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First Bible Studies

[…]objectives meaningful to you. Discussion Format If you are unfamiliar with a discussion format Bible Study, you will see the nature–general approach and actual questions (with desired answers)–of such a study. Participants will see the type of Bible study most often used in OCF settings. So, if the participants are unfamiliar with this whole thing called “A Small Group Bible Study,” they get to participate in this “sampler” study. Application The application portion of this study will be both personal and organizational. By the latter, I mean that similarities will be emphasized between Nehemiah and the type of ministry OCF […]

A day in the life of OCF

[…]Larry is already mentoring an officer and Bobbie is making an hour-long drive to lead a women’s Bible study. Mike Tesdahl is also on the road, heading for an OCF dinner at another installation.  In Colorado, General Warner has an appointment with the King of the Universe, seeking Him first before tackling today’s diverse itinerary: budgets, speaking engagements and an extended East Coast trip. Sixty miles to the south, with Bible, journal and coffee in hand, Steve Wade is “talking to God about those I minister to before I talk to them about the God I love.”  Back in Kansas, […]

Members: Cast your vote now for OCF Council

[…]Eng Squadron, Seymour Johnson AFB, NC Ministry involvement: OCF member since 1998; OCF team, local Bible study leader, Conference Center Task Force II, Squadron Officer School and OTS Sunday School, Maxwell OCF. Anchor Points, LEAD!, ClimbOn!; Sunday school facilitator, parish council, community soup kitchen board, CGO Bible study and mentoring leader. Personal testimony: While searching for hope and healing after a hardship at the USAF Academy, a chaplain and a small group Bible study helped me see my spiritual need. I accepted Christ as my savior as a 2Lt. What is the biggest challenge you see currently facing OCF right […]

Starting an OCF Small Group Fellowship

[…]Meeting 1. Find a wingman. It may be your spouse or another couple if you are thinking of a home Bible study. Find a like-minded Christian co-worker for a workplace study. 2. Pray about starting a group, about who to invite, what to study, where to meet, time/place, etc. Let the Holy Spirit speak before launching on your own strength. 3. Invite initial participants. Face-to-face invitations work best. Using flyers, bulletin board announcements, or e-mail works better after you have an established group going. 4. Be prepared. Take a look at the many resources available on this OCF website to help […]

Professional Perspectives for Senior Officers

[…]of your authority. This could take the extreme, for example, of requiring subordinates to attend a Bible study. A more subtle behavior would be to act in such a way that your subordinates get the impression they must participate in chapel or OCF activities in order to gain your professional approval and a good efficiency (or effectiveness) report. Such a message can be sent without your awareness or intention. The other ditch, on the right, represents inactivity or silence about your faith. You fall into this ditch when you fail to integrate your faith and your professional duties in a […]
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Time, Talent, Treasure: Retirees

[…]We mentored a couple having marital difficulties, inviting the husband to dinner and weekly Bible study. He came to know the Lord during the nine months of Bible study, and decided to go back to his wife and family. That was twenty-nine years ago—and they are still together. Joe Orosz: We took time during meetings to pray for the designers and contractors who shared their lives—family members in the military, illnesses, etc. During Heritage House’s construction, we prayed for the superintendent’s family member during deployment to Iraq and prayed him safely home. The superintendent had never experienced that on any […]

OCF Groups and You

[…]of you left a great OCF group behind, but there’s no OCF study where you are or else the Bible study is very different. Now what? What should an OCF fellowship group look like in this new place? An OCF fellowship group can look like a lot of things—there is no “authorized” cookie-cutter model. However, sometimes it involves changing one’s perspective from merely a consumer to that of an owner. Many of us first encounter OCF where there are paid staff members and large existing groups, such as at the military academies, with fellowship, Bible studies, and service programs for groups […]

Waging Another War

[…]study groups also started up at nearby Patrol Bases (PBs). This was the first sign that these Bible study groups in pursuit of sexual purity were having a positive impact. The need was there. And God provided for the need as men of character stepped forward to help their fellow Soldiers. The men learned about the pitfalls of viewing sensual images, of how exposure to them is comparable to a drug addict getting a fix. Men get a chemical high from viewing sexually charged images through the hormone epinephrine that’s secreted into the bloodstream. Whatever stimulus is present at the […]

Six Generations: 1

[…]disciples for Christ and sharing their faith with others through prayer, fellowship, and Bible Study. In 1969–Jon’s last year and my first–Paul Stanley’s focus was on a handful of men he felt would carry on a ministry of multiplying disciples for the Lord. He (a second generation) invested his life in Jon (a third generation) and did many of the same kinds of things that Joe Caldwell did with him–prayer, Bible Study, evangelism experiences, and Scripture memorization. He was investing time in Jon’s life that would reap eternal rewards. Paul also took me under his tutelage and spent quality time, […]

