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Time, Talent, Treasure: Academies

[…]is at work, and join Him there. Conduct your own Pray, Discover and Obey, and be sensitive to what the Holy Spirit shows you in the ways you should minister with the military. And then do it.  Austin: Keep your contact information updated with the OCF home office so that we can network more easily. It really helps our new officers to link up at their next post with another officer in OCF.   Why OCF? Burt: As a midshipman, when I was asking questions about who Jesus Christ was and why He was important to my life, two OCFers […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

by Rhiannon Kutzer The heartbeat of OCF is the small group fellowship, over 360 of them occurring throughout our nation and across the globe, including New Zealand, Korea and Norway. As they move throughout their careers, OCFers can utilize OCF’s link up system to look up and hook up with existing small groups. Whether they meet before/after duty, or during lunch, OCFers come together in Christ’s to support and encourage each through Bible study and prayer.   Navy submarine lieutenant Mark Treen believes God has given him a rare opportunity to be a missionary to those he lives, works and […]
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A day in the life of OCF

[…]and so many other ministry endeavors, the kingdom work of our limitless Lord. How it all gets done is the continual flow of the Holy Spirit working through hard-working men and women, those OCF members who are the hands and feet of Christ, reaching out in His love no matter where they are.    0500 As another workday commences, the sweet-smelling incense of fervent prayer is offered up to the Lord from coast to coast. USCGA cadets are praying in Chase Hall chapel. In Kentucky and Washington state, and countless locales in between, alarms go off and knees hit the […]

With the Love of a Clanging Cymbal

[…]this type of love in my exchange with my friend?  My conscience, no doubt under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, drew me to the first verse of that chapter, “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Corinthians 13:1). Clanging cymbal—that was a perfect description of my actions as I “clanged” away about a friend’s moral failure without any concern for the how or why. I had no love for him, and it was the one thing that, unfortunately, came […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]Prayer acts as spiritual anti-virus protection, culling out evil thoughts and evoking the Holy Spirit to keep the “hard drive” of our inner man unpolluted.  And by feasting on the Word, we password-protect our heart and mind with Scripture, locking and protecting our thoughts. As you continue to serve our nation, know that OCF was tailor-made to come alongside and provide you with the defense-in-depth measures needed to keep your light shining brightly–the light of Christ so desperately needed in these dark days.  For the past sixty-eight years OCF fellowships have kept us in communion with Christ as we gather […]

Question Authority

[…](Job 38:1-3). From my experience, most leaders don’t care to have their decisions challenged. This is particularly true, I believe, when the pace is fast and compliance must be immediate. In our leaders’ devotion this morning, someone commented, “There are some things you are not supposed to understand.” This was certainly the case with Job. For all of Job’s righteousness, one might question whether Job deserved to suffer and, if he did, should he at least have been given insight as to why. As we strive to live out our faith in our profession, the study of Job prompts a […]

Reignited Service

[…]synonym for fear? Is it trepidation, apprehension, alarm, or dread? Whatever your definition, that is the side of 2 Timothy 1:7 you need to address. My synonym for fear is anxious. I think I fear little, but I admit that I can get anxious about a thing or two. As recently as yesterday, I became anxious over an issue. Then I read 2 Timothy 1:1-14 for a full appreciation of Paul’s response to Timothy’s fear. Paul acknowledged that Timothy’s “sincere faith” (verse 5) was in need of a fresh rekindling (verse 6). God reminded me that dwelling within me is […]

Undivided Heart

[…]seem void of anything resembling those guided by the Holy Spirit? At the heart of these queries is the consideration of the root of one’s conscious choices (actions). Our options are to allow the “spiritual self” or the “old nature” to dictate our decisions. David asked that he would know God’s ways and walk in His truth. Is it possible to discern right judgment without knowing the truth? James 1:8 says: A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. Surely, as Christian leaders, our desire is to show compassion with an undivided heart–one that rightly discerns truth with reverence […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]about starting a group, about who to invite, what to study, where to meet, time/place, etc. Let the Holy Spirit speak before launching on your own strength. 3. Invite initial participants. Face-to-face invitations work best. Using flyers, bulletin board announcements, or e-mail works better after you have an established group going. 4. Be prepared. Take a look at the many resources available on this OCF website to help you–so take your time and look around! After the First Meeting After the first meeting you’ll have a better idea of what the group prefers/needs. Is childcare an issue? Find a creative way […]

