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The Role of Faith

[…]. . . The great things that come about through crisis are not the result of ‘great faith’ but of faith, even a small and flickering faith, in the greatness of God’s love and mercy in Jesus Christ.”4 Each morning, whether you’re separated from a family member or not, you may find it helpful to begin the day looking to God for guidance and strength for the day. The military lifestyle gives you unique opportunities to experience the peace and grace of God during hard times. Chaplain Stan Beach said, “When my situation can’t be changed, I can work at […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]upon his men immediately upon his assumption of command. He knew that his men must have the inner faith of God to sustain them in the perilous times ahead. The day after assuming command, he issued the following order: The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army which forbid profane cursing, swearing and drunkenness. And in like manner, he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the […]

Superhero’s Faith

[…]else was doing, thinking it would take me somewhere. Now, I look back, and I long for that life of fun, of adventure, of true faith. I realize that in my attempt to recreate the “exciting life” that I had forgotten, I entered a life of drinking, status, and popularity, but it was actually making me more miserable. I would constantly return to that Clark Kent-like person, a lame, robotic person of whom I wasn’t really fond. I was never fulfilled-I needed to go to party after party and pump myself up by acting cool and buying cool things to […]

Leaving a legacy of faith

[…]burial” (Mark 14:8) is one such account. Jesus stated her act would subsequently be “spoken of in memory of her” (Mark 14:9). Death, however, need not be the event that delivers lasting memorials. Cornelius, a centurion, a leader of leaders, and a soldier is memorialized in Scripture for his consistent prayers and good deeds. An angel spoke to Cornelius and said: “Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God.” The Spirit of God used Cornelius to intervene in the life of Peter the Apostle and to deliver the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 10:34-48). Cornelius’ devout life […]

OCF Council Elections Now Underway

[…]to the OCF Constitution be submitted to the membership for approval: “Replace the current OCF Statement of Participation with the following language (changes to current statement indicated by bold underline): ‘I am committed to the Purpose of OCF: to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society. As an expression of my commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and to His work in the military society, I will participate actively and prayerfully in the ministry of OCF with my time, talents, spiritual gifts, and financial resources. […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]that more junior officers cannot bring. Some of these are as follows: A model of the relevance of faith to life at the level of rank to which many junior officers aspire. Elimination of the perception by many junior officers that a committed Christian cannot be successful at senior levels. Serving as “salt” among senior peers and within deliberations and decisions affecting the command. Having an active ministry among senior peers. Wisdom of years of experience in the military. Experiences in life to be used to encourage and disciple younger members. A model of a marriage and family that demonstrates […]
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What is Required of Me?

[…]to influence subordinates are not the tools of an ambassador. We can inadvertently offend people of other faiths or those without spiritual convictions. One of the reasons we serve as professionals in our military is to defend the freedom of religion for all of our citizens. However, respect and sensitivity do not require checking our own faith in Christ at the door. We live our faith through the profession of arms in a way that allows others to see Jesus through us: through our love, integrity, honor, courage in the face of danger, and our moral behavior. Jesus said, “Neither […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]article please use the following copyright notice: “Downloaded and reprinted by permission of Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA, Englewood, Colorado. Authored by Colonel Barry Willey, USA (Ret.). All rights reserved.” Copyright Information 2004 Colonel Barry Willey, USA (Ret.), by special arrangement with Officers’ Christian Fellowship of the USA. No portion of this article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way–electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or other–except for brief quotations in printed review, without prior permission of the publisher. Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible: New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International […]

Leadership without Coercion

[…]introduction to the Army, sixty drill sergeants to give them that introduction, and a handful of officers and NCOs to support them. When I introduced myself to the drill sergeants, I included with my hobbies, family, and interests the fact that I am a Christian. I said I wanted them to know what shapes my values and behavior. I told them that, although I prayed that each of them would be a Christian because I believed that would be the best thing for them, that my judgment of them would be based on their performance and conduct alone. Their spiritual […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

[…]of living. Ask Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. The Officers’ Christian Fellowship statement of faith serves as a simple, yet eternally profound prayer to use: Inasmuch as I am a sinner and deserve the wrath of God, and since Jesus Christ died for my sins, was buried, and has been bodily resurrected, according to the Scriptures, I have accepted Him as my personal Lord and Savior and am saved by His grace alone. Seek out other believers and a Bible-based church to help you grow in your faith.   OCF, which can be found at many installations across the nation, encourages small-group fellowship and […]