Preparing for Active Duty

[…]study. If there is no OCF study, ask God if you should start one. A wealth of “user friendly” Bible study material is available on the OCF website.The point–stay connected with OCF. Don’t wait for someone to contact you. Be a leader who will make a Kingdom difference. Now, what can you expect from OCF at Maxwell? We see Maxwell as a spiritual “touchpoint.” Our ministry hope is reflected in this slogan: Touch people’s lives…Grow them deep…Commission them for service Active OCF Bible study groups exist at each of the professional military school here, and several evening Bible study groups […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: ROTC

[…]Tim’s OCF involvement ramped up when he and Penny were stationed in Hawaii—he later served as Bible study leader, area coordinator and on Council—Penny also “grew up OCF.” She regularly visited the conference centers with parents Fred and Ilene Stubbs, who also hosted neighborhood Bible study groups throughout their military days, and in recent years, served at the conference centers. The same biblical principles Tim and Penny infused into their own children’s spiritual lives—and reinforced by conference center ministry—is what they as “pathfinders” pour into the lives of the ECU cadets, helping them to “follow Christ and integrate their faith […]

OCF and Leadership

[…]their homes, in their units, and in the Christian community of their installation. The small group Bible study is our primary tool for this encouraging and equipping. One of our OCF staff members says we need to produce qualified elders. He is right, but “elders” is a church term that means different things in different denominations, so a more applicable term for us is leader. Military people understand leadership. Cadets at West Point know from day one that the mission of the Military Academy is “To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: Academies

[…]strength from God’s preparation for him through USNA OCF. Stepping out in faith, he leads a Bible study with other exchange students, praying that in addition to encouraging one another, they will also shine the light of Christ on those around them.  Austin: Seeing what OCF does, connecting people for life!  A couple years ago one of our senior girls led a group of plebes at our Tuesday night Bible study, and frequently met with each one outside of class. She would listen to their plebe year woes, record prayer requests, share Scripture, and bring them treats. And she’s continued, […]

Six Generations: 3

[…]as a Christian goes back to several formative experiences, not the least of which was a Bible study and discipleship program I experienced in Panama when I was a teenager. Many years after that…I dedicated myself to full-time Christian service, followed a call to the ministry and another call to the Army Chaplaincy.” While a Chaplain at Fort Benning, Georgia, for a mechanized infantry battalion, Timothy also led a ministry at a small chapel on the base. He was soon reassigned to Europe and found himself in a Germany-based artillery unit bound for Bosnia with another Army unit. He soon […]

Spiritual Battle Plans

[…]spiritual assumptions for my Bosnia deployment: There will be: No Chapel. No OCF or weekly Bible study. No other Christians in my immediate proximity. I will have: A high OPTEMPO. A non-regular work schedule. Limited time alone for personal devotions. More temptations than normal. A primitive support structure-spiritually and logistically. Less (or irregular) sleep/food than normal. Less exercise time than normal. Less time for hobbies/diversions. These assumptions then became the contingencies, just as in a military operation, for which I sought God’s guidance on how best to prepare. I asked God how I could be a godly ambassador despite factors […]

Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

[…]balance their ever changing, demanding schedules and constant deployments by regularly meeting for Bible study, and often times, meals. These OCF small groups often instantly become both family and lifeline to the attendees. And when emergencies arise, the small group members often rally together to provide meals, take care of children, and provide comfort and encouragement through prayer, Scripture and time spent together. Every Wednesday, Naval Base Kitsap OCFers gather at the aptly named Anchor of Hope church, filling long tables with delicious smelling casseroles, crockpots and salads. The kids eat quickly so they can get back to playing and […]
Read more » Time, Talent, Treasure: OCF small group fellowships

Service Separations

[…]closer walk with the Lord. Dig into the Bible a little deeper–get involved in some intensive Bible study on your own. Don’t overlook the possibilities in the wives’ groups. Seek out other wives in the same situation. Get them over for coffee, or a meal. Let your children get to know each other. If they know the Lord, you’ve found added fellowship. If they don’t, your own life and attitude can be a testimony to them of the sustaining power of God. One wife, when asked what was the hardest thing about separations, replied, “The physical work!” If you have […]

Six Generations: 2

[…]as fraternization. There was never any pressure to participate and Jon’s leading of these Bible study groups was personable yet scholarly and professional…and after duty hours. It would have been hard for anyone to find anything worth criticizing in the arrangement. The group usually met once during the week, in the evening, down in the basement of the cadet barracks where the quiet atmosphere supported a discrete study of the Bible. Participants, including members of the company other than Plebes, had to obviously be willing to sacrifice a portion of their evening that would have otherwise be devoted to studying […]

The Chaplain’s Role

[…]so that they can go back to their soldiers and hold small group services while out on patrol. Bible study groups are the only way some of these soldiers will have a chance to learn about the Lord while deployed. Don’t get me wrong, soldiers do not huddle in large groups for lengthy discussions. These soldiers must perform a fast discussion on a verse or topic, then end in prayer. Sometimes while on patrol, as the soldiers keep a vigilant watch, they ask questions about the Lord. I have learned something very valuable: This ministry is not about me as […]

What Works for New Officers?