Two Greedy Institutions

[…]on making career decisions together with spouses. We want and need her input. a. She is the “helper suitable” that God gave us (Gen 2:18-25). b. She has insights we do not (especially regarding the needs of the children). 2. The process of the decision making is often as important as the outcome, especially including the importance of praying together. How can the officer show his love and the priority he gives his spouse and children when in a very demanding billet? Communicate, communicate, communicate! a. Keep her informed. b. Be involved in family decision making. c. Make time to […]

Wrestling with Depression

[…]of that victory comes, we are engaged in spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12). Our enemy, the devil, is the father of lies (John 8:44) who seeks to devour (1 Peter 5:8), and kill and destroy us (John 10:10). He wants us to believe we are easy prey for his schemes-that we are alone and isolated without worth, hope, or help. That spiritual battle is also within us, between our old and new natures. Our flesh always wants to be in charge, but as Christians with the Holy Spirit living within us, God gives us the power to overcome and win. Wearing […]

OCF at Garden Tomb

[…]many times at OCF’s conference center in White Sulphur Springs, PA, invite OCFers travelling to the Holy Land to contact them. The Meryons oversee the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. “Rosalind and I greatly want to greet OCFers and their churches and groups. We will endeavor to welcome every one of you to this pinnacle experience during your time in Israel.” The Meryons were on the British Naval Staff in Washington, DC, from 1985-88 and back again from1992-1995 at the NATO headquarters in Norfolk, VA. Their son, David, who was born in 1987 in Fairfax County Hospital, plans to be the […]

Lead Your Child to Christ

[…]did he use the term “compel” (see Luke 14:23). Do not compel children. 2. Remember that unless the Holy Spirit is speaking to the child, there will be no genuine heart experience of regeneration. Don’t get caught up in the idea that Jesus will return the day before you were going to speak to your child about salvation and that it will be too late. Look at God’s character—He is love! He is not dangling your child’s soul over hell. Wait on God’s timing. Pray with faith, believing. Be concerned, but don’t push.   The Plan: 1. God loves you. […]

What’s Your Altitude

[…]climb over the mountains, I heard a female voice say, “Altitude. Altitude.” Pilots know that this is a warning they are starting to get too close to the ground. When the voice warns them, they respond accordingly. Followers of Jesus Christ need to listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice when it warns us, “Altitude. Altitude.” But as Christ’s followers, this is not a warning we are getting too low. It is a warning we are getting too high! When you hear that prompting through life’s challenges, consider it a warning that you are getting too high on yourself. Your attitude […]

Child Evangelism

[…]did he use the term “compel” (see Luke 14:23). Do not compel children. 2. Remember that unless the Holy Spirit is speaking to the child, there will be no genuine heart experience of regeneration. Don’t get caught up in the idea that Jesus will return the day before you were going to speak to your child about salvation and that it will be too late. Look at God’s character–He is love! He is not dangling your child’s soul over hell. Wait on God’s timing. Pray with faith, believing. Be concerned, but don’t push. The Plan 1. God loves you. Recite […]

Unity of Command

[…]make all war-fighting decisions. He delegates decision-making down through the chain of command; this is called centralized control with de-centralized execution. The theory is that there is control at the top but freedom down the line at each echelon for individual commanders to make decisions. This builds trust up and down the chain of command and produces freedom and flexibility throughout all of the force structures. Let’s apply this spiritually by looking at the Trinity and the Body of Christ. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus stated that all authority was given to Him. He also said in the Gospels that He […]

War on Spiritual Terrorism

[…]exists in our physical world. We are engaged now in a global war against this form of terrorism. This is a new application of an ancient form of warfare devised by our adversaries to counter our greater conventional strength. Many of us will be directly involved in training, equipping, employing, planning, and leading soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines to fight this new adversary. But in order to “win” in this protracted conflict, we must recognize that there really is a fight between good and evil. Irregular warfare has been raging since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. […]

