Search results for "statement and faith"

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Question Authority

[…]am content to leave this in the hands of a sovereign God.” What a great response! As we walk and lead by faith, fulfilling God’s mission, may we entrust our ways and life’s circumstances to Him.   Copyrighted by Officers’ Christian Fellowship and Larry Simpson. For personal reflection and growth. Not for […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]feet. Darren’s homecoming was filled with a joy beyond description, a peace that passes understanding, and the pride that only a parent can feel. We were excited to see him, hug him, and hear of his experience–and how he, too, had placed his faith in God. And it was only with a small twinge of disappointment, but also enormous satisfaction in the way we raised him, to hear him say he “wouldn’t mind going back again.” He did not feel himself a hero, but humbly took satisfaction in doing his duty and helping the people, whom he came to love. […]

TTP – Platoon Leader

[…]program in my free time. I give God credit for good things that happen in my life and express faith in Him when things go downhill. I make sure my life leaves no room for the “Sunday Christian” comment. I am always ready with an explanation of my faith, but no one asks, and I don’t push. The Lord knows I am not perfect, and I am sure I am far from the “ideal standard” of Christian Leader Outreach, but that is the system I have slowly figured out during my platoon leader time.  I suppose the best TTP is […]

The Jungles of War

[…]safe from small arms fire, but not from the bombs and napalm. These had killed the grandfather and grandmother, but left the child unhurt. My first response was horror and hurt at the infliction of pain and death in which I’d played an integral part. The fact that all our actions had been carried out professionally didn’t relieve the pain I felt, and it mattered not at all to this little survivor before me. Next came a wave of something mean and cruel in my nature: a rejection of responsibility — a denial of my role in all of this. […]

Three Words

[…]that Jesus is Lord in your life will give you confidence to handle the weight of combat command and the courage to face death. This does not mean that you may not be killed. Jesus was Lord as much in my brother Jon’s life as he was in mine, but God allowed the North Vietnamese machine gun bullets to cut him down after only a few weeks in battle, while I survived fifteen months there with only a few scars. Nor does your faith mean you will never feel fear. It is part of our humanness–often a necessary and helpful […]

Pennsylvania – White Sulphur Springs Conference Center

[…]an environment where our guests can be refreshed, challenged and strengthened in their Christian faith and relationships. God is equipping our guests to return to their military or civilian communities as ambassadors for Christ, prepared to “step out” in faith for His glory. Email: [email protected] Day & Time: We meet at 1930 on Thursdays for Bible Study, September through […]
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Through A Glass Darkly

[…]ones to our Lord. Bible storybooks aimed at appropriate age levels are a wonderful tool. Tapes and songs and conversations about God in our daily tasks provide a sense of His loving presence. Look at the rainbow God made! and Did you know that Jesus loves you even more than you love this little puppy? are natural ways to incorporate a youngster’s understanding of the Lord we serve. Daily (or nightly) prayers on the most simple level help children to begin to learn a conversation of faith. Yes, there were times when I thought perhaps the voices were correct. Yes, […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]characterized by the Army War College buzz word “VUCA” (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), and seldom will there be a policy option that from a Christian perspective is clearly right. We can more often discern clearly wrong policies than clearly right policies. Further, especially in democracies, policy making usually involves some compromise–some give and take. Politics is the art of the possible and a Christian congressman may be honestly, prayerfully, and rightly voting as God leads him while accepting half a loaf rather than no loaf at all. Another danger is single issue voting. It is tempting to use a […]

Wrestling with Depression

[…]For me, even though I was adopted as an infant and raised by wonderful parents, the rejection and abandonment of my birth parents still hurts. My thoughts are, I’m afraid that who I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to do will not be good enough. And the most important people in my life will reject me and my efforts, leaving me all alone with no hope. Even after his great victory over the 450 false prophets of Baal, when hearing that Jezebel was after him, Elijah prayed that he might die, saying, “I have had enough, Lord…. Take […]