[…]Effect your environment-don’t let it affect you. 4. If you get to your unit and can’t find a BIBLE STUDY, start one! See whom the Lord sends your way. Get support from your chaplains. Ask for their advice; they may even be able to buy study guides for your group. Start with an interesting study in which all can participate, like Luke or Philippians. Ask others for help. Make it fun, avoid controversial issues, and focus on simple truths for effective Christian living. Include prayer and praise. TIP: You can facilitate a study with those who are of higher rank […]

Situational Awareness

[…]light to those around you. Speak the truth expressed in the Bible. The implied task is to know the Bible, another benefit of your study groups. Then live as you speak, setting the moral example. Realize you won’t always be popular. Because you are a Christian some may not want to associate with you, but they may seek you out when they’re hurting. Be prepared to offer Christ as the answer. 3 – Take advantage of your unique position.Recognize you are unique and specially gifted to occupy your decisive position. Take advantage of the opportunities God presents. If you feel […]

Spiritual Success

[…]out like-minded Christians and participate in a chapel, a church congregation, a Bible study, or para-church organization. Read the Bible and pray daily if possible. Do it like Physical Training. Find a prayer partner to get with every week. When you are given the opportunity to talk to your platoon/unit, tell them who you are and include in a matter of fact way that you are a Christian. Do not preach to them; you are not paid to do that. Just inform them of the “stuff” that helps you make decisions. Be physically fit and try to set the standard […]

For All Leaders

[…]However, unlike happiness, our joy does not come from circumstances, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us to, “Rejoice in the Lord always…” (Phil. 4:4). Don’t let circumstances steal your joy. Your testimony in the midst of adverse circumstances may be what draws another to Jesus Christ. We’re also told in the Bible to, “Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Remember, it is a privilege, and should be a joy, to influence other lives through your leadership. Your time in command will […]

God, are you with me?

[…]USA. It is based on a story told during an OCF Bible study that he attends. A person in the Bible study told of a Soldier from his battalion who had fallen on hard times, but who found encouragement and hope from a letter he received from his little sister. Mario says he was inspired by that story and wrote about what the Soldier had gone through—”how I imagined the story evolved.”     He had been facing adversity, it seemed, at every waking moment. Too many small failures. Too many wrong words—both said and heard. Too many long days […]

Therefore We Will Not Fear

[…]to tell my new men what I believed and to encourage them to read their Bibles and to come to the Bible study which I had. In the rapid push north from Rome, however, I had neglected these men. I talked to them that evening about what it meant to me to believe in Jesus Christ; how He was my Saviour and could be theirs if they would open their hearts to Him. When I finished what I had to say, I went back to writing. Several of the men sat there and did not write any more. Some went […]

Mortal Enemies

[…]There, in the Japanese P.O.W. camp, he read and read—and eventually came to understand that the Bible’s message was relevant to him right there in his cell. The dynamic power of Christ changed DeShazer’s attitude toward his captors. His hatred turned to love and concern, and he resolved that should he be liberated, he would someday return to Japan to introduce others to this life-changing book. Looking for Answers The peaceful motivation I read about was exactly what I was seeking. Since the American found it in the Bible, I decided to purchase one myself, despite my traditional Buddhist heritage. […]

Rescue on the High Seas

[…]Alabama, my wife asked me how I was coming along in my Bible studies. To my shame, all of the Bible studies I brought with me were stuffed into a cabinet. I was resigned to leafing through the Bible from the beginning, as if reading a novel. Nonetheless, God spoke to me in my sluggishness, catching my attention with the book of Joshua, “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. […]

The Heartbeat of OCF

[…]on Leading Small Groups for an article with excellent advice by Jon Harris. Topics include prayer, Bible study, relationships and preparation to lead.  A downloadable PDF and other related articles are also available. If your OCF group is effectively meeting the participants’ needs, you will see the evidence of growing affection for each other and in their desire to share the experience with others. Important: To improve from there, OCF encourages that at least once a year the leader collect feedback by using the feedback form available on the OCF website. Growing OCF Groups Caution: if the group gets too […]