Six Generations: 2

[…] he was a Plebe, at a similar recognition. The tradition behind the coin transfer was this. The coin was to be given to a cadet who exemplified Christian character and leadership during his first year at West Point. It symbolized the faithfulness of a generation of men who were willing to risk ridicule and perhaps spiritual persecution while living a godly life as a cadet. Being recognized not only as an upperclassman, but as a spiritual leader with responsibilities to the Lord and to his fellow cadets was a distinct honor…and an awesome charge. I felt a deep awe […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]that hour. I answered it and the voice on the other end said, “Lieutenant Willey, sir, this is Specialist Fred Staples”…Staples was a machine-gunner in my rifle platoon and not one of the stellar performers. In fact, there were rumors going around the platoon that Staples was into drugs, both using and pushing, and we were simply waiting for an opportunity to catch him in the act and remove him as a bad influence on the other young troops. Now, I figured, was our chance. I suspected he was calling from the jail downtown and needed me to bail him […]

Follow Me

[…]by any means, in the corporate world, in politics, and even in the military. Whether it is the Romans of the first four centuries A.D., the Papacy during the Middle Ages, or the efforts of several European states to exert power in the seventeenth through nineteenth centuries, man has constantly sought to lead others in a manner that subjugates the weak. This style of leadership often resulted in rebellion and revolt. The conquered tribes of Northern Europe revolted against the Roman Empire, Protestant Reformers rebelled against the Church of Rome, the American colonies revolted against Great Britain, and the people […]

How Shall We Pray?

[…]The clearest challenge to Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, Coastguardsmen, and their families is the Global War on Terrorism. The GWOT is real, dangerous, long, hard, and critical to the defense of our nation and the freedoms it represents. Add to this the personal challenges of sickness, the loss of loved ones, difficulties with a child in school, conflict with those with whom or for whom we work, and relational issues with those we love. And then there are the challenges involving relationships with the Lord, both from inside the body and from the culture in which we live. Each day […]

Implicit Trust

[…]was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed” (Isa. 53:5 KJV). This Good News of Salvation, is the substitution of Christ, Son of God, as the spotless, unblemished Lamb of Calvary suffering and dying under the load of sin and judgment in the sinner’s place. And that’s all of us, “For all have sinned…” says God’s word. Christ having been lifted up, God promises that all who look on Him in simple faith and trust shall live eternally. In this manner a sinner becomes a saint. It is not by prayer or holy living, not by deeds of […]

Soldiers of Faith: Washington

[…]Washington shape the virtue of the army? Early on, he carried strong faith into his public life. This is evident from the following entries in his prayer journal: Let my heart, therefore, gracious God, be so affected with the glory and majesty of (Thine honor) that I may not do my own works, but wait on Thee, and discharge those weighty duties which thou requirest of me. . .Thou gavest thy Son to die for me; and hast given me assurance of salvation, upon my repentance and sincere endeavor to conform my life to His holy precepts and example. These […]

What Are Parents to Do?

[…]His sovereign protection as Darren begins another deployment to a combat zone. Yes, the anxiety is there, the unknowns are great, and we can do nothing about his situation–at least by ourselves. But we can, and do, seek God’s loving embrace of Darren and his unit, and pray unceasingly that God will grant them safety, good health, strength, courage, and success in their mission. He is truly in God’s hands now. There were so many uncertainties as Darren began his first deployment. We were unsure of the environment and the type of operations he would be involved in. Our minds […]

Re-entry Reminders

[…]you’ve both been faithful to one another unless strong evidence indicates differently. Then seek wise counsel. Be open about changes that have occurred in your life–spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Avoid “who had it worse games.” Remember intimacy and sex are not the same thing. Accommodate, accommodate, accommodate. Meet small requests–like eating favorite foods three times a day. Listen, look, listen. Take it easy. Let things happen naturally. Old problems don’t disappear. Take time to share expectations and concerns before your spouse returns home. Soldiers’ sleeping patterns may vary. Spouses may need space–let them have as much time as needed. Realize […]
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