The Wounded Healer

[…]behind a grieving wife, their baby, and other heartbroken relatives and friends. Despite her faith, and the support of family and community friends, Diana’s wounds—pain, anger, denial, and fear for her son’s young family—are profound, constant companions she will likely carry with her until her dying day.  Death—and the separation that ensues because of it—is the curse of Adam’s sin. For Diana and her family—and countless families throughout the ages who have lost loved ones, particularly in combat situations—you can’t help but wonder, can any good come from such an unspeakable tragedy?  However, it is in the strange economy of […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

[…]over 360 of them occurring throughout our nation and across the globe, including New Zealand, Korea and Norway. As they move throughout their careers, OCFers can utilize OCF’s link up system to look up and hook up with existing small groups. Whether they meet before/after duty, or during lunch, OCFers come together in Christ’s to support and encourage each through Bible study and prayer.   Navy submarine lieutenant Mark Treen believes God has given him a rare opportunity to be a missionary to those he lives, works and eats with in the ocean depths, an environment where the difficulties crew […]
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For All Leaders

[…]from remarks originally presented to a group of Christian officers attending Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. William J. (Joe) Shirey, (Colonel, USAF, retired), was commissioned from the Air Force Academy in 1976. He was an F-16 Squadron Commander and served in various staff assignments in NATO, the Pentagon and Air Combat Command. He retired in 2001. He and his wife, Johanna, have four daughters: Sarah, Katie, Rebecca, Emily. They have been actively involved in OCF and other military ministries since entering the […]

Share this spiritual gift with your teen

[…]does the Aussie. Much emphasis on safety. Reassuring. That’s my son doing that. Thank you, God. Andy and Kristy Lathrop share their testimony with us atop the cliff. What a fine young couple, so much heart for this ministry. Ate our sack lunches. Getting warm, drinking lots of water. The boys are cutting up, getting cocky about rappelling, and now rock climbing. Good equipment. Safe. We drive to Buena Vista (the nearby town about ten minutes down the road) and to “K’s” for ice cream. Brian got a shake, enjoying the other boys’ company. Beautiful park next to K’s. Frisbee, […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]to find in one of the buildings a room that could be blacked out enough to allow us to light a candle and catch up on our long overdue letters to home. Two of the men were new to combat and they were especially eager to write their reactions to the thick of the fight — their first combat experience. As each of us sat there, busy with thoughts and pens, distant antiaircraft fire was heard. We became alert and listened. The new men looked at me; they had not been in an air attack yet. I answered their questioning […]

Finding certainty in an uncertain world

[…]four and five address our key principles of being a “lay-led” ministry where “integrating faith and profession” is exhorted to our members. I believe the ability to shine the light of Christ effectively in the most difficult of our military careers’ situations depends upon how well we live out God’s instructions through Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We live in a hurting world of people desperate for answers. As a Christian, you already have the answer—Christ in your heart. If you have successfully guarded your face, heart and mind, when uncertainty strikes those you lead will look to you and […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]which acts as our perimeter defense, surrounding us with brothers and sisters to hold up our hands and protect us from outside evil influences.  Prayer acts as spiritual anti-virus protection, culling out evil thoughts and evoking the Holy Spirit to keep the “hard drive” of our inner man unpolluted.  And by feasting on the Word, we password-protect our heart and mind with Scripture, locking and protecting our thoughts. As you continue to serve our nation, know that OCF was tailor-made to come alongside and provide you with the defense-in-depth measures needed to keep your light shining brightly–the light of Christ […]

Part of an amazing lineage

[…]it is to be set free and to live a life for Christ. Now a mother of two beautiful daughters, she and her husband are committed to living a life worthy of the call of Christ. With autumn’s arrival on the horizon, as you settle into the routines of school and work, I challenge you to carefully consider where the Lord has you, who He has brought into your life, and then answer if you are living each day for Christ. Rejoice that you have been bought at a price and are now part of this amazing lineage.  As we […]
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