Financial Responsibility for Children

[…]privileges. Each year my wife and I plan our Christian giving for the next year and make a list of those to whom we send tithes and offerings each month. The manager would write out tithe checks. This also doubled as accountability for us, and a faith lesson for him, having at least one of our children knowing exactly how much of our income we were giving to the Lord’s work. I have a small cubicle in my desk where I put bills and bank statements as they come in and they were to check periodically for bills to pay. […]

Service Separations

[…]wife, frustrated and anxious because she hasn’t heard from her husband for some time, has fired off a letter of recriminations and complaints, only to receive several letters from him the next day, which had been held up along the way. Or she discovers he hasn’t written because of illness or a work schedule that allows only a few hours of sleep a night as it is. In other words, if you don’t hear from your husband as often as you’d like, give him the benefit of the doubt! There may be a legitimate reason.   Must I Be Both […]

Staying Up Late

[…]up so you don’t have to. How many times have I heard people back home talk about this generation of kids? How often have people said to me, “These kids don’t care about anything. They are so selfish. We’ve become a society that simply gives kids everything nowadays and places no expectations on them. They’ll never amount to anything.” How I wish they could these young service men and women over here! They would see teens and young adults who are willing to give the ultimate sacrifice for many in their country who’ve written them off as selfish, immature leeches […]

Leadership Excellence

[…]for any success I’ve enjoyed. In peace and in war, I have confidently gone to the deep well of my faith in hard times, and I have always found sustenance and comfort there. My experience has convinced me that spiritual faith-faith in God-must become the solid bedrock of an individual’s character. While the leader must demonstrate the highest standards of conduct and, ideally, personify the values that define his organization, he must also ensure that those same values are instilled in his subordinates. He must endeavor to cultivate both a spiritual appreciation for them and confidence in the integrity of […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]for whom he now still works as a senior executive. Theirs is a ministry of discipleship…of faithful men teaching other faithful men the ways of Christ. Gwyn Vaughn, another committed officer, came along and picked up the ball from Paul. With the support of ministries like the Officers’ Christian Fellowship–another group, different in scope than the Navigators, but equally dedicated to helping build cadets into disciples for Christ and sharing their faith with others through prayer, fellowship, and Bible Study. In 1969–Jon’s last year and my first–Paul Stanley’s focus was on a handful of men he felt would carry on […]

Further insights from Mike and Angie Moyles

[…]family and eventually fitness. He’s always been determined and that has never changed.   Man of faith, man of science on… …How my cancer was discovered…  After briefly knocked out by colliding head-first with another basketball player, I awakened unable to move my right arm. A precautionary MRI where the doctors said “we found something” was eventually diagnosed as astrocytoma. Prior to the MRI I never exhibited any tell-tale signs indicating the tumor’s presence: memory issues, mood changes or speech problems. …Fighting the battles of life…  Get your priorities straight. Whatever the struggle—aggression, depression, anger, etc.—the answer is the same: […]

Leadership Q&A

[…]be the best possible. The quality of your work and expertise should be so good that it provides proof of your faith. To put it plainly, your credibility as a Christian is on the line if you are a substandard officer. Take pride in your work, walk your talk, and thereby bring glory to God. Q: What are the must-have tools you suggest for keeping sharp as a military officer and as a Christian? A: Every Christian officer needs a friend in the faith to hold him/her accountable, hear confession, offer prayer cover, and encourage us through the struggle. Even […]

Implicit Trust

[…]gallop. Immediately the soldier lay down his arms, left his compatriots and passed over among the officers of Napoleon’s immediate staff. “What do you want here?” one of them asked, haughtily. “I am a captain in the Emperor’s Guards,” was the response. “You, a captain! Who says you are a captain?” “He said it,” answered the soldier, pointing in the direction of the Emperor riding in the distance, and immediately he was accepted by the officers as one of them. This was simple faith and trust on the part of the soldier. He believed his Emperor’s word and acted accordingly. […]

Leadership Came Naturally

[…]to salute anything that moved, and I was still in that mode. I’d developed a certain fear of officers, some of whom were certainly deserving of such fear. Not Tom. It was Tom Hemingway that I met, not LIEUTENANT Hemingway. I wanted to know why a robust, confident and clearly capable person like Tom chose to hang out at a Christian bookstore on a Saturday afternoon. Weren’t there more interesting things to do? When he told me the bookstore was an interesting place for a committed Christian I wanted to know more about that too. He had a magnetic personality […]
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