line Officer and the Chaplain

[…]have for our chapels! The words of Jesus call to us today. The fields are white unto harvest (John 4:35). Pray that the Lord will send forth laborers. (Luke 10:12). A spiritually live, praying chapel congregation is just such a disciple-making and disciple-sending ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ to use in expanding His Church throughout the military and throughout the world. The chapel offers you many opportunities to use your spiritual gifts and to express your commitment to Jesus Christ. All chaplains welcome volunteers to serve in their programs. The transient nature of military life insures a continual supply […]

Why We Serve

[…]to reach those who have yet to accept Him as Lord and Savior. As Jesus spoke in the Gospel of John. Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him (John […]

Child Evangelism

[…]patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 2. Pray specifically that God will give you insights and wisdom in dealing with each child on his or her maturity level. 3. Don’t use terms like “take Jesus into your heart,” “dying and going to hell,” and “accepting Christ as your personal Savior.” Children are either too literal (“How does Jesus breathe in my heart?”) or the words are too trite for their understanding. 4. Deal with each child alone, and don’t be in a hurry. Make sure he or she understands. […]

Do you have a PCS sponsor—to heaven?

[…]a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” (John 14:2-3). This Savior and Lord—our “sponsor” in this life and as we PCS into the next—will one day stand to welcome and greet us at death before the Commander in Chief of the universe and in the communion of saints. Today is the time to make sure Jesus is your spiritual sponsor for that coming day.   Marine Corps: As a sponsor…you provide initial important contact [and] first impression of our unit. Jesus provides the connection […]


[…]the actor you are probably thinking of! This Jim Carey is my father, SSG Jim Carey, part of the 94th Division. He won the Bronze Star and two Purple Hearts fighting in World War II. Those of you serving in today’s military are heroes, too. You probably don’t consider yourself a hero, but you are to those of us back home. The mere fact that you joined the military in time of war makes you a brave person, if not a hero. So how do you become a hero—or at least a good leader? Take care of your soldiers and […]

How does the Lord see you?

[…]gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Once we grapple with and ultimately grasp that eternal truth, we begin to realize He calls us to serve Him, going where no man or woman has gone before in His power, to reach out to others with encouragement and engage in their lives. One of my favorite stories of obedient servants boldly stepping forward to answer God’s call to serve is the biblical account of the prophet Isaiah. He accepted the Lord’s commission to warn Judah about impending Babylonian […]

I Only See Green

[…]sees only hearts. 1LT (P) Kevin Polosky, USA, was commissioned as an infantry officer in March 1998. While stationed at Fort Benning he wrote this article to share with the youth group he was leading. He, wife Mickel and son Tyler John now live in Friedberg, Germany where he is Movement Control Officer for 1 Brigade 1 Armor […]

Implicit Trust

[…]faith would live. Those who refused to take the Lord at his word, died. In the New Testament, John 3:14-15 (KJV), we’re told, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Just as Moses raised up the brass serpent upon a pole, so Christ was raised up on a cross. There Christ bore the full judgment of our sin. He suffered, bled, and died in your place and in mine, the Innocent One dying for the […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

[…]patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). 2. Pray specifically that God will give you insights and wisdom in dealing with each child on his or her maturity level. 3. Don’t use terms like “take Jesus into your heart,” “dying and going to hell,” and “accepting Christ as your personal Savior.” Children are either too literal (“How does Jesus breathe in my heart?”) or the words are too trite for their understanding. 4. Deal with each child alone, and don’t be in a hurry. Make sure he or she understands. […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]it. I first met Second Lieutenant Tom Hemingway, USMC, in the OCF bookstore in the fall of 1961. Located just outside Gate Three at the Naval Academy, the place was a haven for Middies trapped for the year and choosing between “books, walks, sports” or “sports, walks and books,” with an occasional movie thrown in on Saturday night. It was late November and I was a rising Youngster (Sophomore), just getting used to a little freedom after Plebe year. Officers were like gods. Plebes were trained to salute anything that moved, and I was still in that mode. I’d developed […]

Question Authority

[…]said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me” (John 11:41-42). I had a friend who, in response to matters he did not understand or was reluctant to accept, would say: “I am content to leave this in the hands of a sovereign God.” What a great response! As we walk and lead by faith, fulfilling God’s mission, may we entrust our ways and life’s circumstances to Him.   Copyrighted by Officers’ Christian Fellowship and Larry Simpson. For personal reflection and growth. Not for […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]AWESOME! Picture time. Tonight’s lesson: reject social and spiritual passivity. “Chicago” (John) gets the chicken! Later that night it rains and the tent sounds like a cathedral. I listen to my son’s snoring sounds. So grateful for this time. Good breakfast, packed gear, drove to our camp site. Pitched tents, staff is fired up, everyone is fired up. The boys go exploring for a bit. Young warriors, fearing nothing. Later, the staff takes most of the group up into the mountains to a trail. Andy leads us on; beautiful country here. The trail parallels a small stream. Beaver dams near […]

TTP – Vision and Leadership

[…]what we say, and do the right thing even when no one is watching. From verse 13 of chapter 15 of John’s Gospel, Jesus tells us, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” That illustrates service before self for all time. We pledge to lay down our lives for our friends, our nation. That’s what we do. In addition, according to Paul in his epistle to the church at Ephesus, chapter 6, verse 7, “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.” Yes, excellence in all we do-giving […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]serve our Lord and Master in this world, we are living and working behind enemy lines.” In 1 John 5:19, we are assured that we are under God’s protection, but reminded too, “…that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” The Bible’s message is clear–we operate in an environment of spiritual terrorism. As military leaders we must recognize and commit ourselves to train and lead our personnel in both operational environments–the physical domain of direct action, and the domain of unconventional spiritual warfare. True Strength While physical training strengthens our bodies, and battle drills build the […]

What Are You Reading?

[…]by Max De Pree, Doubleday, 2004. The Making of a Christian Leader by Ted W. Engstrom, Zondervan, 1976. Next Generation Leader by Andy Stanley, Multnomah Book, 2003. Be a Leader for God’s Sake by Bruce Winston, Regent University, 2002. Leading at a Higher Level by Ken Blanchard, Prentice Hall, 2007. The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You by John Maxwell, Thomas Nelson, […]

What Right Looks Like

[…]Right Looks Like Also important is the ability to see what right looks like. I’m reminded of John 10:32 as Jesus says to the Jews, “…I have shown you many great miracles from the Father…” Jesus Christ showed the entire world what right looks like. Through his daily walk with God, the example He set constantly, He showed exactly how we should act. In 2 Corinthians 6:3 Paul says, “We put no stumbling block in anyone’s path so that our ministry may not be discredited.” Like Paul, through our walk with Christ, and our demonstration of our faith to others, […]

You Are Commissioned

[…]But in spite of any crisis you encounter, as a Christian, you should have hope. The apostle John says, “…for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” As a family member or military member, you were “commissioned” in our Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard to do the work of our Lord as professional military servants, as a family, and as ambassadors of Jesus Christ. The crises in […]
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