Kentucky – Fort Knox

Local Leader: LTC Bob Deckard, USA (Ret) Email: [email protected] Bible study leader: Dr. Tim Murphy Email: [email protected]. Day & Time: Tuesday at 1830 -2000. Location: Ft. Knox Religious Education and Religious Support Office Bldg. 4768, Room 7, 226 South 8th Armored Division Drive across the street from Prichard Place Chapel. Men and women’s discipleship study groups are available along with […]

California – Monterey

[…]Mondays, 1730-1900 Where: Wellspring Church, 141 14th St, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Our Bible study group welcomes anyone and everyone looking to connect with and study the word of God. We enjoy a small meal and fellowship with one another at the beginning of the meeting time. Please reach out to either of us for more […]

Virginia – Langley AFB

[…]News, Hampton, Yorktown and surrounding areas. We have a weekly potluck and fellowship at 1800 and study from 1900 – 2000. You are welcome to come at any time that is convenient for you, even if that means showing up at 1930. We are a diverse group composed of Active Duty, retirees, and reservists. Families are more than welcome. We have children ranging from ages 2 to 16 and a wonderful grandma who provides childcare on site if needed (the teenagers participate in the study with […]

How Should a Christian Live?

[…]out what works for you and where you fit in. It’s a common and natural part of growing up. The Bible teaches us that there is a much broader range of conduct that is permissible (not sinful) than the range of things that are beneficial to us. It also teaches moderation. Just about anything to excess can be destructive. Most of the instructions on right conduct in the Bible are principles, not laws. While many of our decisions and actions to act contrarily might not be sin, they generally prevent us from enjoying the abundant life that God promises, from […]

It Didn’t Surprise God

[…]the future, reassured them (and ourselves) of God’s goodness, answered their questions, read the Bible, and prayed several times. Zac, my six-year-old, assumed the worst and asked me straight-up if I would remarry when Mom died. I don’t remember my response, but I remember how that question captured my fears. And so began a journey of rich blessing for our family. Skipping forward thirteen months, Heather’s doctor told us that he could see no remnants of cancer. Glory to God! I skip forward because I prefer the BLUF (bottom-line up front) over suspense. But skipping forward neglects the many blessings […]

Keep the End in Mind

[…]have made in the lives of the men here! Do that at your deployed location. Be consistent in your Bible time; that encourages us greatly and builds you up. Get aggressive with the must do’s (whatever they are). Set goals again–short and long-term–so we can be ready when God shows us what’s next. Memorize Philippians 4:8 on the plane.” The words I wrote to Larry were ones I had to put into practice myself, a decision which made our time apart productive, and insured that we would stay in pace with each other. Near the end of that first letter […]

Let His Light Shine!

[…]the light from above into the dark spaces below. My question is, how is your light shining?  The Bible says, In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). In this present world, you’re fighting a spiritual battle as well as a physical one.  Ephesians 6 instructs us to fight the spiritual battle with the armor of God–the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, feet fitted with readiness, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. Examine these components and […]

Will you embrace the Christ of Christmas?

[…]as my personal Lord and Savior and am saved by His grace alone. Seek out other believers and a Bible-based church to help you grow in your faith.   OCF, which can be found at many installations across the nation, encourages small-group fellowship and Bible studies among its military members and families. Find a small group near you, and have a Merry […]

Some Thoughts for Christians

[…]truths of the Scripture start to impact him. But in the informal discussions–or in the sermon or Bible study–he hears the direct or implied message that all real Christians are political conservatives. Is he likely to return? Now consider a captain on leave from Iraq–hair in a high and tight, Ranger plate on the front of his pick-up, conservative bumper sticker on the back. He drops into a store-front church where the conversation focuses on how to survive the current administration and then reverse its policies. Is he likely to stay around to listen to the gospel? In conclusion, let […]

Three Looks

[…]situation with new followers to lead—stepping into the shoes of our now-deployed supervisor, Bible study leader, or colleague. As Christian officers desiring to exercise biblical leadership—faced with constant flux and in the process of growing in our capacity to lead—how can we best prepare for our next leadership role? I offer you three “looks.” Look Back Taking a reflective pit stop is critical, especially at our Indy 500 pace. “Experience is the best teacher” is a common, but incorrect, adage. Leadership experts now attest that evaluated experience is the best teacher. Here are a few questions to consider before you […]

Three Words

[…]in the integrity of your life. The man or woman people see in the chapel choir or the OCF Bible study will be the same man or woman they see in the company headquarters, on patrol, in his home, and at the unit hale and farewell. In 1967 I was the senior advisor to a Vietnamese ranger battalion. I wrote many letters to my wife during that year, but one, which perhaps meant the most to her, came not from me but from the wife of the Vietnamese major who commanded the battalion. She told Sandra how fortunate Sandra was […]
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