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OCF/Valor ROTC Retreat

[…]Units from leading universities as they come together to deepen their faith and Become a Leader God can use. Our speaker is Chaplain (LTC) Dave Bowlus, USA. Discussions will be facilitated by a Junior Officer Panel as well a Panel of seasoned Senior Officers. White Sulphur Springs is beautiful in the winter. You can look forward to outdoor actives such as hiking, ice skating (weather permitting) as well as climbing wall, an ice cream social or just sitting by the fire with time to read your […]

Financial Responsibility for Children

[…]school years have yielded solid financial training and an appreciation for the value of money. By God’s grace we hope to have raised four good stewards who will contribute to the needs of the kingdom and who will be saved the painful lessons of our carefree-spendthrift […]

First Bible Studies

[…]to schedule a “Pray and Obey” where you would draw aside for a “season” of prayer to ask God to show you how He sees your installation (the walls of Jerusalem), and in prayer, discern His leading as you progress from a concern for others in the military, to a burden, then to a vision and finally to a plan. Leader’s Preparation In preparation for a group Bible Study, the leader should first proceed as though studying the passage just for him or herself. Then, when you have studied the passage adequately, you must decide what information to tell the […]

Leadership by Example

[…]faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter. So help me God. So, what obligation flows naturally and concisely from this oath? What is the obligation that you are assuming, that you can never take off or lay down, that will remain with you 24 hours a day, every single day you remain on active duty? What is it about this obligation of the officer that caused the military historian S.L.A. Marshall to describe it famously as the “exceptional and unremitting” responsibility? I submit for your consideration this morning that it is the moral […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]well as a physical one.  Ephesians 6 instructs us to fight the spiritual battle with the armor of God–the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with readiness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Examine these components and I believe you can see these weapons as fellowship, prayer, and the Word. I remember a different kind of warfare from my active duty days–cyber-war, in which we would initially defend against by employing “defense-in-depth.”  This defense-in-depth consisted of a firewall, providing a perimeter of defense to keep out the bad guys, and anti-virus software […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]with other military members who love Jesus, to support, equip, and encourage each other in God’s Word.   Beth Dowty served as a personnel officer in the United States Air Force from 2000-2004. She is now serving as a military wife and homeschool mom. […]

Returning Home

[…]re-dedicate themselves to one other–in an intentional act of commitment to each other and to God. Their home church can be a supportive part of that celebration. The adjustments families need to make can be improved by a good understanding of the stresses of separation and a strategy for thriving. Robert Leroe has a Doctor of Ministry degree from Drew University. A former Army brat with 25 years of military service, he is the Chaplaincy Endorser and Pastor of the Cliftondale Congregational Church in Saugus, […]

The Five Myths of Mortgaged Rental Property

[…]associated with owning a rental property and some ways we can be wise stewards of the resources God has given us: Myth #1: My tenants pay my mortgage Many property owners mistakenly assume that as long as a tenant pays the mortgage, they’re making money. But in reality, after all other expenses such as maintenance, insurance, taxes, and utilities are added in, most owners actually lose money. These expenditures can easily cost the owner 30-40 percent of the mortgage cost, meaning you must charge a tenant 130 percent of your mortgage payment—which may not be possible in competitive rental markets. […]

Truth and the Christian Leader

[…]standards helps others do likewise He or she protects the integrity of institutions established by God The Christian leader sends a compelling message to others to “put off falsehood” and to speak truth to every man. (Ephesians 4:25) As with Peter, the Christian leader would do well to allow everyone involved a chance to tell his/her side of the story. “Audi Partem Alterum” — hear the other side. Leaders need not fear truth but must pursue it. Truth is the fabric of what we stand for and is what we as Christian leaders are called to practice.   Copyrighted by […]

TTP – Character

[…]19:11 commands, “Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.” When we fall short of God’s standard of integrity, we must acknowledge the shortcoming and correct it as best we can. We should not hesitate to ask for forgiveness. Trust is built by demonstrating character that is above reproach. To influence others, a leader must have an unwavering commitment to integrity as the foundation for character, regardless of circumstances. William J. (Joe) Shirey, (Colonel, USAF, retired), was commissioned from the Air Force Academy in 1976. He was an F-16 Squadron Commander and served in various staff assignments […]

TTP – Platoon Leader

[…]I am on Sunday. I volunteer with the Chapel Youth program in my free time. I give God credit for good things that happen in my life and express faith in Him when things go downhill. I make sure my life leaves no room for the “Sunday Christian” comment. I am always ready with an explanation of my faith, but no one asks, and I don’t push. The Lord knows I am not perfect, and I am sure I am far from the “ideal standard” of Christian Leader Outreach, but that is the system I have slowly figured out during […]

We Honor Them

[…]and home, but they did it selflessly. Please pray for their families and friends back home, that God will comfort them in their sorrow, knowing that these five soldiers did their duty […]

Pennsylvania – White Sulphur Springs Conference Center

[…]guests can be refreshed, challenged and strengthened in their Christian faith and relationships. God is equipping our guests to return to their military or civilian communities as ambassadors for Christ, prepared to “step out” in faith for His glory. Email: [email protected] Day & Time: We meet at 1930 on Thursdays for Bible Study, September through […]
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